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Canadians Federal Court Slams Government for
Threatening Free Speech Rights
By Khaled Mouammar
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, October 8, 2010
The Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) welcomes Justice Richard
Mosley’s Federal Court ruling on Monday that the Government’s decision to
ban British MP George Galloway from entering Canada in March 2009, by
labelling him a terror supporter and a national security risk, had no legal
basis. The Court found that the main reason why the Harper
Government sought to prevent George Galloway from entering Canada was that
they disagreed with his political views. Weeks before the ban, Galloway had
led a humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza as part of an international campaign
to break Israel’s illegal blockade, and was scheduled to appear in four
Canadian cities on a speaking tour called "Resisting War: from Gaza to
Regrettably, the Galloway ban is not an isolated
incident but is part of a much wider pattern of government-led repression
against voices in Canadian civil society that are critical of Canada’s
domestic and foreign policies by cutting funding, and/or labelling them as
supporters of terrorism and/or anti-Semites. The attacks on civil liberties
have had particularly devastating effects on immigrants, refugees and
religious and racial minorities targeted by racial profiling. Since
coming to power in 2006 the Government has exercised it political power to
suppress dissent through blackmail and defamation. That record includes, but
is not limited to, the cutting of funding to the Canadian Arab Federation,
Kairos and Alternatives for advocating for Palestinian rights; the cutting
of funding to indigenous and women groups; undermining the Rights and
Democracy agency; proroguing Parliament to avoid incriminating disclosures;
refusing to fund academic conferences and Pride Toronto because of their
views on Palestine-Israel; bullying students involved in Israeli Apartheid
Week (IAW) and other Palestine solidarity campaigns; making defamatory
remarks against Arab, Muslim and other organizations that expose Israel’s
violations of Palestinian rights; spending 1.2 billion dollars to turn
Toronto into an occupied city during the G20 meeting and violating the
freedom of expression of hundreds of people who were illegally detained and
mistreated. The erosion of fundamental rights has led Voices-Voix,
a coalition of 187 Canadian civil society organizations, to issue a
declaration in June 2010 accusing the Government of systematically
undermining democratic institutions and practices, eroding the protection of
free speech, eroding freedom of the press, abusing the right to prorogue
Parliament, and other fundamental human rights. The declaration also accused
the Government of taking positions - domestically and within such key
international bodies as the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights
Council - that undermine essential human rights, international law,
indigenous rights, women rights, children rights, and environmental and
other global principles. “The quality and health of democratic life
in Canada is under serious threat. We join other Canadians in demanding that
the Government acts in accordance with Canada’s traditions and values by
actively promoting and supporting political diversity and public debate
instead of imposing conformity,” said Khaled Mouammar, CAF National
President. For more information, please contact:
Khaled Mouammar
CAF National President
Established in 1967, the Canadian Arab Federation is a national,
non-partisan, non profit and membership-based organization. CAF
represents Canadian Arabs on issues relating to public policy.