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Letters, Videos, & Announcements, May 16, 2011 |
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Return to Palestine Video ============================================================= Millions in Cairo for national unity video/arabic ============================================================== The people of Bil'in commemorated the Nakba day Today, 13th of May 2011. About 200 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals marched together towards the Wall. Some had dressed up as refugees from 1948, to commemorate those who were forced from their homeland 63 years ago. Also some were carrying a large key symbolizing all those refugees who still hold the key to their homes, not being allowed to return in spite of UN resolutution 194 that clearly states that all the refugees from 1948 must be allowed back and offered compensation. The army had declared the village a closed military zone, trying to prevent people from reaching the village by setting up closures on all the roads around Bil'in. The army had also set up sementblocks and barbed wire in front of the Eastern gate in order to prevent people from reaching the gate. Hundreds of soldiers and border police had lined up on the military post and around the fence. Clashes erupted between army and protesters, and large amounts of tear gas and sound bombs were used, in addition to sewage water sprayed at the protesters. Many people suffered from tear gas inhalation, and some were vomiting. Ahmed Abu Rahma was hit by a tear gas canister on his arm, causing pain. The tear gas set fire to the dry ground several times, and protesters prevented it to spread. The demonstration lasted for about 2 hours. the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in called all the sons of the Palestinian people At Palestine and abroad to participate in the activities of the 63 anniversary of the Nakba, and private events Central in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and inside the Palestinian 48 and Arab capitals And foreign to confirm our adherence to the right of return, and the emphasis on the refugee issue is an issue Palestinian Arab and international all liberals of the world support our people in their legitimate struggle even Freedom and independence and return to the land which they were expelled in 1948. Iyad Burnat ========================================================================================= MUST SEE VIDEOS: A Moving, Haunting, Heart Breaking Look at the NAKBA,
Photos of the Ethnic Cleansing and Dispossession of Palestinians from
the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead.
These are whom we’re trying to protect.
Can you honestly watch this video without a tear in your heart and
eye? The Suffering of Gaza’s Children under Israel, the
Only Democracy in the Middle East, a nation that shares America’s values
of invasions, genocide, theft of resources, and assassinations. Short Beautiful Song: “Forever Palestine” Palestinian Villages Destroyed During the Nakba 1948 (video)
I´m sick of 63 years of Israeli occupation (+
========================================================================================== May 15th: Vancouver Rally to Support the Palestinian People
Palestinian Youth Network is holding a rally on May 15th - Palestinian Refugee Revolution Date: May 15th, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Where: Toronto , ON . In front of the Israeli Consulate ( 180 Bloor St West )
On May 15, 1948 David Ben Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the state
of Israel . This is day for the Palestinian people is know as the Nakba
and every year since then, they've been commemorating it hoping that they
would return to their homelands one day. This year on May 15th, the Arab World as well as other countries will participate in this year's Nakba rally to put an end to the Israeli crimes against Palestinians, and condemning the illegal state of Israel .
In Toronto , we will
commemorate this day and we will reaffirm the Palestinian right to return
to Palestine UNCONDITIONALLY!! Join the Palestinian community on May 15, in front of the Israeli Council (180 Bloor St. W.) at 1:00 PM to remember the victims of the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people. Endorsed By: Canadian Arab Federation Canadian Boat to Gaza Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Educators for Peace Middle Eastern Student Association Palestine House Palestinian Cultural Association Risalah Theatrical Group Saudi Student Association Downtown Students Against Israeli Apartheid Toronto Coalition to Stop the War Palestine House 3195 Erindale Station Road Mississauga , Ontario Canada , L5C 1Y5 905 270 3622 ====================================================================================================== Palestinian Cultural Festival, London, Ontario, May 28th, 2011
Doors open from 3:00 pm.
Or Call 647-330-7490 or 647-885-4528
====================================================================================================== Gilad Atzmon on Munir Muhammad Show/Chicago
'The Wanted 18'-Palestinian Animated Documentary (video)
Long Trailer for the Palestinian Animated Documentary film "The Wanted
Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook & Gilad Atzmon
Tonight Jazza in Oklahoma
, Last Week's Panel is now online
Panel Event -Zionism, Jewishness and Israel, Is Now Online (Must Watch)
In spite of the pathetic attempts by
Zionists and their
Jewish ‘anti Zionist’ allies to crash the event, the panel was a great
success. The room was packed. We explored some of the most complicated
issues to do with current world affairs. Some of London Jewish activists
broke away from their segregated 'Jews only cells' and marched with
us. Interestingly enough, our detractors who promised to picket the event
didn’t dare showing up. I believe that the panel was a crucial contribution to this
movement and freedom of thought. I vow to do it again and again and again. I will keep you posted. To watch the panel:
2. Gilad Atzmon in Oakland on May 10
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