Trump's Alliance with Body-Choppers, Death Squads
and Child Killers:
Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Israel
By James Petras
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
October 26, 2018
Jamal Khashoggi |
Israeli occupation soldiers abducting and terrorizing
Palestinian children |
In recent weeks the White House has embraced the contemporary version
of the
world’s most murderous regimes. President Trump has embraced
the Saudi Arabian
“Prince of Death” Mohammad bin Salman who has
graduated from chopping hands and
heads in public plazas to
dismembering bodies in overseas consulates – the case of Jamal
The White House warmly greeted the electoral success of Brazilian
candidate Jair Bolsonaro, ardent champion of torturers,
military dictators, death squads
and free marketers.
President Trump grovels, grunts and glories before Israel, as his
spiritual guide
Benjamin Netanyahu celebrates the Sabbath with the
weekly murders and maiming of
hundreds of unarmed Palestinians,
especially youngsters.
These are President Trump’s ‘natural allies’. They share his values
and interests
while each retains their particular method of
disposing of the cadavers of adversaries and
We will proceed to discuss the larger political-economic context in
which the trio
of monsters operate. We will analyze the benefits and
advantages which lead President
Trump to ignore and even praise,
actions which violate America’s democratic values and
In conclusion, we will examine the consequences and risks which
result from
Trump’s embrace of the trio.
The Context for Trump’s Tripler Alliance
President Trump’s intimate ties with the world’s most unsavory
regimes flows
from several strategic interests. In the case of Saudi
Arabia, it includes military bases;
the financing of international
mercenaries and terrorists; multi-billion-dollar arms sales;
profits; and covert alliances with Israel against Iran, Syria and Yemen.
In order to secure these Saudi assets, the White House is more than
willing to
assume certain socio-political costs.
The US eagerly sells weapons and provides advisers to Saudi’s
invasion, murder and starvation of millions of Yeminis.
The White House alliance
against Yemen has few monetary rewards or
political advantages as well as negative
propaganda value.
However, with few other client states in the region, Washington makes
do with
Prince Salman ‘the salami slicer’.
The US ignores Saudi financing of Islamic terrorists against US
allies in Asia (the
Philippines) and Afghanistan as well as rival
thugs in Syria and Libya.
Alas when a pro-US collaborator like
Washington Post journalist and US resident
Jamal Khashoggi was
assassinated, President Trump was forced to adopt the pretense of
investigation in order to distance from the Riyadh mafia.He subsequently
butcher boy bin Salman: he invented a flagrant
lie-blaming ‘rogue elements’in charge of
the interrogation,---read
President Trump celebrated the electoral victory of Brazilian
neo-liberal fascist
Jair Bolsonaro because he checks all the right
boxes: he promises to slash economic
regulations and corporate taxes
for multi-national corporations. He is an ardent ally of
Washington’s economic war against Venezuela and Cuba. He promises to arm
wing death squads and militarize the police. He pledges to be a
loyal follower of US war
policies abroad.
However, Bolsonaro cannot support Trump’s trade war especially
against China
which is the market for almost forty percent of
Brazil’s agro-exports. This is especially
the case since
agro-business bosses are Bolsonaro’s principal economic and
congressional supporters.
Given Washington’s limited influence in the rest of Latin America,
Brazil’s neo
liberal fascist regime acts as Trump’s principal ally.
Israel is the White House’s mentor and chief of operations in the
Middle East, as
well as a strategic military ally.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has
and colonized most of the West Bank and militarily occupied
the rest of Palestine; jailed
and tortured tens of thousands of
political dissidents; surrounded and starved over a
million Gaza
residents; imposed ethno-religious conditions for citizenship in Israel,
denying basic rights for over 20% of the Arab residents of the
self-styled ‘jewish state’.
Netanyahu has bombed hundreds of Syrian
cities, towns, airports and bases in
support of ISIS terrorists and
Western mercenaries. Israel intervenes in US elections,
Congressional votes and secures White House recognition of Jerusalem as
capital of the jewish state.
Zionists in North America and Great Britain act as a ‘fifth column’
unanimous favorable mass media coverage of its apartheid
Prime Minister Netanyahu secures unconditional US financial
and political
support and the most advanced weaponry.
In exchange Washington considers itself privileged to serve as foot
solders for
Israeli targeted wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and
Somalia . . . Israel collaborates
with the US in defending Saudi
Arabia , Egypt and Jordan. Netanyahu and his Zionist
allies in the
White House succeeded in reversing the nuclear agreement with Iran and
imposing new and harsher economic sanctions.
Israel has its own agenda :it defies President Trump’s sanctions
policies against
Russia and its trade war with China.
Israel eagerly engages in the sales of arms and high-tech innovations
to Beijing.
Beyond the Criminal Trio
The Trump regime’s
alliance with Saudi Arabia, Israel and Brazil is not despite
because of their criminal behavior. The three states have a demonstrated
record of
full compliance and active engagement in every ongoing US
Bolsonaro, Netanyahu and bin Salman serve as role models for other
leaders allied with Washington’s quest for world
The problem is that the trio is insufficient in bolstering
Washington’s drive to
“Make the Empire Strong”. As pointed earlier,
the trio are not completely in compliance
with Trump’s trade wars;
Saudi works with Russia in fixing oil prices. Israel and Brazil
deals with Beijing.
Clearly Washington pursues other allies and clients.
In Asia, the White House targets China by promoting ethnic
separatism. It
encourages Uighurs to split from China by encouraging
Islamic terrorism and linguistic
propaganda. President Trump backs
Taiwan via military sales and diplomatic
agreements. Washington
intervenes in Hong Kong by promoting pro-separatist
politicians and
media propaganda backing ‘independence’.
Washington has launched a strategy of military encirclement and a
trade war
against China .The White House rounded-up Japan,
Australia, New Zealand, the
Philippines and South Korea to provide
military bases which target China. Nevertheless,
up to the present
the US has no allies in its trade war. All of Trump’s so-called Asian
‘allies’ defy his economic sanctions policies.
The countries
depend on and pursue trade with and investments from China.
all pay diplomatic lip service and provide military bases, all defer on
the crucial
issues of joining US military exercises off China’s
coast and boycotting Beijing.
US efforts to sanction Russia into
submission is offset by ongoing oil and gas
agreements between
Russia , Germany and other EU countries. US traditional
like Britain and Poland carry little political weight.
More important US sanctions policy has led to a long-term,
large-scale strategic
economic and military alliance between Moscow
and Beijing.
Moreover Trump’s alliance with the ‘torture trio’ has provoked
divisions. Saudi Arabia’s murder of a US
resident-journalist has provoked business
boycotts and Congressional
calls for reprisal. Brazil’s fascism has evoked liberal
criticism of
Trump’s eulogy of Brazilia’s death squad democracy.
President Trump’s domestic electoral opposition has successfully
mobilized the
mass media, which could facilitate a congressional
majority and an effective mass
opposition to his Pluto-populist
(populist in rhetoric, plutocrat in practice) version of
The US empire building project is built on bluster, bombs and trade
Moreover, its closest and most criminal allies and clients
cannot always be relied upon.
Even the stock market fiesta is
coming to a close. Moreover, the time of successful
sanctions is
passing. The wild-eyed UN rants are evoking laughter and embarrassment.
The economy is heading into crises and not only became of rising
interest rates.
Tax cuts are one shot deals – profits are taken and
President Trump in retreat will discover that there are no permanent
allies only
permanent interests.
Today the White House stands alone without allies who will share and
defend his
unipolar empire. The mass of humanity requires a break
with the policies of wars and
sanctions. To rebuild America will
require the construction, from the ground-up, of a
powerful popular
movement not beholden to Wall Street or war industries. A first step is
to break with both parties at home and the triple alliance abroad.
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