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Howard Phillips:

Enabler of the Zionist Infiltration of the American  Constitutional Party

By Mark Dankof

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, July 9, 2012


In regard to the question raised by W. James Antle in “As Goode as it Gets: The Constitution Party Has a Nominee, But Does it Have a Future?“ in the June 2012 The American Conservative, the answer is clearly yes. But that future is consigned to the ash heap of history.

I was the Constitution Party candidate for the U. S. Senate race in Delaware against Thomas Carper and Bill Roth in 2000. I believe in retrospect that the Party has no effective future, for reasons related both to the stacked deck against all 3rd parties in America, and the self-inflicted gunshot wounds suffered by the Constitution Party in particular. In regard to the stacked deck, prohibitive ballot access laws, lack of money, and lack of corporate media access have consigned all of the 3rd party movements in the United States to the political realm of Outer Darkness. This is a grossly unjust reality.

In regard to the self-inflicted gunshot wounds of the Constitution Party itself, there has been an ongoing inability to recognize how effective national political coalitions are built over the long haul. While the Party platform has historically been excellent on issues of foreign policy, war and peace, fiat money, fractional reserve banking, and the Fed, the reinforced perception of the Constitution Party has consistently been one of a fringe constituency tinged with Christian Reconstructionist ideology and mired exclusively in the abortion and school prayer controversies, to the exclusion of the proclamation of its total package of party platform positions.

There is one additional reason for the Party’s failure. While the Constitution Party’s history suggests an America First-Pat Buchanan orientation on foreign policy, there have been ominous mixed messages sent in this critical area. This not only involves Alan Keyes’ past dalliance with the Party as cited by Mr. Antle, but Party founder and ex-Conservative Caucus Chairman Howard Phillips’ public promotion of pro-Zionist, neo-Conservative Jerome Corsi as a Constitution Party candidate for President in 2008; and Mr. Phillips’ recent involvement with pro-Zionist, neo-Conservative Kenneth R. Timmerman of Accuracy in Media (AIM)in a piece entitled, “Tehran TV Loves Ron Paul.” This essay is available online, along with my observations and rebuttal. The clear attack on America First conservatives who have appeared on Tehran’s Press TV to denounce a Zionist-run American foreign policy and the disproportionate influence of the Israeli Lobby in American politics generally, is obvious in the Timmerman AIM preemptive airstrike accomplished with Howard Phillips’ clear participation. One surmises that Richard Mellon Scaife and the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) crowd approve. Mr. Scaife, of course, has financed both AIM and PNAC. And the false statements made about me in the article, and the nature of my past relationship with Mr. Phillips and his Party have never been retracted or apologized for.

By extension, the Timmerman/Phillips handiwork is clearly aimed not only at me, but at The American Conservative’s own Dr. Philip Giraldi, who has been a past guest on my radio show, and at Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth, both of whom have joined me from time to time at Press TV/Iran.

The Constitution Party’s clear cooptation and compromise as evidenced by the Timmerman/Phillips AIM broadside, stands as a warning to the Tea Party and Ron Paul movements as well, even as the recent endorsement of Mitt Romney by Rand Paul is but the latest example of the art of political opportunism and mixed messages, one apparently mastered by Howard Phillips in his long-standing public relationship with the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu, Dr. Jerome Corsi (“Atomic Iran“), Kenneth R. Timmerman, and the Council for National Policy (CNP).





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