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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


Example of the Palestinian people who are killed daily by the Israeli occupation apartheid genocidal regime:


Asma Maghari mourns her two Children, students grieve their teacher Manal Sulayman Badr, who were killed by Israeli genocidal air strikes on Gaza

November 20, 2023


The two children of Asma Maghari, who were killed by Israeli genocidal air strike on Gaza Strip, November 2023

Manal Sulayman Badr, a teacher and a mother of five, was killed by an Israeli genocidal air strike on her house, in Gaza Strip, on late October 2023

Mu'hammed Ali Sa'eed 'Owais, 25, died today from injuries he sustained two weeks ago by Israeli occupation soldiers' fire, in Jineen, November 20, 2023 Palestinian Mu'hammed Adil Sara'heen, 21, was
killed by Israeli occupation soldiers near Al-'Arroub
refugee camp, Hebron, November 20, 2023

"It was you, not me, who made it out alive": Palestinian mother mourns her martyred kids

November 20, 2023, GAZA, (PIC) +-

In very emotional words, Asma Maghari mourned her two children, who were killed in an Israeli air strike on their family house in Gaza Strip.

"It has been seventeen days, my love! It was you, not me, who made it out alive. I was left in the most horrible and vile world that had betrayed me and taken you away," she wrote on Instagram.

"Although I feel completely broken, I am content with God's decree, even though it is difficult for me. You had said to me the day before: We hope we do not get hit by a missile, that our house does not get destroyed, and that we do not die," the bereaved mother wrote.

"I’m sorry, my love, if I couldn’t protect you and keep you in my arms. If only we could carry on the happy lives we once shared together," she said.

She concluded saying, "Heaven, my darling, will be your final destination. Love, you no longer need to be afraid, and you will not wake up frightened by the sound of missiles. It’s over!"

Since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7, more than 40,000 people have been killed, wounded, or reported missing under the rubble.

Manal Badr, the martyr teacher who memorized the Quran

November 20, 2023, GAZA, (PIC) +-

Manal Sulayman Badr, a teacher in the besieged enclave of Gaza, beloved by her students as a compassionate mother, aimed to achieve a bright future for them as her own five children.

Her colleagues commended her highly saying, "Manal is a dedicated and giving teacher, and she is kind-hearted." One of them elaborated, saying, "She is one of the most sincere people I have ever dealt with in my life."

She added that Manal, "memorized the Quran and everyone loved her. I always felt that this world didn’t deserve her, and that is why martyrdom suits her."

Her colleague continued, "Manal was very ambitious. Despite having five children in her life, she always tried to develop herself. For example, in her free time at school, she would learn English or summarize seminars and lectures written by scholars."

At the end of last October, the abhorrent Israeli occupation, hating righteous and reformist women like Manal, targeted her modest house with the most powerful weapons, and she was martyred along with three of her children, leaving behind two others to remember her and walk in the footsteps of this noble mother.

It should be noted that "They are not numbers" is a series that highlights some of the stories of Palestinian martyrs in the Israeli aggression. Every day, a new brief biography is presented about one of those martyrs.

Since October 7th, the Israeli occupation forces have been carrying out a genocide in the Gaza Strip through air, land, and sea, resulting in over 40,000 casualties, including martyrs, missing persons, and injured Palestinians, as a form of revenge against Palestinian civilians.

Palestinian man shot dead by Israeli occupation regime soldiers in south of West Bank

HEBRON, Monday, November 20, 2023 (WAFA) –

A Palestinian was shot and killed this morning by Israeli occupation regime soldiers near Al-'Arroub refugee camp in the south of the West Bank, according to local and Palestinian security sources.

They told WAFA that the Israeli occupation regime soldiers opened fire at a car with two people in it when it was near 'Arroub refugee camp, hitting Mu'hammed 'Adil Sara'heen, 21, from the town of Bait 'Ola, northwest of Hebron.

The soldiers prevented ambulances from approaching Sara'heen while he was left bleeding for a while until he died, after which the soldiers turned over his body to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Witnesses said the Israeli occupation forces chased a car with Sara'heen and another person in it, shooting heavily at it for no clear reason.

As the car reached the entrance to the refugee camp, the soldiers manning a military tower opened fire at it hitting Sara'heen, who later died. The other person, whose identity and condition were not clear, was abducted.


Palestinian youth succumbs to wounds by Israeli gunfire in Jineen (Jenin)

RAMALLAH, Monday, November 20, 2023 (WAFA) -

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said on Monday evening that a Palestinian youth died as a result of being shot by occupation bullets in Jineen (Jenin) about two weeks ago.

The Ministry said that Mu'hammed Ali Sa'eed 'Owais, 25, died from critical injuries he sustained about two weeks ago during the occupation’s aggression against the city of Jineen and its camp.


Israeli Occupation Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Near Al-Khaleel (Hebron)

 IMEMC, NOV 20, 2023

On Monday dawn, Israeli occupation soldiers killed a young Palestinian man and seriously injured another near the Al-'Arroub refugee camp, north of Al-Khaleel (Hebron) in the occupied West Bank’s southern part, after firing many live rounds at his car.

The soldiers fired a barrage of live rounds at a car driving near the Al-'Arroub refugee camp, killing the driver, Mu'hammed Adil Sara'heen, 21, from Bait 'Ola town, northwest of Hebron.

Palestinian medics rushed to the area, but the soldiers stopped them and refused to allow them to reach the heavily bleeding young man until he succumbed to his wounds.

The medics were eventually allowed to reach Mu'hammed and moved his corpse to a hospital in Hebron.

Local sources said the shooting occurred when the soldiers chased a car with two Palestinians in it and fired dozens of live rounds at it.

They added that the two Palestinians exited the car and started running way when the soldiers shot them once they reached the main road near the refugee camp, killing Mohammad and seriously wounding the other Palestinians before taking him to an unknown destination.

The soldiers who shot the two Palestinians were stationed in the fortified military tower at the entrance of the refugee camp.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army abducted, at dawn Monday, least 48 Palestinians from their homes in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including 21 from Hebron, among them many siblings.

On Sunday morning, a large Israeli occupation army force invaded, in the early morning hours of Sunday, the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, killing a disabled Palestinian man, 'Isam Husain Al-Fayid, 46, and abducting nine young men.

On Sunday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded the Deheishe refugee camp south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank and killed a young man, 'Omar Al-La'h'ham, 20.

Also Sunday dawn, Israeli soldiers shot four Palestinians in the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus and the Qalandya refugee camp north of the occupied capital, Jerusalem.

On Saturday, the Palestinian Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Committee has confirmed Saturday the death of another political prisoner in an Israeli prison, bringing the number of detainees who died in captivity since October 7 to six.

The Committee stated that Tha-ir Samee'h Abu Asab (38 years old) from Qarawat Bani Hassan town, northwest of Salfeet in the central West Bank, had died in an Israeli occupation prison.

Early Saturday dawn, the Israeli army fired a missile at a home in the center of the Balata refugee camp, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, killing five Palestinians and injuring at least two, in addition to causing extensive damage.


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