AIPAC's Financial Contributions to members of Congress

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The full list of AIPAC's financial contributions to members of Congress is found on the following website:

The following list is smaller and contains those members of Congress who have received larger amounts of money from AIPAC:*

Kyl, Jon                      (R-AZ): $77,000 - Senate

Feinstein, Dianne     (D-CA): $112,842 - Senate

Lantos, Tom              (D-CA): $68,660  - Senate

Berman, Howard       (D-CA): $55,450  - House

Harman, Jane             (D-CA): $57,071 - House

Filner, Bob                 (D-CA): $70,514 - House

Dodd, Christopher  (D-CT): $182,928 - Senate

Lieberman, Joseph  (D-CT): $226,508 - Senate

Gejdenson, Sam      (D-CT): $335,601 - House

Graham, Bob           (D-FL): $94,250    - Senate

Lewis, John            (D-GA): $64,150   - House

Akaka, Daniel        (D-HI): $93,500    - Senate

Durbin, Richard     (D-IL): $245,671  - Senate

Porter, John           (R-IL): $70,680    -  House

Evans, Lane          (D-IL):$74,793     - House

Burton, Dan          (R-IN): $60,900    - House

Lugar, Richard      (R-IN): $43,200    - Senate

Harkin, Thomas    (D-IA): $423,995 - Senate

McConnell, Mitch (R-KY): $285, 425 - Senate

Snowe, Olympia    (R-ME): $71,000    - Senate

Sarbane, Paul        (D-MD): $159,963 - Senate

Kennedy, Edward (D-MA): $66,120  - Senate

Levine, Carl           (D-MI): $564,858 - Senate

Levine, Sander      (D-MI): $86,527   - House

Lott, Trent             (R-MS): $67,200  - Senate

Gephardt, Richard (D-MO): $134,880 - House

Baucus, Max         (D-MT): $232,248  - Senate

Burns, Conrad      (R-MT): $165,010   - Senate

Kerry, Robert       (D-NE): $198,500    - Senate

Reid, Harry           (D-NV): $253,802    - Senate

Torricelli, Robert (D-NJ): $125, 652    - Senate

Saxton, James      (R-NJ): $53,650       - House

Bingaman, Jeff     (D-NM): $261,425  - Senate

Engel, Eliot           (D-NY): $98,668     - House

Lowe, Nita            (D-NY): $84,088     - House

Gilman, Benjamin (R-NY): $80,543     - House

Price, David          (D-NC): $51,827     - House

Conrad, Kent       (D-ND): $195,689    - Senate

Dogan, Byron      (D-ND): $95,850      - Senate

Specter, Arlen     (R-PN): $366,123     - Senate

Licht, Richard     (D-RI): $245, 605      - Senate

Reed, Jack           (D-RI): $75,050        - House

Pell, Claiborne     (D-RI): $180,950     - Senate

Hollings, Ernest   (D-SC): $73,275     - Senate

Johnson, Tim       (D-SD): $51,000    - Senate

Gordon, Barton   (D-TN): $55,400    - House

Frost, Martin      (D-TX): $126,864   - House

Hatch, Orrin        (R-UT): $50,700     - Senate

Jeffords, James  (I-VT): $34,050       - Senate

Robb, Charles   (D-VA): $255,093     - Senate

Wolf, Frank      (R-VA): $47,500        - House

Gorton, Sladee  (R-WA): $180,000   - Senate

Feingold, Russell  (D-WS): $56,810 - Senate

Obey, David         (D-WS): $147,100 - House

* * $34.6 million (1978-2000).