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Speaking to NATO Officers in
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, January 11, 2010
I gave a talk at the NATO Defence College in Rome to some 82 officers
and civilians from many NATO countries and affiliated or partner countries
(including Egypt, UAE, Jordan, etc). An Israeli colleague who lives
in London also presented his point of view and read on things and then we
took questions. We also participated in small group meetings and
discussions. I was pleased with the level of sophistication,
excellent questions asked, and hospitality we received. The commanding
officers and all others were very kind to us. We will not forget this
visit. While in Rome for three days we got to visit the Vatican
including seeing the magnificent Sistine Chapel paintings. We got to
tour the museums and also visit the Roman Forum and the Palatine.
There, I was interested to see for the first time Titus arch which was
built after the death of this emperor. On one of its panels it celebrates
its victory over the Jewish rebels in Jerusalem. Most
people today identify with the Jewish rebels and not with the Romans. Even
the guidebook to the ruins we were using referred to “destruction of
Jerusalem” (actually careful and unbiased historians disagree with such a
description since the rebellion was rather small and narrow and its was
contained rather quickly with Jerusalem flourishing later except for
limited access by the Jewish community which was then still a minority of
the population of Palestine). Historians also tell us that Jews continued
to live in small communities throughout Palestine (later many of them
converting to Christianity or to Islam). Before this rebellion, Jews in
Palestine had full autonomy with their own King (e.g. King Herod who
condemned Jesus). The Roman administration was until this armed
rebellion rather liberal in its dealings with ethnic and religious
minorities. Before and after the rebellion, Palestine remained a
multi-ethnic and multi-religious community despite many efforts of many
rulers who failed to change it by military force sometimes succeeding for
a few decades )one of the crusader kingdoms lasted 110 years before
Palestine was restored to have Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities
living side by side). Let us hope that this is the last failed
attempt to create a homogenous Palestine (aka Eretz Yisrael). I for
one can never understand the desire to live in a homogenous state since
variety is the spice of life. Like Jesus who identified with and
preached to Jew and gentile, I find myself identifying with both the
Romans and the Jews of Palestine of that first century AD as I identify
today with all communities in Palestine. This is first because they
were human beings like all of us caught in a set of historical structures
and machinations that left them in the situation they faced. I identified
especially with the Jews who resisted Roman occupation non-violently.
Jesus was to become the symbol of such power of such resistance.
That the armed resisters ultimately failed (they ere called saccari
because they hid their assassination knives in their cloths) while
eventually the philosophy of Jesus spread like wild fire in the Roman
Empire should be telling to us. It was three plus centuries and
hundreds of thousands of martyrs before finally the Roman Empire decided
itself to adopt Christianity rather than keep fighting it. Yet
unfortunately as the Jewish theologian Marc Ellis articulated effectively,
such a Constantinian (transformation of) Christianity in the form of state
power would inevitably lead to the atrocities of the Crusades and far more
(e.g. use of Christianity to justify colonization). Ellis further
argues that the new Constantinian Judaism in the form of Zionism is
equally damaging to Prophetic Judaism. One day I would like to write more
on this but for now, the sight of ruins of great empires AND visiting with
great people descendent of oppressors and oppressed and getting along in
equality always remind me that we all die someday and that great stone
edifices, palaces, and statues are all equally ephemeral while people
remain and in many cases improve. And as the song goes, “in the end only
kindness matters.” Sure enough, I saw so much kindness, so much
human beauty in Italy that trumps all other beauty. The last 24
hours we spent time in rural Italy among kind and generous farmers who
remind me so much of Palestine (in the areas of Offida. San Benedetto,
Ascoli). I think to myself that the hundreds of Palestinian villages
(including my own of Beit Sahour) would have been just as nice, just as
peaceful and tranquil as those villages if it was not for that
Constantinian form of Judaism that decided to take on the crazy project of
transforming a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society into a Jewish state
(maximum geography and minimum demography). Instead, hundreds
of villages, most dating to millennia (2-4 thousand years old) were
destroyed and those like mine that remained lost so much land and received
so many displaced people that their character is no longer what it used to
be or would have been. While we were here we followed closely the
travails of the Gaza Freedom March (finally denied entry to Gaza) and the
Viva Palestina Convoy to Gaza (finally allowed entry after detours and
clashes). It is an honor to call many of the people in both groups
friends. Actually we might miss seeing some of our Italian friends who
are still in Gaza. I spoke tonight at San Benedetto to 50 people.
Tomorrow, I speak in Milano, then in Turino on the 9th, possibly Bologna
on the 10th then in Roma again on the 11th. I will then travel to
Amman on the 12th. But as always, you are welcome to visit us in
Palestine- PS: Just to be clear, thanks to Israeli restrictions,
less than 3% of Palestinians are able to travel like I do and a smaller
fraction can actually do it financially or logistically and the numbers in
Gaza are closer to 0.001%. Mazin Qumsiyeh A Bedouin in
cyberspace, a villager at home (and now on a nomadic trip in Italy)
Earlier article:
My wife and I are now in Italy to give a few talks and maybe get a
break from the jail of Bethlehem under apartheid. Every
time I visit Europe or other countries I wonder why can't we get to live a
normal life in a normal country in Palestine. Israelis pretend they
live in a normal country. Having removed most of the natives and
confined the rest to ghettos and bantustans, the Israeli public by and
large goes around pretending that everything is normal; that Israel is
like any European country. It has a parliament albeit it spends time
deciding who is a Jew entitled to automatic citizenship and how to strip
non-Jews of citizenship), a military, a high tech industry, universities,
bars, fancy restaurants, elites and poor people, religious and secular
etc. But deep down Israelis know that this is all a mirage and an
illusion. Afterall, here in Europe, there are no walls, no
checkpoints, and no two systems of laws for people living in the same
country. As I was leaving the occupied areas through the only
crossing allowed to us (into Jordan via King Hussain Bridge), a man on the
bus commented as we reached the fifth checkpoint that the reason Israelis
are so paranoid with all this security is because they know the country is
not theirs. Ofcourse many Zionist Israelis were brainwashed to
think that the reason they are paranoid is because the world is
anti-Semitic; they hate us for being Jews not for anything we have been
doing to them. The victimhood pathology started rather early with
the myth of the exodus from Egypt (archeologists and historians have long
shown that this notion of enslavement in Egypt and redemption is simply
not consistent with the facts or the historical record). People who
believed in certain ways indeed were persecuted for their beliefs/who they
are but this is not unique for a particular group of people.
Christians were historically persecuted (they were literally hunted down
and fed to lions for the first 300 years) and Muslims and Armenians, and
Gypsies and all others. Perhaps no people on earth have
suffered as much as Natives in North and South America. Estimates of
50-100 million people perished in the 100 years after the European
invasion. What we are being told at schools in the West (under great
pressure from Zionist lobby groups) is that Jewish suffering is somehow
different than suffering by others (as if we are children of a lesser God
or that God does have a chosen ppeople). While each atrocity in the world
is unique, it is simply not valid to engage in comparative martyrology let
alone determine a priori who has suffered historically the most. Just
because someone is Jewish (or Christian or Muslim) today does not mean
that they are related to those Jews (or Muslims or Christians) who lived
in the Arab world hundreds of years ago let alone have a continuity
obligating them to get revenge for the atrocities from people who had
nothing to do with it. It is simply not right or decent (or sustainable)
to use injustice done hundreds of years ago to justfy doing an injustice
to someone else TODAY. Today 11 million Palestinians live in the
most deplorable coonditions. 7 million are refugees or displaced
people, the rest live in isolated ghettos, impoversished and
marginalized. Israeli authorities come up with scheme after scheme
to continue this process of marginalizing and hurting us. Using
their leverge with great powers, they get puppet regimes in Egypt and
elsewhere in the Arab world to do their bidding. Egyptian
government's lame attempts to justify sealing off 1.5 million people in
Gaza (70% of them refugees) from the outside world simply does not hold
water. More and more people see the injustice. Yet Israeli defenders
and their puppets still cling to self-delusions. Histrory will not
be kind to them. But history will not be kind to Arabs also nor to
other people who go about their daily life ignoring glaring injustice.
Even in dictatorioal regimes, governments do not get away with what they
do unless they are able to get the consent and acquiescence of the people.
People can believe the lies and the distortions or not believe them and
still acquiesce because they have little self confidence.
People have more power than their governments want them to have and (more
importantly) want them to believe they have. Effecting change first of all
requires education. The first is education to let people know that
their governments lie to them all the time. Thus, when the Israeli
government tells its people that building walls and oppressing others is
for their security, this should be exposed as lies. When the
Jordanian government uses the slogan "Jordan First" or the Egyptian
government uses the slogan "Egypt above all" that these are lies. Egypt
security and sovereignity for example is not threatened by the starving
Gazans but by the enslavement of its rulers to outside agendas (and two
billion in conditional US aid that goes to support the elites). People are
first and people of this part of the world would all prosper if all these
governments step aside and let people connect to other people.
Direct rail links and direct travel without restrictions without borders
would be good for people, for their economy and for their prosperity.
Narrow nationalism (especially the fake varieties of it like ethnocentric
chauvenistic nationalism exemplified by Zionism) is not good for anyone.
Does it make sence that I can travel between France, Germany, Spain and
Italy without visas or checkpoints while traveling even with one and among
several middle Eastern Countries is like traveling in Apartheid South
Africa while being black? This when the total population of the five
countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region does not add up to half the
population of Italy or even the population of one city in China.
Ironiaclly, all these "countries" were created and supported by Europeans
(who are now abandoning nationalism). Anyway, those of us who
like Arundhati Roy believe "not only is another world possible, on a quiet
day I can hear her breathing", those of us who believe in people not
governments, will contnue to work to welcome this new world. BTW, If you
are in Italy, email us so that we can get together while we are here
(through the 12th). Action as always is required and is the
antidote of despair. Boycotts, divestments and sanctioons as well as
reaching out with education to others. Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD A
bedouin a cyberspace, a villager at home (and whose tent now is pitched in