Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, August 2015

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Before the Next Bomb Drops: Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine

New Poetry By Remi Kanazi

Haymarket Books

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, August , 201



Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine

New poetry from Remi Kanazi


Releasing September 15, 2015


Remi Kanazi's poetry presents an unflinching look at the lives of Palestinians under occupation and as refugees scattered across the globe. He captures the Palestinian people's stubborn refusal to be erased, gives voice to the ongoing struggle for liberation, and explores the meaning of international solidarity.

In this latest collection, Kanazi expands his focus outside the sphere of Palestine and presents pieces examining racism in America, police brutality, US militarism at home and wars abroad, conflict voyeurism, Islamophobia, and a range of other issues.



"Before the Next Bomb Drops was devastating to pick up and impossible to put down." 

–Dave Zirin, The Nation

"Remi Kanazi is one of the most courageous voices of this generation." 

–Marc Lamont Hill, host of HuffPost Live and BET News


"[Kanazi's] rhymes and rhythms, filled with sharp wit, irony and deep empathy, are a great joy to read even as they tackle some of the most urgent political struggles of our day."

–Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada


"Each verse made me sink deeper into my chair and helped unleash a cascade of relieving tears: in anger, in mourning, and in hope."

–Noura Erakat, George Mason University

"A poetic... personal journey into the past and present of Palestine that will resonate with anyone concerned with the land and its people."

–Ilan Pappé, author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine


"Kanazi's haunting poems are not written to be consumed. They reserve a place in one's conscience, in one's memory, and–hopefully–in one's praxis."

–Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement



Advance Review Copies are available on request
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Currently scheduling events for Fall 2015 & beyond

If you are a journalist looking for a review copy, contact:
Jim Plank, Haymarket Books,

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REMI KANAZI is a poet, writer, and organizer based in New York City. He is the author the author of Poetic Injustice and the editor of Poets for Palestine. His political commentary has been featured by news outlets throughout the world, including The New York TimesSalonAl Jazeera English and BBC Radio. Kanazi has toured hundreds of venues across the United States, Canada, Europe and the Middle East, and he has appeared in the Palestine Festival of Literature as well as Poetry International. He is a Lannan Residency Fellow and an Advisory Committee member for the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.



Releasing September 15, 2015 | Trade Paper $16 | ISBN: 9781608465248


Our mailing address is:

Haymarket Books

PO Box 160185

Chicago, Illinois 60618


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