Terrorism in Norway:
Connections to US Extremists Geller & Spencer
By Bill Warner
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, August 1, 2011
Norway’s Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store
(R) addresses inside the World Islamic Mission Mosque as Crown
Prince Haakon (L) looks on in Oslo, July 26, 2011.
REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton
Anders Behring Breivik was was/is deeply involved with
the “Counter-Jihad” blogosphere of Pamela Geller and her Atlas Shrugs
website and Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch along with UK far right groups such
as the EDL and the “Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE) Norway’. Stop the
Islamization of Europe (SIOE) Norway is directly linked to NYC extreme right
wing blogger Pamela Geller and her Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA)
The Norwegian daily VG quoted one of Breivik’s friends
saying that he had become a right wing extremist in his late 20s and was now
a strong opponent of multi-culturalism, expressing strong nationalistic
views in online debates. Breivik had talked admiringly about conversations
he had had with unnamed English Defence League (EDL) members and the
organisation Stop the Islamification of Europe over the success of
provocative street actions leading to violence.
“I have on some occasions had discussions with SIOE and
EDL and recommended them to use certain strategies,” he wrote two years ago.
“The tactics of the EDL are now to ‘lure’ an overreaction from the Jihad
Youth/Extreme-Marxists, something they have succeeded in doing several times
already.” Contacted about the allegation by email by last night the EDL had
not answered.
According the website Atlantic.com, Anders Behring
Breivik expressed extremist Islamophobic views on forums and criticised
immigration policies. He argued on a Swedish news website that the media
were not critical enough about Islam and claimed that Geert Wilders’ Party
for Freedom in the Netherlands was the only ‘true’ party of conservatives.
Norway mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is the white
face of the Anti-Muslim right wing nut world inspired by Pamela Geller of
“Atlas Shrugs” and Robert Spencer of “Jihad Watch”, told you so about these
Time for the FBI to shut down Pamela Geller and Robert
Spencer’s SIOA hate macine. SIOA/SIOE/EDL Neo Nazi Summit in Europe this
Summer Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller To Officiate The Hate Fest in France
Que Up The Riot Police.
Anders Behring Breivik regularly posted on a Norwegian
right-wing site called
http://www.document.no/ in 2009 and 2010, the editor of the site Hans
Rustad said, SEE BELOW, Anders Behring Breivik’s comments about Pamela
Geller and Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch the EDL and SIOE, Document.no
posting 2010-02-17 back to 2009-09-07;
“I (Anders Behring Breivik) feel it is important
to create a pan-European platform for rhetoric / objectives / policy
analysis / research of historical factors relevant to so and transfer
this knowledge to every nation. It pan-Europeiske/US environment Robert
Spencer (Jihad Watch), Fjordman, Atlas (Pamela Geller), Analekta + 50
other EU / U.S. bloggers (and Facebook groups) is the epicenteret for
policy analysis and has been for some years.
I recommend to you all also strongly recommended
to extend Facebook their networks, using the daily quota of 50
invitations to connect with Brits, French, Swedes, etc. Join groups that
SIOE – Stop the Islamisation of Europe, Against Multiculturalism, join
Progress Party. Watch the web pages “gates of vienna”, “brussels
journal”, “Jihad Watch“, “religion of peace” etc. Read Fjord Man’s work
“Defeating Eurabia”. This is as the perfect Christmas gift for family
and friends.
All remember the July riots in Marseilles and
other French cities where the media were instructed not to report the
news, see (Pamela Geller “Atlas shrugs”)
The whole conflict between GDP and EDL (English
Defense League) started with a change of leadership in the EDL for a few
months ago. They threw out the racist and denounced the BNP. They chose
instead SIOE’s ideological basis that is more or less mainstream view on
the right side in Western Europe now (Vienna School of Thought).
Nick was very offended and began to demonize the
EDL. Although they are now attacking each other as they compete not at
all as these are two quite different fronts. 90% of all votes in the EDL
continued GDP (Since this is the only alternative to multikulti in the
UK) and 90% of GDP supports EDL regardless of what Nick had to think.
Second, Labour governs intelligence service. They
had never in his life supported the EDL as these create a lot of
positive attention for the cultural conservative movement in the UK. I
have on some occasions discussed with SIOE and EDL and recommended them
to use conscious strategies.
EDL is an example and a Norwegian version is the
only way to prevent Flash / SOS to harass Norwegian cultural
conservatives from other fronts. Creating a Norwegian EDL should be No.3
on the agenda after we have started up a cultural conservative newspaper
with national distribution.
There are political forces in Oslo who want to
mass-act subsidized / low cost “Islam-blocks” in Oslo West for “better
integration“. As far as I know, only the Progress Party / Conservatives
who oppose the moment so it can actually become a reality over the next
decade. Can you name ONE country where multiculturalism is successful
where Islam is involved?
I have great respect for how the Marxist-humanist
networks in Norway are able to use their power optimally through “force
Multiplication” and cooperation. They are insanely hard-working, skilled
in the consolidation and hard-working and most on the right side has a
lot to learn from them.
I myself am a Protestant and baptized / confirmed
to me by my own free will when I was 15. But today’s Protestant church
is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that
look like the minimalist shopping centers. I am a supporter of an
indirect collective conversion of the Protestant church back to the
Catholic. In the meantime, I vote for the most conservative candidates
in church elections.
Lou Dobbs of CNN was hit by the unofficial
section and he ultimately chose to go. It is not unlikely that he was
forced out because he changed his ideological standpoint in the course
of his career. He became more and more critical of Muslim mass
immigration to the U.S. which was not consistent with CNN’s politically
correct line.”
Bill Warner Sarasota Private Investigator