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Opinion Editorials, March 2023



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 Water Retention Basin Problem in Matendene, an Example of  the Need for Mozambique Infrastructure Help

By Alalcide Maxarane

Noticias, Mozambique, March 9, 2023 

Bacia-Matendene, Mozambique rain retention problem, March 2, 2023  


Water retention basin and fewer bumps in Matendene

The MAGOANINE "C" NEIGHBORHOOD, better known as Matendene, in the city of Maputo, began to be intensely inhabited from the year 2000. It was this year that the area received numerous families from various points, following the rains that hit the capital, leaving thousands without a roof.

Matendene was one of the few areas that benefited from a paved road (Nelson Mandela Avenue), connecting the National Road Number One (N1) and the Maputo Ring Road, but soon denounced engineering errors in its construction.

The point is that this road has no drainage ditches, no rainwater retention basins. What happens is that with little precipitation, several are the points where the waters are concentrated.

For example, the areas of Quisse Mavota Secondary School, in front of the Pharmacy of Matendene, Catholic Church, Mercadinho and in the vicinity of the Mbuzini School are the places with the highest concentration of rainwater.

The situation is so critical that on rainy days, like the ones we are going through, cars do not circulate around these places, including high suspension vehicles, even large tonnage trucks.

Thus, motorists, mostly public passenger transport, are forced to look for alternative routes to get to N1, a situation that makes life difficult for residents of this neighbourhood and not only.

In this search for alternative streets, drivers are forced to travel long distances, a situation that makes life more expensive. The carriers speak of high costs to ensure the operation and even raise the possibility of unilaterally increasing the transport tariff. This problem will certainly suffocate our pockets.

Due to the existence of places that tend to retain rainwater, the buses of passenger transport acquired by the State and under the management of the Cooperative of Corridor One (COOTRACI) allocated to this neighborhood were removed in a short time.

The main reason is the pools of water that form whenever there is a small precipitation. The bus managers based their withdrawal on the grounds that the water damaged the vehicles and that, for that reason, they could not continue there.

The state buses, specifically the Maputo Municipal Public Transport Company (EMTPM), were removed not only because of this problem, but also because of the existence of bumps that are confused with mountains. If they've withdrawn their means, imagine our second, third, fourth, fourth or fifth hand carrozitos, do they resist this situation?

As you can see, even the State has withdrawn the resources allocated to the populous neighborhood of Matendene because, in fact, there are no minimum conditions for its circulation.

If there are no conditions for the movement of buses from the State, which, even it is its mission to provide means of transport to the population, it is even more difficult for the private to put their resources, but finally the private have managed to help the population.

The transportation of people and goods in this neighborhood is guaranteed exclusively by private individuals and people of good faith, but this is not a great concern. What is intended is the elimination of puddles of water on the paved road, reduction and correction of the bumps that damage the suspension of cars.

Several residents have seen their vehicles damaged due to the waters, forcing in some cases to change the engine and/or replace other high-value parts.

Another problem that arises with the diversion of buses from the road to alternative roads is damage to the streets. The situation is worrying and, on behalf of the residents of Matendene, we ask for the immediate intervention of the municipal authorities in the construction of water retention basins and reduction of the spines on Nelson Mandela Avenue.

Water retention basin and fewer bumps in Matendene - Jornal News ( 





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