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April-July 2024 Opinion Editorials Links



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US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)




Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide By Jonathan Cook What's behind Israel’s war against UNRWA By Ramzy Baroud How an immoral global leadership allows Israel's savage slaughter in Gaza to continue By Ghada Aqeel Pain, loss, fear, panic, anger, Gaza's Palestinians are suffering psychological torment By Victoria Brittain

July 26, 2024

With America isolated, some Western capitals are shifting positions on Gaza By Ramzy Baroud The Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Poses a Strategic Dilemma for America By Mohammad Balawi The US Role in the Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Strip By Ramona Wadi While Gaza Suffers Physical Genocide, the West Bank Faces Economic Genocide By Fareed Taamallah

June 16, 2024

The US Continues to Provide Cover for the Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza By Ramona Wadi Biden Sanctions a Few Illegal Israeli Settlers, But What About the 1000s of US Citizens in Occupied Palestine By Mustafa Fetouri Despite the Continuous Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza, the US and Western Allies Continue to Support the Zionist State By Motasem A Dalloul Israel wants to destroy Gaza and annex the West Bank, but what do the Palestinians want By Ramzy Baroud

May 16, 2024

Genocide Joe Encourages Israel to Treat International Laws and Conventions with Contempt By
Yvonne Ridley
Death by Algorithm, Israeli Genocidal
AI War on Gaza By Binoy Kampmark
Israel's Strategic Defeat and the Resurgence of the Palestinian
Narrative By Adham Abu Selmiya
Israeli Killing of Humanitarian Workers in Gaza Aims at Extermination by Starvation By Ramzy Baroud

April 16, 2024




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