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Most US Democratic Candidates Still Afraid to
Criticize Israel's Violations of Palestinian Rights
By James J
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
June 24, 2019
US Democrats running for president in 2020 |
The attitudes of Democratic voters toward the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict have become decidedly more balanced in the past two decades.
Favorable attitudes toward Palestinians are up while attitudes toward
Israel appear to be in decline. While, overall views of Israel remain
positive, substantial numbers of Democrats are opposed to Israeli
policies – namely settlement construction and violations of Palestinian
rights. Israel's leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, is also viewed negatively
by most Democrats.
These shifts in opinion have placed many
Democratic presidential candidates in a bind – especially those who have
served in Congress or as Governors. As conscious as they may be of their
base’s changing mood, they have also been schooled not to alienate
pro-Israel donors or cross Israel's lobbyists, who can, if aroused,
distract their campaigns with a barrage of protests.
It was
against this backdrop that I watched the results of a months-long New
York Times' project in which they interviewed 21 of the Democrats
running for president on a range of foreign and domestic policy issues
that will confront the next president. There were questions on
Afghanistan, handguns, health care, immigration, and the death penalty.
Most intriguing to me was
question #4: "Do you think that Israel meets international standards
of human rights?" because it was deeply revealing about each of
candidates' principles, their understanding of, and readiness to deal
with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It was disturbing how few
of the candidates appear to have given the matter any serious thought.
With the notable exceptions of Senator Bernie Sanders, Mayor Pete
Buttigieg, and Congressmen Eric Swalwell and Seth Moulton, most of the
elected officials stumbled about like frightened high schoolers being
asked a test question for which they hadn't prepared.
Only a
handful found the inner strength to suggest that Israel, in fact, was
violating human rights. Most respondents hedged their replies noting the
challenges Israel faces or "Israel attempts meet human rights
standards...but could do a better job. A few, Senators Kamala Harris and
Michael Bennet, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Congressman John Delaney,
actually indicated that they believed that Israel was upholding human
rights. Some, instead of addressing the question, shifted to a more
comfortable critique of the failings of President Trump or Prime
Minister Netanyahu – as if to suggest that problems began with these two
Additionally, those who hedged their answers implying
that Israel's record was less than perfect offered, as their way out of
appearing to be critical of Israel, something like – "Israel's trying to
do the right thing, but sometimes they fail and need our help." Finally,
other than the few that mentioned settlement expansion, most failed to
consider other human rights violations that occur in the Occupied
Territories. The only Democrat who did was Seth Moulton, who cited his
earlier support for legislation calling for "not supplying Israel with
weapons and goods if they do not uphold standards for the treatment of
Palestinian kids in prison."
As they awkwardly struggled to get
out of the challenge foisted upon them, you could almost see the wheels
spinning inside their heads weighing their need to assert their
pro-Israel bona fides with the newly felt need to be relevant to the
changing mood of the Democratic electorate. It was for many "a damned if
they do, damned if they don't" situation.
What became
painfully clear was the extent to which most of the candidates, either
because they were loath to offer any criticism of Israel or because they
simply had no idea how to answer this question, found themselves forced
to recall comfortable, though irrelevant, talking points.
The top
of mind reply of a majority of the respondents was a variation of
"Israel is our most important ally" or "Israel is a liberal democracy" –
completely dodging the question asked. Equally off-topic was the support
a majority of the candidates expressed for a "two state solution."
You can read the
transcripts of their comments, but far more interesting was
watching their faces as they struggled to answer this simple
question. First, there was the obvious discomfort at being called upon
to talk about a topic they would rather avoid. Then, you could see them
fumbling about trying to remember talking points and looking for a
safety net. At one point, you can see the lights go on when they
recalled the magical "two state solution" formula. It was as if at the
end of a long and grueling half-baked answer to an unwanted question,
they remembered "Ah ha! Two states – that's the way out of this mess."
then without any connection to the question or anything they had said up
until that point, they would shift into their comfort zone and say "we
should be doing more to press the parties to negotiate a two-state
solution" – end of answer and smile – as if they were saying "Phew! Did
I get out of that one?"
What's especially troubling about this
"fall back" two-state solution answer, in addition to the fact that it
had nothing to do with the question that was asked, is that most seemed
to act as if just saying they supported two states absolved them of
needing to say or do more – for this reason, I've come to refer to it as
"the two state absolution." The notable exception here was Congressman
Julian Castro who acknowledged that settlement expansion made the goal
of two states "harder."
Most disappointing was the non-response
of the usually thoughtful Senator Elizabeth Warren, who said that she
would urge the Israelis and Palestinians to "come to the table and
negotiate" and then "stay out of the way to let them negotiate," as if
that had never been tried before and as if the ascendancy of far-right
in Israel isn't hell-bent on doing everything they can to avoid an
independent Palestinian state. The bottom line is that most of
the Democrats running for president have a long way to go in dealing
with Israel/Palestine. The reason is simple. Because of the pervasive
presence and power of pro-Israel forces, elected officials have long
taken a "hands off" approach to dealing with this issue. Many have
learned that stepping "out of line" brings painful results – calls that
tie up their office phones and angry emails that fill up their inboxes,
leading them to avoid this issue like a disease. The result is what I
called "willed ignorance." They focus on "their issues" – the ones that
got them elected and ignore those that can only bring trouble.
Therefore, they don't receive or even request briefings on this critical
But the situation is changing. The evolving attitudes
of the electorate – especially key blocs of Democratic voters and the
disgust of many Democrats with Netanyahu’s policies and the
Trump/Netanyahu "love-fest" – all point to the fact that this will not
be the last time uncomfortable questions about Israel-Palestine will be
asked. It's time for those who hope to lead us to take the time to learn
about this issue that has vexed every American president for 70 years.
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