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Israeli Terrorist Government Is the World's
Premier Producer and Generator of Terror
By Khalid Amayreh
occupied Palestine
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, November 20, 2015
Hans-Georg Maassen, head of
Germany's internal intelligence service (BfV), wants to use Israeli terroristic methods
in dealing with Muslim Germans and refugees! |
Extra-Judicial execution of Palestinian
children:14-year-old Ahmed Manasrah, was exposed to appalling abuse
by Israeli police officers, paramedics and settlers while
bleeding to death |
Israel is world's premier producer and generator of terror
"Germany needs to respond to terror like Israel does,” the head of
Germany's internal intelligence service (BfV), Hans-Georg Maassen,
reportedly said this week.
With all due respect, the German official
is wrong for the following reasons.
Israel, itself a gigantic crime
against humanity by any moral standard imaginable, can never be considered
part of the solution for the terror epidemic now hitting many countries. The
naked facts on the ground lead to the ultimate and inevitable conclusion
that Israel is one of the major root causes of terror and violence in our
world today.
In 1948, Jewish-Zionist gangs coming from Eastern Europe
ganged up on the peaceable people of Palestine, arrogating their homeland,
slaughtering their children, destroying their homes, bulldozing their
villages and dispersing the bulk of Palestinians all over the world.
This gigantic crime against humanity occurred thanks to concrete military
and political support by the West.
The Palestinian people, a largely
pastoral people lacking the advantage of powerful international connections,
have been crying out for justice ever since, but to no avail.
1967, Israel completed the occupation of the Palestinian homeland, claiming
that some Jews had been living in the country several thousand years ago.
Israel has had nearly 50 years to accommodate the Palestinians like
Germany accommodates the millions of refugees arriving in Germany, fleeing
death and persecution in countries like Syria and Iraq…and also Palestine.!
But Israel chose the racist way, viewing the Palestinians as sub-humans
with utterly no rights, even no humanity.
Again, the Palestinians
tried every possible avenue to free themselves from the diabolical clutches
of Jewish oppression but to no avail.
And when they resorted to armed
struggle, because every other door was slammed against their faces, they
were called "terrorists and criminals."!
Her Maassen, what are we
supposed to do to liberate our country and free our people from this evil,
called Zionism, which is based on the same elements that gave Nazism its
evil essence?
Nazism was based on criminal racism (the master race),
Zionism is based on criminal racism as well, namely the concept of the
Chosen people. This is not an abstract idea which we can dismiss as a form
of philosophical illusionism.
It is rather practiced every hour and
every day on the hills of the West Bank as Palestinians are assaulted,
humiliated and even killed (even burned alive) because they are not members
of "the holy tribe" and don't worship the specific deity of that tribe.
It is this sick ideology that prompted the late mentor of Shas Rabbi
Ovadia Yosef to declare that non-Jews, people like me and you, were donkeys
or like donkeys, whom the Almighty created in a human shape in deference to
Jews in order to serve Jews.
Needless to say, this poisonous racism
was by no means an unrepresentative feature of the religious Zionist
mindset. The opposite is actually true.
Herr Maassen: I want to
remind you of the feelings permeating throughout Germany following the
Versailles Treaty following the First World War.
Though Germany was
widely perceived as the aggressor, many Germans felt German honor was deeply
injured by the draconian sanctions and punishments imposed by the victorious
We all know the rest of the story. Herr Maassen:
Israel, ever since the first day of its establishment, has committed every
conceivable crime against our people. I myself lost three uncles to Zionist
barbarianism even before I was born.
In fact, terror has always been
and continues to be the official or unofficial modus operandi of Israel’s
This is why you can't understand the Palestinian question
in the absence of this context. The Palestinian grievances are too real and
too legitimate to be swept under the carpet.
I say this because
Israel continues to be the main producer and manufacturer of terror in our
region and in the world at large.
Remember, Herr Maassen, those to
whom evil is done, do evil in return.
Maybe doing evil, even in
return is not the ideal behavior, but it is often inevitable.
Wishing you good luck in fighting and defeating terror.
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