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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

Lust for Palestinian Blood Continues, in Day 59 of Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza, with 15,899 deaths and 42,000 injuries

December 4, 2023


Video showing the assassination of two Palestinian children in Jineen today by Israeli occupation regime soldiers:


 Initial reports, by December 4, 2023:

The Israeli genocidal war on the Palestinian people in Gaza, since October 7, resulted in a death toll of more than 15,899 people, including more than 6,500 children and over 4,500 women. There are more than 7,000 who are missing under the rubble.

In addition, there are 42,000+ Palestinians who were injured, during the the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza

The systematic Israeli genocidal air strikes resulted in the complete destruction of more than 50,000 housing units, and more than 300,000 damaged housing units.

In addition, 281 health personnel were killed and hundreds were injured, 56 ambulances were destroyed while on duty, killing and injuring their crews, and destroyed 56 health institutions. As a result of the strikes and lack of fuel, 26 hospitals and 46 primary care centers are not functioning.

By December 4, 2023:

There were 262 Palestinians who were killed, 3,214+ who were injured, and 3,620 who were abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. 

Pro-Palestinian peace activists lift their red-stained hands up in protest against US Secretary of State, Blinken, during a Congressional hearing, on October 31, 2023 A Palestinian child who was a victim of an Israeli genocidal air strike on
Rafa'h, December 3, 2023
More than 30 people were killed, others were injured in an Israeli genocidal airstrike on Al-Zaytoun and Al-Shuja'iya neighborhoods, east of Gaza City, December 4, 2023 Aftermath of the Israeli bombing of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital in Bait Lahya,
north of Gaza, December 4, 2023
Funeral procession in Salfeet for two Palestinians who were killed yesterday by Israeli occupation forces and illegal settlers, December 4, 2023 A Palestinian child, who was severely injured by an Israeli genocidal
air strike on Gaza Strip, being treated on a hospital floor, for lack
of beds, December 4, 2023

ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóÜٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

"ãöäú ÃóÌúáö Ðóٰáößó ßóÊóÈúäóÇ Úóáóìٰ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó Ãóäøóåõ ãóäú ÞóÊóáó äóÝúÓðÇ ÈöÛóíúÑö äóÝúÓò Ãóæú ÝóÓóÇÏò Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÝóßóÃóäøóãóÇ ÞóÊóáó ÇáäøóÇÓó ÌóãöíÚðÇ"  (ÇáúãóÇÆöÏóÉõ ¡ 5: 32).

"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus, peace be upon him, started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic names as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.

Click here for more about using the apostrophe and the underlining of letters in the transliteration of Arabic names.


UNICEF: Gaza is facing its worst bombardment since October 7

Monday 4-December-2023, NEW YORK, (PIC) 

Southern Gaza is currently facing its worst bombardment since the beginning of Israeli genocidal war on the besieged enclave began on Oct. 7, a UNICEF spokesman said on Sunday.

“This is the worst bombardment of the war right now in south Gaza. I am seeing massive child casualties,” James Elder said on X.

He added, “We have a final warning to save children and our collective conscience.”

In a separate interview, Elder said he felt like he was “running out of ways” to describe the horrors children in the Gaza Strip face.

“I feel like I’m almost failing in my ability to convey the endless killing of children here,” he noted.

The Israeli army resumed bombing the Gaza Strip early Friday after declaring an end to a week-long humanitarian pause.

Israel launched relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7. (More than 15,899) Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been killed in the attacks since then.


59th day of the Israeli genocidal war on Ghazza (Gaza), forced displacement and genocide

Monday 4-December-2023, GAZA, (PIC)

The Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip entered its 59th consecutive day on Monday, with intensified Israeli airstrikes, artillery shelling, and forced displacement, as well as more massacres and acts of genocide, while the infiltration axes witnessed fierce clashes and heroic resistance.

The PIC correspondent reported that the Israeli aircraft, artillery, and naval forces carried out hundreds of airstrikes and shelling operations across various parts of the Gaza Strip, resulting in dozens of martyrs and wounded.

He added that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continue to focus their intense shelling on Khan Younus in southern Gaza and on the northern and eastern areas of the Strip while issuing more orders for forced displacement.

Civilian casualties were reported as a result of the IOF shelling of a school housing displaced people in the Beit Lahia project, north of the Gaza Strip.

Five citizens were martyred in the Israeli aircraft’s shelling of a mosque in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

More civilian casualties were suffered as a result of the IOF targeting of a house in the Baraka area in Dair El-Bala'h, central Gaza Strip.

Four citizens from the Al-Nadar family were martyred as a result of the Israeli warplanes’ shelling of several houses in the vicinity of the Al-Nadar station in Jabalya, northern Gaza Strip.

Israeli warplanes targeted a house belonging to the Al-Batsh family in the center of Jabalya city, north of the Gaza Strip, resulting in injuries to a number of civilians and significant damage to neighboring houses.

The IOF artillery shelled the eastern part of the northern Al-Buraij refugee camp, accompanied by sounds of clashes in the area, while fighter jets carried out a series of airstrikes in the north and south of the central governorate.

Israeli warships shelled the coasts of Rafa'h and Khan Younus.

Casualties were reported in an Israeli airstrike that targeted houses in the Al-Qasaseeb neighborhood of Jabalya camp, north of the Gaza Strip.

In the morning, Israeli warplanes launched a series of airstrikes west of Khan Younis. They targeted two houses belonging to the Far'han family on Al-Qahwaji Street, opposite the municipality of Bani Suhaila, east of Khan Younus.

The IOF shelled Palestine Square and the vicinity of the Baptist Hospital in the center of Gaza City.

At dawn today, three martyrs were killed and others were injured in an Israeli airstrike that targeted a house belonging to the Al-Yazouri family near the Shabora Cemetery in the center of Rafa'h. There are also reports of missing individuals.

The IOF shelled the Ministry of Endowments building in Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza Strip, while continuing artillery shelling on the town of Al-Qarara, northeast of Khan Younus, and on the neighborhoods of Al-Tuffa'h and Al-Shuja’iya in the east of Gaza City.

Three members of the Civil Defense crews were martyred and a number of others were injured as a result of the IOF shelling of the Al-Sanafour point in Al-Tuffa'h neighborhood, east of Gaza. Among the injured were the director of the ambulance and emergency department and the media spokesman.

The Israeli air strikes continue to target several houses in Jabalya camp, the latest of which was the Abu Obeid house in Block 5, with reports of several civilians trapped under the rubble.

Israeli warplanes targeted a house belonging to the Shurrab family near the Grand Mosque in the center of Khan Younus, resulting in the martyrdom of a 36-year-old woman, Noha Na'eem Saleh Al-Agha, and the injury of others, including children.

A citizen and his wife were martyred as a result of the IOF shelling of a house belonging to the Fayad family in the town of Al-Qarara, northeast of Khan Younus.

Israeli warplanes targeted a house belonging to the Al-Yazouri family near the Shabora Cemetery in the center of Rafa'h. Israeli warplanes also carried out airstrikes along with continuous artillery shelling on the Shuja’iya and Tuffa'h neighborhoods in eastern Gaza City.

Israeli warplanes targeted a house in the Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza Strip, and launched intense airstrikes on the eastern areas of Gaza City.

Nine martyrs and a number of injuries were reported as a result of the IOF shelling of a house belonging to the Al-Jazzar family in the Al-Tanour neighborhood, east of Rafa'h, southern Gaza Strip.

Israeli warplanes targeted the Al-Sham’a Mosque in the Zaytoun neighborhood, and there are injuries at the site.

The occupation aircraft targeted Kamal 'Adwan Hospital in Bait Lahya, resulting in numerous martyrs and injuries.

The Director-General of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Muneer Al-Bursh, said that the IOF is trying to advance towards Kamal 'Adwan Hospital to besiege it, and there are dozens of martyrs in the hospital yard that they could not bury.

For his part, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ka'hlout, the director of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital, confirmed to Al-Jazeera TV Channel that the hospital cannot be evacuated as long as there are patients and critically ill children in the intensive care unit, in addition to the wounded and displaced. He said that they prioritize cases and only perform surgeries to save the wounded, as they are unable to care for them after the operations.

Israeli warplanes carried out a new airstrike in the Bait Lahya project in the northern Gaza Strip.

After midnight, the Israeli warplanes targeted Al-Baraka bakery and the orphans house association on Al-Bi’ah Street in Dair El-Bala'h.

On the ground, the Israeli occupation forces have been expanding their incursion and invading the buffer zone between Khan Younus and Dair El-Bala'h since yesterday, amidst fierce clashes with the Al-Qassam Brigades, who managed to detonate several vehicles and prevent those forces from advancing towards Khan Younus so far.

Clashes and battles continue on all axes of the incursion in Gaza Strip.


Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

On Day 59 of the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip, the spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, Dr. Al-Qidra, announced through tv stations, that an initial Palestinian death toll was 15,899 and injuries were more than 42,000.

GMO condemns the Israeli targeting of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital

Monday 4-December-2023, GAZA, (PIC)

The Palestinian government media office (GMO) in Gaza condemned on Monday the Israeli bombing of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital in Bait Lahya, north of Gaza.

The hospital attack is a serious violation of the provisions of international and humanitarian law and of the most basic values of humanity, the GMO said.

It further noted that the targeting “demonstrates the existence of an integrated and approved Israeli plan aimed at eliminating the health sector, including hospitals.”

The GMO called on the international community, led by the US, to end its green light for the Israeli war machine against the Gaza Strip.

Since the start of the aggression 59 days ago, the Israeli occupation has bombed more than 14 hospitals in the Gaza and North Gaza governorates.

According to the GMO, 280 health personnel were killed and hundreds more injured, while 35 doctors were detained, led by the director of Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Dr. Mu'hammed Abu Salmiya.

Four civilians were killed and nine others were injured, after Israeli warplanes targeted the gate of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip this morning.

Kamal 'Adwan Hospital is housing more than 10,000 displaced people who have sought refuge in the medical facility.

The Israeli army resumed bombing the Gaza Strip early Friday after declaring an end to a week-long humanitarian pause.

Israel has launched relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7. More than 15,500 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been killed in the attacks since then.

More than 30 Palestinians killed in a new Israeli massacre in northern Gaza Strip

GAZA, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) -

More than 30 Palestinians were killed today and others were injured in an airstrike targeting inhabited homes in the Al-Zaytoun and al-Shuja'iya neighborhoods, east of Gaza City in the north of the Gaza Strip, according to WAFA correspondent.

He said Israeli warplanes bombed dozens of homes in the Al-Zaytoun and al-Shuja’iya neighborhoods, which led to at least 30 people killed, the majority of whom were children, and the wounding of others.

Warplanes had bombed a group of civil defense crews in the Al-Tuffa'h neighborhood, resulting in two deaths, 10 others injured, and the destruction of the location.

WAFA correspondent said the Israeli occupation artillery was surrounding Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, specifically the old town of Gaza City, amid heavy bombing from warplanes and drones.

In a related context, the Red Crescent Society said paramedic Osama Tayih, 37, a volunteer first responder with the Red Crescent Ambulance in Al-Falouja area in Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, was killed after he refused to leave northern Gaza for the south and insisted on continuing to provide emergency health care services to the people. Another one was injured.


Dozens killed and injured in the ongoing violent Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip

GAZA, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) -

Dozens of people were killed and injured at dawn today during a series of violent Israeli strikes on various areas of the Gaza Strip.

In the south of the Gaza Strip, occupation warplanes bombed a house in the city of Rafa'h, killing three people, while others remain under the rubble.

Nine people were killed and dozens injured in an Israeli airstrike on the Al-Tannour neighborhood, east of Rafa'h.

Journalist Shaima al-Jazzar and her family were killed in an Israeli airstrike of their home in the city of Rafa'h.

The occupation warplanes also bombed a house in the center of the city of Khan Younus, which led to the killing of a woman and the injury of at least eight other people, in addition to the killing of two people and wounding of two others in an attack on the town of Al-Qarara, northeast of Khan Younus. The occupation artillery also bombed the eastern area of the city.

In Gaza City, occupation warplanes and artillery launched violent raids on Al-Shuja'iya and al-Tuffa'h neighborhoods, east of the city, killing three civil defense crews and wounding others.

Local sources said a child was killed in a raid that targeted a house in Nusayrat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, in addition to a bombing that targeted Palestine Square and the vicinity of the Baptist Hospital in the center of Gaza City.

The occupation warplanes also bombed a house in the al-Baraka area in Dair El-Bala'h in the central Gaza Strip.

In the northern Gaza Strip, medical sources said five people were killed in the bombing of a mosque in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City, in addition to the death and injury of dozens in another bombing that targeted the Atallah family’s home on A-Nafaq Street in the city.

The occupation warplanes targeted several inhabited homes in Jabalia refugee camp, leading to the death and injury of dozens, in addition to the bombing of homes in Bait Lahya and Bait 'Hanoun.

At midnight, the occupation warplanes targeted the northern gate of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital in Jabalya with a missile fired by an Israeli reconnaissance plane, which led to the death and injury of dozens of people.


Israeli occupation regime drone shells entrance of Kamal Adwan hospital in Gaza, several people killed and injured

GAZA, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA)-

Several civilians were killed and injured, including children and women, in a pre-midnight Israeli genocidal air strike that targeted the northern gate of Kamal 'Adwan Hospital, in Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, said sources.

An Israeli drone fired a missile targeting the northern gate of Kamal 'Adwan hospital, killing at least four people, and wounding at least nine others.

Over 10,000 displaced people are seeking shelter at the hospital.

Local sources said that the ongoing intensive Israeli strikes left people unable to bury the bodies that were left on the ground in front and inside the hospital, stating that over 35 bodies needed to be buried.

According to sources, at least 99 bodies have been brought to Kamal 'Adwan Hospital since Sunday morning.

In a later development, Israeli warplanes shelled residential blocks around and near the hospitals in Bait Lahya and Jabalya, which resulted in the killing of and wounding of dozens of people. Sources said that the Kamal 'Adwan was packed full of injured people.

Israel continued its aggression against the Strip, launching in the past few hours a series of violent air raids on densely populated neighborhoods, leaving many killed and injured.

During the past 24 hours, the Israeli occupation committed many massacres across Gaza, bombing civilian homes without any prior warning as part of the genocide it is committing against the people of the Strip.

The toll of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7 rose to 15,523, in addition to 41,316 injured. Seventy percent of the victims were children and women. 281 health personnel were killed and hundreds were injured.

The occupation attacked and destroyed 56 ambulances while on duty, killing and injuring their crews, and destroyed 56 health institutions. As a result of the strikes and lack of fuel, 26 hospitals and 46 primary care centers are not functioning.


Twenty-seven civilians killed by Israeli genocidal airstrikes in Gaza's city of Rafa'h

GAZA, Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) - 

At least 26 civilians were killed this evening in Israeli strikes that targeted two houses in the city of Rafa'h, south of the Gaza Strip.

WAFA correspondents reported that at least 26 people were killed and dozens injured, in addition to several missing people, after Israeli warplanes bombed two houses belonging to Al-Hams family inside the Yibna refugee camp and Al-Bawwab family in the Al-Junaina neighborhood.


Israel expands ground invasion in Gaza's Khan Younus

GAZA, Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) -  

Israeli occupation forces expanded its ground invasion in Gaza and broke into the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, from the eastern border area in the Al-Qarara area, northeast of Khan Younus, towards Salah al-Din Street.

WAFA correspondent said that the occupation vehicles were stationed near the Al-Mahatheen Junction, amid heavy fire from warplanes and shelling from tanks, artillery, and aircraft.

Khan Yunus has been subjected to dozens of airstrikes and fire belts, especially the eastern area in the center of the city, killing at least 70 citizens and wounding hundreds, the majority of whom were children and women. A large number of them were transferred to the European and Nasser hospitals in the city, while there is still a large number of dead people under the rubble.

To be noted, there are hundreds of thousands of forcibly displaced people in Khan Younus who left their homes in Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip, and are now facing the risk of getting killed due to the ongoing heavy occupation raids.


Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Palestinian masses mourn three martyrs killed in the West Bank

Monday 4-December-2023, WEST BANK, (PIC)

Palestinian masses on Sunday turned out for the funeral procession of three Palestinians who were killed by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and illegal Israeli settlers during raids on Nablus, Qalqilya and Salfit cities of the West Bank.

The masses waved banners of Hamas and the other resistance movements and chanted slogans supportive of the resistance and calling for a response to the Israeli repeated crimes against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

The martyrs are 'Adnan Zaid, 21 from Qalqilya, A'hmed 'Aasi, 41, from Salfeet and the 14-year-old child Yazan 'Akoub from Nablus.

Martyr Zaid died of his sustained wounds after he was shot in the back and the abdomen by the IOF soldiers during their incursion into Qalqilya city.

As for Martyr 'Aasi, he died of his wounds after he was shot on Saturday by Israeli settlers who stormed the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan in Salfeet, opened fire at citizens and set fire to Palestinians’ houses and vehicles.

In Nablus, the child 'Akoub was shot on Saturday in an IOF shooting near Tel town. His body was detained for several hours by the IOF soldiers who blocked the movement of ambulance cars and prevented them from extending medical assistance to the child. His family received his body at dawn on Sunday.

Since October 7, the IOF has murdered 262 Palestinians in the West Bank, 63 of them in Jineen (Jenin), 42 in Tulkarm, 35 in Al-Khaleel, 35 in Nablus, 26 in Ramallah, 25 in Al-Quds (Occupied Jerusalem), 10 in Tubas, 9 in Qalqilya, 7 in Bait La'hm (Bethlehem), 7 in Aree'ha (Jericho), and 3 in Salfeet.

Palestinian killed in an Israeli occupation regime army raid of Qalandya camp

JERUSALEM, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) –

A Palestinian man identified as 'Ali Ibraheem 'Alqam, 33, was killed today during an Israeli occupation regime army raid of Qalandya refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, according to the Ministry of Health.

A large Israeli occupation army force raided Qalandya refugee camp and the nearby Kufr 'Iqab neighborhood where confrontations broke out and several people were injured, some critically, according to local and medical sources.

Local sources said at least 40 army jeeps raided the camp and neighborhood located beyond the apartheid barrier accompanied by a bulldozer.

Youths confronted the soldiers, who fired live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, and teargas canisters at them injuring at least 17 people, according to the Red Crescent.

It said 11 people were shot with live bullets, one injured by a live bullet shrapnel to the face and chest, two shot by a rubber bullet, one in the eye, and three from beating. All were taken to hospitals in Ramallah.

The Ministry of Health said four people were brought from Qalandya to Ramallah Medical Complex with critical injuries from live gunfire.

The soldiers, said the sources, broke and destroyed several shops in the area, destroyed goods such as eggs and cigarettes, and issued fines to cars parked on the main Ramallah-Jerusalem road.


Two Palestinians killed, others injured in an Israeli genocidal army raid of Qalqilya

QALQILYA, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) -

Two Palestinians were killed this morning and others were injured and abducted during an Israeli occupation regime army raid of the city of Qalqilya in the north of the West Bank, according to the Ministry of Health and local sources.

The Ministry of Health said the bodies of the two killed, who were not immediately identified, were seized by the army.

Local sources said the two were in a car when soldiers opened fire at them, killing them instantly.

Two others were injured and were transferred to Qalqilya Hospital.

Two were also detained.

According to Health Ministry data, the Israeli forces and colonists killed or caused the death of 464 Palestinians since the start of this year, including 256 killed since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza on October 7.


Israeli occupation forces raid northern Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem) neighborhood, injure several people

JERUSALEM, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) –

A large Israeli occupation army force today raided Kufr 'Iqab neighborhood and Qalandya refugee camp, north of Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem), where confrontations broke out and several people were injured, some critically, according to local and medical sources.

Local sources said at least 30 army jeeps raided the neighborhood located beyond the apartheid barrier and the nearby Qalandya refugee camp accompanied by a bulldozer.

Youths confronted the soldiers, who fired live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, and teargas canisters at them injuring at least 15 people, according to the Red Crescent.

It said 10 people were shot with live bullets, one injured by a live bullet shrapnel to the face and chest, one shot by a rubber bullet in the eye, and three from beating. All were taken to hospitals in Ramallah.

The Ministry of Health said four people were brought from Qalandya to Ramallah Medical Complex with critical injuries from live gunfire. 

The soldiers, said the sources, broke and destroyed several shops in the area and issued fines to cars parked on the main Ramallah-Jerusalem road.


Several Palestinians, including children, suffocate by tear gas by Israeli occupation soldiers in Al-Khaleel (Hebron) area

HEBRON, Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) –

Several Palestinians, including children, suffocated by tear gas during confrontations that broke tonight following an Israeli occupation army incursion into the Al-'Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron.

Local sources said that Israeli forces stormed the Al-'Arroub camp amid the firing of tear gas canisters and stun grenades, spurring confrontations with the camp residents, during which several people, including children, suffocated after inhaling tear gas fired by the army. They were all treated at the scene

In the meantime, confrontations erupted in the village of 'Husan, west of Bethlehem, and concentrated at the eastern entrance. Israeli occupation soldiers fired live bullets, tear gas canisters, and stun grenades toward residents, however, no one was injured in the army attack.

Forces also took over the rooftops of several homes in the village and turned them into military outposts.

In Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, forces stormed the camp after sealing off all its entrances, leading to confrontations, during which forces attacked the camp residents with live ammunition and tear gas and sound bombs. No injuries were reported.

A youth was reportedly detained after forces raided and searched his family home.


Israeli occupation regime forces assault Palestinian citizens in 'Hizma, near Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem)

JERUSALEM,  Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) - 

Israeli occupation forces Sunday evening attacked a number of citizens in the town of 'Hizma, north of Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).

Local sources said that the occupation forces stormed the town and beat up a number of citizens, after setting up a military checkpoint at its entrance and obstructing entry or exit.

The same sources added that the occupation soldiers abuse the townspeople morning and evening, especially while students head to and return from their schools, noting that the occupation surrounded the town from three sides, after the works to build a settler-only street on its northern side began.


Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

At least 60 Palestinians abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, raising total since October 7 to 3540

Israeli occupation forces detaining Palestinians in the occupied territories. (File)

RAMALLAH, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) –

The Israeli occupation forces today detained at least 60 Palestinians in raids at their homes in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Commission and Prisoner Society, which raises the total abducted West Bank Palestinians to 3540, since October 7.

They said most of the detentions were carried out in Duhaisha refugee camp in Bethlehem where 15 people were detained ranging in age between 19 and 62.

The Israeli forces raided Jericho and its refugee camps where they detained 10 people.

In the Ramallah governorate, the Israeli occupation soldiers abducted eight people from various villages and towns, including a man and his son in the town of Silwad, and a 34-year-old man from Jalazoan refugee camp who was beaten, house ransacked and walls torn down, and car destroyed.

Four university students were also detained in the town of Abu Dis, east of Jerusalem, and another was detained in Silwan neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem.


Aggression and Attacks by Illegal Israeli Settlers and Soldiers

Illegal Israeli settlers attack Palestinian civilians and bulldoze five dunums of land in the northern Jordan Valley

JORDAN VALLEY, Monday, December 4, 2023 (WAFA) –

Illegal Israeli settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation army, tonight attacked Palestinian residents in Khallit Ghazal in Al-Farisiya, in the northern Jordan Valley, according to one of the residents.

Lou-ai Abu Mo'hsin, a resident, told WAFA that the colonists threw stones at the tents, causing panic and horror among children and women. They also bulldozed about five dunums of land and planted them with wheat to seize the land.

He said the colonists attacked the same area more than a month ago, and attacked people’s homes and lands.

Abu Mohsen said the colonialist attacks forced several families to leave the area and head towards the eastern areas of the city of Tubas.

According to human rights activist 'Aarif Daraghma, 22 families have been forced to leave areas of the northern and central Jordan Valley since October 7 due to colonialist attacks.

Daraghma stressed that the colonists' attacks were a policy of forced displacement of Palestinian residents from the Jordan Valley to empty it to facilitate the colonists' seizing more lands.


Palestinian forced to self-demolish his home in Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem) town of Sour Bahir

 JERUSALEM, Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) –

A Palestinian resident of the town of Sour Bahir, southeast of Jerusalem, was forced today to demolish his own home after receiving a demolition order from the Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem citing unpermitted construction as a pretext.

Local sources said that resident Ayman 'Awadh, was forced today to self-demolish his home or else the Israeli municipality will demolish it and obligate him to pay the exorbitant costs.

Under the pretext of building without a permit, which is rarely granted to Palestinians in the occupied city, the Israeli municipality has been demolishing or forcing Palestinians to demolish their own houses as part of a policy aimed to restrict Palestinian expansion and growth in occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem find themselves compelled to tear down their homes after receiving a demolition order to avoid paying exorbitant costs to the Israeli municipality if it carries out the demolition.

Palestinians say they are forced to build without permits because the Israeli municipality discriminates against them and refuses to issue permits or places unreasonable conditions that they cannot afford to issue a permit.

At the same time, thousands of housing units are built for illegal Jewish Israeli settlers in the city on appropriated Palestinian lands and are made easily accessible to them.


Illegal Israeli settlers, backed by army, attack Bedouin community west of Aree'ha (Jericho)

JERICHO, Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) –

Illegal Israeli settlers, backed by Israeli occupation regime forces, attacked tonight a Palestinian Bedouin community in Wadi Qelt, west of Aree'ha (Jericho), according to local sources.

Nadir Ka’abna, a member of the community, told WAFA that dozens of colonists and military soldiers raided five residential dwellings in the Wadi Qelt area and subjected residents to interrogations, terrorizing children and women.

He said that the Bedouin community is often subjected to colonists and army attacks, which he stressed have increased in the past ten days in an attempt to drive the local residents out of the area for the benefit of settlement expansion.


Two children injured after they were shot by illegal Israeli settlers near Ramallah

RAMALLAH, Sunday, December 3, 2023 (WAFA) - 

Two Palestinian children were Sunday evening injured by illegal Israeli settlers' bullets in the village of Dair Qadees, west of Ramallah.

Security sources told WAFA that settlers stormed the Al-Muhallal area in the village and fired bullets at the citizens, wounding two children, aged 12 and 14, with live bullets. The sources said that one was shot in the foot and the other in the thigh, adding that they were subsequently taken to the hospital.



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