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Opinion Editorial
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Price of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine
daily aggression on the Palestinian people
and meaning of Al-Jazeerah
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localities, and tourist attractions
December 2004
Islam and the West The Need for a Bilateral
Talk By Habib Siddiqui
November 2004
Positive Response to Prophet From Madinah,
Adil Salahi
Difficulties for a New Muslim,
Adil Salahi
Do Tattoos Invalidate Prayers,
Adil Salahi
Treating People With Respect and Kindness,
Adil Salahi
Using the Word God for Allah,
Adil Salahi
Historical Accounts in the Quran,
Sayyid Qutb
The Inimitability of the Quranic Style,
Sayyid Qutb
Pilgrimage and Umrah Are Separate Duties,
Adil Salahi
Pilgrimage on Behalf of a Living Person,
Adil Salahi
When a Woman Wants Divorce,
Adil Salahi
Sparing People Any Embarrassment,
Adil Salahi
Exemption From Fasting,
Adil Salahi
Children’s Upbringing and Parents’ Responsibility,
Adil Salahi
Custody of Children and Courts’ Rulings,
Adil Salahi
What Invalidates Fasting,
Adil Salahi
October 2004
Fasting: Worship by Abstention,
Adil Salahi
Number of Rak’ahs in Taraweeh,
Adil Salahi
Winning Peoples Hearts,
Adil Salahi
Marriage, Divorce and Islamic Requirements,
Adil Salahi
Differences in Worship Practices,
Adil Salahi
A Few
Comments on Tafsir of the Qur'an
By Habib Siddiqui
Erasing Sin Through Repentance,
Sayyid Qutb
Share of Inheritance From Grandfather,
Adil Salahi
Uttering Not Even a Bad Word,
Adil Salahi
Voluntary Prayers and Illness,
Adil Salahi
What Does Islam Say About
Magic, Adil Salahi
August 2004
Interesting Numerical Findings
From the Holy Qur'an By
Tariq Al Swaidan
The Quranic Descriptions of Heaven and
Misunderstandings, Adil Salahi
What the Quran Teaches Gods Signs in the Universe,
Sayyid Qutb
Worthless Luxuries,
Adil Salahi July 2004
Amir Ali
Islam Considers Modesty Part of Faith,
Adil Salahi
Certain Traditional Practices After a Person’s Death,
Adil Salahi
Marking the Prophets Birthday,
Adil Salahi
Straight Talk With the Prophet,
Adil Salahi
Unacceptable Use of the Prophets Name,
Adil Salah
Modesty A Source of
Goodness, Adil Salahi
What Quran Teaches Two Widely Divergent Ends,
Sayyid Qutb
Financing the Pilgrimage of Relatives Is
Permissible, Adil Salahi
Addressing People With What Suits Them,
Adil Salahi
Pilgrimage and Unsettled Debts,
Adil Salahi
Islam Abhors All Types of Hypocrisy,
Adil Salahi
Permissibility of Life Insurance,
Adil Salahi
Punishment in the Grave,
Adil Salahi
Fate of Earlier Unbelievers,
Sayyid Qutb
Obligatory Bath and Risk of Illness,
Adil Salahi
The Time Span of Quranic Revelations,
Sayyid Qutb
Mosques Not Facing the Qiblah,
Adil Salahi
Good Manners in All Situations,
Adil Salahi
Islamic Advocacy in Practice
2 Advocating Islam in All Situations,
Adil Salahi
Additions and Innovations,
Adil Salahi June 2004
Violence in Islam
By M. Amir Ali
Committing Suicide Is Strictly
Forbidden in Islam,
Adil Salahi
The Message That Represents the Truth,
Adil Salahi
Clearing Suspicion,
Adil Salahi
Intention Counts When Pronouncing a Divorce,
Adil Salahi
A Day of Dire Distress for Unbelievers,
Sayyid Qutb
No Repeat of Prayer Necessary,
Adil Salahi
Assured Heaven for Children,
Adil Salahi
A Day Boding Ill for Unbelievers,
Syed Qutb
Divorce During Wife’s Illness,
Adil Salahi
Pilgrimage and Sins Against Others,
Adil Salahi
Thoughts and Actions,
Adil Salahi
Qur’an: The Word of God,
Adil Salahi
Missed Prayer and Advance Zakah,
Adil Salahi
No Angel Messenger Sent to Mankind,
Sayyid Qutb
Traditional Practices and Islam,
Adil Salahi
Can Zakah Be Paid to Non-Muslims
Adil Salahi
Certain Qualities of Believers,
Adil Salahi
Accusations Against Mu'awiyah,
Adil Salahi
Reward Continuing After One's Death,
Adil Salahi
Should Women Go to Mosques?
Adil Salahi May
Denying Resurrection,
Sayyid Qutb
Quoting a Hadith in Paraphrase,
Adil Salah
Prohibition of All Types of Gambling,
Adil Salahi
Muawiyah An Ideal Ruler,
Adil Salahi
Overdue Share of Inheritance,
Adil Salahi
The Prophet Changed Names When Necessary,
Adil Salahi
The Prophets Personality,
Sayyid Qutb
Equal Treatment for Sons and Daughters,
Adil Salahi
The Prophet Took Extra Care of
His Companions, Adil
Accusations Without Basis,
Sayyid Qutb
Repentance and Committing the Same Sin,
Adil Salahi
A Son’s Prayer for Deceased Parent,
Adil Salahi
Dispute Over the Prophet’s Inheritance,
Adil Salahi
The Washing and Shrouding of
the Deceased
A High Standard of Piety and
Commitment, Adil Salahi
A Source of Eternal Inspiration and Guidance,
Khaled AlMaeena
Sacrifice and Physical Restrictions,
Adil Salahi
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
Quran By Omar Edaibat
Guidance From the Prophet: Immediate Compliance With Divine Orders,
Adil Salahi
Marriage Without Parents’ Knowledge,
Adil Salahi
What The Qur'an Teaches: Accusations With No Semblance of Proof,
Sayyid Qutb
The Noble Status of the
Prophets Companions,
Adil Salahi
No Compulsion in Religion,
Adil Salahi
Lecture on Islam and Hinduism,
Arab News
A Man Has No Claim on His Wifes Salary,
Adil Salahi
Guidance From the Prophet What to Say Before Going
to Bed, Adil Salahi
What The Quran Teaches False Are Arguments,
Sayyid Qutb
Islams Message Is Peace, Says
UAE Scholar, Arab News
Personal Responsibility and Substitute
Haj, Adil Salahi
The Arbitration on Ali’s Dispute,
Adil Salahi
How to Distinguish True From False,
Sayyid Qutb
More Supplication as We Go to Bed,
Adil Salahi
Zakah on Investment and Its Accumulation,
Adil Salahi
The Arbitration Myth and Reality,
Adil Salahi
Young Person Leading Prayers,
Adil Salahi
Seeking Gods Guidance,
Adil Salahi
Uthmans Martyrdom and the Verdict on Alis Status,
Adil Salahi
Dubai Meet to Highlight Scientific Facts in the
Fighting During Alis Reign,
Adil Salahi
Praising God Before Going to Sleep,
Adil Salahi
To Whom Zakah Should Be Paid,
Adil Salahi
Paying Zakah to Employees,
Adil Salahi
Dispute Over Uthmans Killers,
Adil Salahi
The Acceptable Length of Beard,
Adil Salahi
God’s Name and the Figure 786,
Adil Salahi
Good Manners With the Prophet,
Sayyid Qutb
The Deepest and Most Profound Journey Into Islam,
Issa Daniel Mark
Relaxed Rules at Home,
Sayyid Qutb
Women in the State of Ihraam,
Adil Salahi
A Practice Contrary to Islamic Teachings,
Adil Salahi
Reports False and Baseless,
Adil Salahi
Congregational Prayers,
Adil Salahi
Mobile Phones in Mosques, Adil Salahi
Moral Values at Home, Sayyid Qutb
Morning and Evening Supplication, Adil Salahi
Selling What One Does Not Own,
Adil Salahi
Highlighting the Best Characteristics,
Adil Salahi
Divorce Granted by a NonMuslim Judge,
Adil Salahi
Not Included in God’s Promise,
Sayyid Qutb
Controversy Over March to Basra,
Adil Salahi
Zakah Is an Individual Duty,
Adil Salahi
The Pilgrimage Happiness Pure and Simple,
Adil Salahi
The Road to True Success,
Sayyid Qutb
Payment of Zakah on Residential Property for Ones
Own Use, Adil Salahi
A Wedding in the Month of Muharram,
Adil Salahi
Full Obedience to God,
Sayyid Qutb
Good Manners in All Situations,
Adil Salahi
Ali's Troubled Reign,
Adil Salahi
Permissibility of Life Insurance,
Adil Salahi January
Guide Chart
Food Islamic Rules and Teachings
By Hassan El-Najjar
How Uthman Tried to Avoid Bloodshed,
Adil Salahi
Prayer as Qada, Adil
When a Loan May Not Be Returned,
Adil Salahi
Zakah on Savings for a Particular Purpose,
Adil Salahi.
A Defining Moment,
Khaled AlMaeena
Living in Sin
Tariq, A AlMaeena
The Purpose Of Life, the
Qur'an is the True Book of the True God By Khalid Yaseen
Guidance Pointing to the Straight Path,
Adil Salahi
Resistance to the Israeli Occupation, Adil
The Stoning A Symbol of
Complete Devotion, Adil
Six Questions About Islam,
Muslims and Jews By
Hassan El-Najjar and Andee Goldman
The Blessings of Al-Masjid Al-Haram
in Makkah By Shawana A.
Haj, Pilgrimage, Rituals in details
Arafat: The Pinnacle of the Pilgrimage,
Adil Salahi
Participating in a New Form of Lottery,
Adil Salahi
Inheritance by Two Wives,
Adil Salahi
Is the Veil Obligatory
Adil Salahi
Scholar of RenownAbd AlRazzaq
AlSanaani, Adil Salahi
Important Things to Remember in Tawaf,
Adil Salah
Snatching Eyesight Commentary,
Sayyid Qutb
Food: Islamic Rules and
Teachings By Hassan El-Najjar
How Uthman Tried to Avoid Bloodshed,
Adil Salahi
Prayer as Qada, Adil
When a Loan May Not Be Returned,
Adil Salahi
Zakah on Savings for a Particular Purpose,
Adil Salahi
Earth, a planet
hungry for peace |
The Israeli
apartheid (security) wall around Palestinian population centers
(Ran Cohen, pmc, 5/24/03). |
The Israeli
apartheid (security) wall around Palestinian population centers in
the West Bank, like a Python. (Alquds,10/25/03). |