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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


560 Palestinians Killed in Gaza, 16 in the West Bank,   2,900 injured, Gaza Population without Food, Water, Electricity, or Gas

October 9, 2023 


An Israeli air strike on Gaza city, on October 9, 2023 Total destruction of buildings in Ghazza, Gaza, city, October 9, 2023
 Israel's scorched earth policy against the Gaza Strip, destruction in the heart of Ghazza, Gaza, city, October 8, 2023  

Total destruction of buildings in Ghazza, Gaza, city, October 9, 2023

Funeral of children from the Abu Qouta family who were killed in Israeli strikes in Rafa'h in the southern Gaza Strip, October 8, 2023

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

"مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَىٰ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا"  (الْمَائِدَةُ ، 5: 32).

"وَمَنْ يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُّتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا" (النِّسَاءُ ، 4: 93).


"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

With the exception of killings, the following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, from:

Israeli air strikes cause massacres of Palestinians all over Ghazza (Gaza) Strip, with a focus on Ghazza city, as a result of the destruction of buildings over the heads of people inside

Palestine Today, October 9, 2023

مجزرتان في معسكري الشاطئ وجباليا"الترنس".. شهداء وإصابات في أكثر مناطق القطاع اكتظاظاً

الساعة 11:18 ص|09 أكتوبر 2023 ، فلسطين اليوم

ارتكبت قوات الاحتلال "الإسرائيلي ظهر اليوم الاثنين 9/10/2023 ، مجزرة كبيرة في مخيمي الشاطئ وجباليا، بعد قصف مسجد السوسي بمخيم الشاطئ، بالإضافة إلى قصف منطقة الترنس المكتظة بالمواطنين في جباليا شمال قطاع غزة". وقال شهود عيان: إنه تم "انتشال  عدد كبير من الشهداء والمصابين نتيجة القصف الإسرائيلي في منطقة الترنس".

في حين أكدت المصادر الطبية أن عدد الشهداء جراء قصف مسجد السوسي بلغ 9 وعدد كبير من الإصابات، وخاصة أن المسجد يقع في منطقة مكتظة بالسكان والمنازل المتراصة. وكانت وزارة الصحة بغزة أعلنت  اليوم الاثنين 9/10/2023 عن ارتفاع حصيلة الشهداء لـ 493 مواطناً وإصابة 2751 مواطنا آخر بجراح مختلفة، إجمالي حصيلة العدوان المستمر لليوم الثالث على التوالي. ويشار إلى أن المقاومة الفلسطينية أطلقت "طوفان الأقصى" يوم السبت الماصي السابع من أكتوبر ، حيث أدت العملية لمقتل 700 مستوطن وجندي "اسرائيلي " بعد تمكن المقاومة من اقتحام المستوطنات واسر المئات من الجنود .

بالصور مجزرتان في معسكري الشاطئ وجباليا"الترنس".. شهداء وإصابات في أكثر مناطق القطاع اكتظاظاً | فلسطين اليوم (

اليوم الثالث على التوالي: الاحتلال يرتكب المجازر في غزة يقصف البيوت على رؤوس ساكنيها

الساعة 07:51 ص|09 أكتوبر 2023 طوفان الاقصى فيسبوكتويترواتس ابتيليجرام  ، فلسطين اليوم

شنت قوات الاحتلال منذ الليلة الماضية مجازر كبيرة في مناطق متفرقة بقطاع غزة، بعد أن قصفت كافة مناطق القطاع وهدمت منازل المواطنين على رؤوس ساكنيها ، مما أدى لوقوع مجازر كان ضحيتها الأطفال والنساء ، بالإضافة الي قصف مدفعي متواصل وعنيف شرق حدود محافظتي رفح وخانيونس جنوب قطاع غزة، واستهداف 3 مساجد منها اليرموك  وأحمد ياسين والمسجد الغربي . حيث تم الليلة الماضية انتشال نحو 20 شهيدًا وأعمال البحث متواصل داخل منزل عائلة أبو هلال ومنازل مجاورة برفح ، وتم انتشال 21 شهيد من عائلة الزعانين ارتقوا بعد قصف منزلهم بالطيران الحربي الإسرائيلي دون سابق انذار في بيت حانون .

بالإضافة الى استشهاد5 شهداء بقصف الاحتلال منزل عائلة أبو العمرين في القرارة بخانيونس، جنوب القطاع ، 3  شهداء وصلوا الشفاء جراء قصف الاحتلال لمسجد في مخيم الشاطئ غرب غزة. استُشهد ثمانية مواطنين بينهم فتاة، فجر اليوم الاثنين، في غارات شنتها طائرات الاحتلال الحربية على مسجد في مخيم الشاطئ، ومنزلين في دير البلح وتل الزعتر وسط وشمال غزة. وأفاد مراسلنا بأن طيران الاحتلال قصف مسجد أحمد ياسين في مخيم الشاطىء، ما أدى إلى استشهاد فتاة ووقوع عدة إصابات في صفوف المواطنين.

وأضاف أن طيران الاحتلال الاسرائيلي قصف منزلا دون سابق انذار يعود لعائلة فياض بمنطقة المشاعلة غرب مدينة دير البلح ما أدى إلى استشهاد ثلاثة مواطنين، كما استهدفت قوات الاحتلال منزلا في تل الزعتر شمال قطاع غزة ما أدى إلى استشهاد أربعة مواطنين. يشار إلى أن الطيران الحربي الإسرائيلي يشن سلسلة غارات عنيفة على مواقع مختلفة في قطاع غزة، وقصف عدة منازل على رؤوس ساكنيها دون سابق انذار، كما دمر ثلاثة مساجد بشكل كامل منذ بدء العداون على قطاع غزة.

اليوم الثالث على التوالي: الاحتلال يرتكب المجازر في غزة يقصف البيوت على رؤوس ساكنيها | فلسطين اليوم (


Israeli occupation regime aggression on Ghazza (Gaza): 576 dead, 2900 injured in Israeli airstrikes

Ghazza (Gaza), Monday, October 9, 2023 (WAFA) –

The death toll from the ongoing Israeli occupation regime aggression against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank has risen to 576, while there are more than 2,900 injured.

Gaza Strip hospitals announced, Monday afternoon, that the number of the slain Palestinians of the ongoing aggression on Ghazza (Gaza) for the third day had risen to 560, adding 2,900 others were injured with various injuries.

WAFA correspondent said that this statistic came in a brief statement issued by hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, the number of the slain Palestinians rose to 16, following the killing of Ahmed Khalid Ibrahim Abu Turki, 28, was killed by occupation bullets near the city of Hebron.

Israeli occupation warplanes continued to launch more air strikes on civilians homes in the Gaza Strip for the third day in a row.

The warplanes bombed the International Eye Hospital in Tal Al-Hawa area, and several homes in the towns of Bait Hanoun, Bait Lahia, Jabalia, and Al-Faluja area in the north of the Gaza Strip, leaving dozens killed and wounded in addition to destroying many homes and leveling them to the ground.

They also bombed several residential apartments in Burj Al-Andalus, north of Al-Nasr neighborhood in Gaza, and several homes in Al-Shuja’iya, Al-Tuffah, Al-Shati’ camp, and Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, and several homes in Al-Buraij, al-Nusayrat, and Al-Maghazi camps, and the city of Dair Al-Bala'h in the middle of the Strip.

The warplanes also launched air strikes on several homes in Khan Younis and Rafa'h governorates, south of the Gaza Strip, and leveled them to the ground.

They fired hundreds of shells and missiles towards the eastern border of the Strip, causing great destruction in the targeted areas.

Meanwhile, Israeli navy targeted Al-Rashid Road along the coastal road west of the Gaza Strip governorates.


In its war on Gaza, the Israeli occupation regime decides to cut off food and electricity from Gaza

TEL AVIV, Monday, October 9, 2023 (WAFA) -

 As part of Israel’s war on Gaza, Israeli occupation regime defense minister, Yoav Galant, decided to toughen the 17-year-long siege on the Gaza Strip with preventing entry of food and fuel and cutting off electricity to the Strip.

Galant said in racist statements to the official Israeli radio "Kan": "We made an assessment of the situation, and we are fighting animals and we will act accordingly."

Three days of Israeli airstrikes killed around 500 Palestinians and injured some 3000 others, most of them children and women.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation regime warplanes launched a series of destructive air raids on Gaza in Israel’s scorched earth policy against the Gaza Strip.

Tens of tones of explosives were dropped on Gaza in the past three days, mainly in the border areas north and east of the Gaza Strip, causing heavy destruction to property and forming a cloud of deep black smoke over the Gaza Strip, the latest of which was the two massacres in the Jabalya and Shati refugee camps, leaving dozens of people dead and wounded and massive destruction of homes and property.



Israel Continues Strikes in Gaza Following Deadly Attack; 2 Shot by IDF While Trying to Cross From Lebanon

Haaretz, October 9, 2023

Credit: Amir Cohen / Reuters 2 of 7 | Credit: Ilan Assayag

As the war with Hamas enters the third day, the Israeli military says it managed to gain full control over Israeli towns infiltrated by terrorists, but warned that some might still be in the country. At least 700 Israelis were killed and nearly 2,400 wounded since Hamas' surprise invasion on Saturday morning. In Gaza, the Palestinians report 560 dead and over 2,700 wounded.

Israel entered the third day of its war with Hamas which has launched a surprise attack on Gaza border communities over land, sea and air, killing over 700 Israelis, wounding more than 2500 and abducting more than 100 people into the coastal enclave.

Hamas says that over 100 Israeli hostages - including civilians and soldiers - are being held in the Gaza Strip, while the Islamic Jihad said they are holding at least 30 Israelis hostage. Hamas claims that four Israeli hostages were killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.

Hundreds of Israelis were shot dead by terrorists infiltrating their houses near the border with Gaza and in airstrikes targeting Israel's central and southern regions, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. At least 260 civilians were slaughtered at a music festival in the south.

After a day of fighting, the Israel Defense Forces spokesperson announced that the army managed to gain full control over Israeli towns infiltrated by (Palestinian fighters), but warned that some of them might still be in the country.

In the afternoon, rocket sirens were activated in northern Israeli towns near the border with Lebanon - for the first time since the war began. Two militants then infiltrated Israeli territory from Lebanon and were killed by IDF troops. Islamic Jihad later claimed responsibility.

Ten people were wounded near Jerusalem in the afternoon after a rocket barrage, two of them seriously.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a full siege on the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip. " No power, no food, no gas, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly." He later ordered to increase intensity of airstrikes on Gaza and confirmed that all reserve pilots reported for duty.

The Gaza Health Ministry reported that 560 Palestinians, 78 of them children and youth, were killed and over 2,300 were wounded in Israeli strikes.

PM Netanyahu said Israel's response to the unprecedented attack by Hamas will "change the Middle East."

300,000 army reservists have been called up making it the "biggest, fastest ever" draft in Israel's history.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition is negotiating with opposition party National Unity to form an emergency government that would last for the duration of the war, with the latter demanding to exclude far-right coalition members Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich's parties from it.

Meanwhile, Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that Qatar is trying to lead a quick prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. A Hamas source told the news agency that the Qatari proposal involves the release of women held by Hamas in exchange for the release of female Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. According to the report, the U.S. supports the initiative and Hamas has expressed agreement in principle on the condition that all Palestinian female prisoners held in Israel be released.

The IDF says that they are working hard to compile a picture of the civilians who were killed and injured and are estimating that in the next 48 hours they will inform all the families what happened to their loved ones.

Israel Continues Strikes in Gaza Following Deadly Attack; 2 Shot by IDF While Trying to Cross From Lebanon - Israel News -


 Including 78 children and 41 women, 413 Palestinians killed in Israeli aggression on Gaza

October 9, 2023 early morning

PIC, Ghazza (Gaza) -

At least 413 Palestinians have been killed, including 78 children and 41 women in the Israeli air strikes on Gaza Strip, the Palestinian health ministry revealed on Sunday evening.

A further 2,300 people have been wounded in the ongoing Israeli air strikes, including 213 children and 140 women, it added. Since Saturday evening, Israeli warplanes have launched hundreds of air raids on civilian houses and infrastructure in various areas of the Gaza Strip, leading to hundreds of casualties and vast destruction.

According to the ministry, at least eight massacres have been carried out in the Ghazza (Gaza) Strip so far, claiming the lives of about 54 civilians. Palestinian health officials had been issuing warnings of an imminent stop in the provision of medical services due to the lack of fuel needed to operate the electricity generators in hospitals and health facilities across Gaza. 

The health ministry called on the international community and all relevant parties to put pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities to restart Gaza power lines.

 IOF continues to pound Gaza as "Aqsa Flood" enters its 3rd day

October 9, 2023 early morning

PIC, Ghazza (Gaza) -

As Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered its third day on Monday, groups of Palestinian resistance fighters are still clashing with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) behind the enemy lines, while more Palestinian citizens have been killed and injured in the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Ghazza (Gaza) Strip.

Palestinian medical sources said that many citizens were killed and wounded last night and on Monday morning in Israeli aerial and artillery attacks on different areas of Ghazza (Gaza).

The interior ministry in Ghazza (Gaza) affirmed that a number of citizens were martyred and wounded in intense Israeli airstrikes on inhabited homes in Bait 'Hanoun, Rafa'h, Khan Younis, and Tal al-Hawa in Gaza City.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation army said in the morning that there were ongoing armed clashes with Palestinian gunmen in different sites in Israeli towns around Gaza.

On Sunday evening, the health ministry said that the death toll from Israeli attacks on Gaza climbed to 413 martyrs, while over 2,300 citizens were injured.

The numbers of casualties are likely to rise as the Israeli army continues to bombard the densely-populated coastal enclave.

The Israeli occupation army claimed that its warplanes bombed over 500 strategic targets in Gaza, but Palestinian officials refuted such Israeli allegations, saying that Israeli aircraft only target civilian buildings, including homes and mosques.

21 Palestinian civilians from the same family were reportedly killed last night when an Israeli warplane bombed their home in Rafa'h, south of Gaza.

Warplanes also targeted other civilian homes and buildings in different areas of Gaza during nighttime, dawn and morning raids.

IOF continues to pound Gaza as "Aqsa Flood" enters its 3rd day (


Ongoing Bombing On Gaza, 370 killed, 2200 Injured

 imemc, OCT 9, 2023

On Sunday, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza confirmed that Israeli missiles and shells have killed 370 Palestinians and injured more than 2200.

The Health Ministry added that Israeli missiles have killed at least twenty children and many women in Gaza.

It stated that the Palestinians located the corpses of a pregnant woman and several children after the army fired missiles at a Palestinian home in central Gaza.

The Israeli occupation army continued the bombing of Gaza, firing dozens of missiles and shells targeting many areas, including homes, residential towers, commercial buildings, infrastructure, mosques, and medical centers.

The Israeli bombing also targeted Jabalia and Bait Hanoun in northern Gaza and several areas in Gaza City, in addition to Khan Younis and Rafah, leading to massive destruction and additional casualties.

At least 20,000 Palestinians fled their homes due to Israeli bombing and took shelter in UNRWA-run schools.

Al-Jazeera News Agency said the army fired missiles at many parts of the Gaza Strip, including two homes in the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City, leading to dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

The Israeli army also destroyed three residential towers that included dozens of apartments, offices, and media centers, in addition to bombing dozens of homes, including in the Sudaniyya area and the Zaytoun neighborhood.

The army also bombed mosques and even an UNRWA-run school In Gaza.

Israeli daily Haaretz has reported that at least 600 Israelis have been killed and 2000 have been injured by Palestinian fighters who infiltrated nearby Israeli military bases and towns.

Dozens of Israelis, including many soldiers and commanders, have been captured before being sent to Gaza.

According to Haaretz, the exact number of captives held by Hamas in Gaza remains unknown but added that a source familiar with the issue said dozens are held, while another source said that information gathered in Israel, the number of captives could be close to 100.

The Israeli occupation army also released the names of 25 soldiers, among dozens, killed on the first day of the Palestinian fighter’s infiltration into military bases across the border with Gaza.

The Heath Ministry said the Palestinians located the corpses of a pregnant woman and several children after the army fired missiles at a Palestinian home in central Gaza.

It added that Israeli missiles also killed three Palestinians in Khuza’a town, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

In Khan Younis, the army fired missiles at a home for the Abu Daqqa family, killing Yahya Khalid Abu Daqqa, who was among nine Palestinians, including five children,

In the Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza, an Israeli missile killed a Palestinian on his land and caused damage to homes.

Ten Palestinians were killed when the army bombed a house in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The army also fired many missiles into the Al-Buraij refugee camp, a home in the Zaytoun neighborhood south of Ghazza (Gaza) City, and a garbage dumpster in the city.

Dozens of Palestinians were injured when the army fired missiles at homes in the Salateen area, west of Bait Lahia, in northern Gaza.

The Israeli missiles destroyed 14 homes and six residential towers and caused massive infrastructure damage.

On Sunday dawn, Israeli missiles and shells killed 28 Palestinians, including children and women, and injured dozens, including many children, in the Gaza Strip.

A few hours before the time of this report, the Health Ministry in Gaza said twenty Palestinian children were among the slain 256 Palestinians, in addition to 121 children among 1788 wounded Palestinians.

It also called on the Palestinians to donate blood in all medical centers, especially those who carry (O) blood type.

Israeli daily Haaretz said Palestinian fighters fired 2,500 shells from Gaza and added that more than 600 Israelis were killed and 2000 injured in the surprise infiltration, Saturday, into adjacent Israeli settlements.

Haaretz also said a serious number of Israelis, including soldiers, have been captured and are held in Gaza.

The Israeli media agency stated that, according to Israeli Police estimates, 30 police officers were killed on the first day of the infiltration of Palestinian fighters and said, according to data by the Israeli Health Ministry, 1864 Israelis have been taken to hospitals, including 19 who suffered critical injuries, 326 serious injuries, 359 moderate injuries, and 821 mild injuries.

The thirty police officers were killed in gunbattle with Palestinian fighters who surrounded a police station in Sderot, in the Negev, before storming it.

Haaretz stated that least 250 Israelis have been killed, over 1,800 wounded in the “surprise infiltration and massive barrages.”

On its part, the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said its fighters are still exchanging fire with soldiers and police officers in various areas, including Sderot, Ofakim, Yad Mordechai, Kfar Azza, Kissufim and Kibbutz Be’eri.

Al-Qassam added that its fighters in Gaza are supporting the fighters who infiltrated the surrounding Israeli colonies by firing a barrage of shells.

The Israeli army, the Shin Bet security service, and the Border Police said they managed to capture 19 Hamas members across the West Bank on Saturday night and added that, on Sunday, the Navy thwarted an infiltration attempt by fighters at Zikim Beach.

Ongoing Bombing On Gaza, 370 killed, 2200 Injured | - IMEMC News

Ongoing Israeli Air Strikes Kill Many Palestinians In Gaza

 OCT 9, 2023

On Monday dawn, the ongoing Israeli military bombardment of the densely populated and besieged Gaza Strip led to many fatalities and dozens of injuries, including children.

Media sources said the Israeli Air Force fired missiles at homes in Tal Az-Za’tar in northern Gaza, the Shija’iyya neighbored east of Gaza City, and the Al-Buraij refugee camp in the central part of the coastal enclave.

The army also bombed Ahmad Yaseen Mosque in the center of the Shati refugee camp, destroying the holy site, killing a girl, and injuring many Palestinians.

The army fired a missile at a home in the Shija’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza, destroying the property and causing damage to surrounding homes.

Many missiles were also fired at homes, buildings, and lands in Bait Lahia and the Al-'Atatra area in northern Gaza.

The soldiers also fired missiles at a home in the Al-Buraij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, destroying the property and causing damage to surrounding homes.

Furthermore, the Israeli Air Force fired a missile at a home in Bani Suhayla, east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and the Al-Qarara area, north of Khan Younis.

In addition, the army bombed the Al-Habeeb Mu'hammed Mosque in Khan Younis and leveled it, causing many casualties.

The Air Force also fired missiles at homes in the Al-Karama area in Gaza, Misbeh area, north of Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Medical sources have confirmed many casualties, including fatalities, when the army bombed a home in Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, destroying the property and causing damage to surrounding homes.

In addition, the army fired missiles at the Al-Yarmouk Mosque in Gaza City, leveling it to the ground and causing damage to surrounding homes.

Another home was bombed in the Na’ayma area, and several sites and buildings in the Al-Banat Street area in Bit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Navy also fired missiles and bursts of live fire at the beaches of Gaza and the As-Sudaniyya area, while the army fired artillery shells into many areas east of Khan Younis.

On Sunday evening, the Health Ministry denounced the Israeli bombings of the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza, leading to the death of one worker and the injuries of many Palestinians.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells in the Gaza Strip has arrived at 413, in addition to 2200 injuries. Among the slain Palestinians are 78 children and 41 women.

The United Nations Relief And Work Agency (UNRWA) said about 74.000 are seeking shelter in 64 UNRWA-run schools in the Gaza Strip.

UNRWA added that the numbers would likely significantly increase due to ongoing Israeli bombardment and shelling.

It also said that one of its schools, sheltering more than 225 Palestinians, including dozens of children, was bombed by the army and sustained serious damage.


Killing of Palestinians in the West bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian In Hebron

 OCT 9, 2023

On Monday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian in Jabir neighborhood in Hebron city, in the occupied West Bank, after he reportedly tried to ram a military roadblock with a bulldozer he was driving.

Arif Jabir, a known human rights activist in Hebron, said he heard a barrage of gunfire, and when he looked out of his window, he saw the soldiers firing dozens of live rounds at the bulldozer.

Media sources said the slain young man has been identified as Rajih Husam Taha Abu Sunaina, 18, from Hebron.

The Palestinian was live streaming on social media while driving the bulldozers and headed towards an Israeli military roadblock not far from the illegal Kiryat Arba Israeli settlement in the eastern part of the city.

Israeli sources said the soldiers were heading back to their base after a shift near the Ibrahimi Mosque and saw the young man “and noticed what he was doing” before they fired many live rounds and killed him.

An Israeli military spokesperson claimed the Palestinian broke through the military roadblock and was heading to the colony and then he “attempted to ram the soldiers by using the shovel of his bulldozer.”

The Palestinian was live streaming while driving the bulldozers, and after the soldiers killed him and his bulldozer came to a complete halt, they continued to fire a barrage of live fire at him and headed to the side of the bulldozer before continuing to fire at him.

On Monday dawn, a Palestinian child, Adam Al-Jolani, 14, died from serious wounds he suffered when Israeli soldiers shot him on Sunday evening near the Qalandia terminal, north of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank, after the army also killed three Palestinians.

Palestinian Child Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered Sunday

 OCT 9, 2023

On Monday dawn, a Palestinian child died from serious wounds he suffered when Israeli soldiers shot him on Sunday evening near the Qalandia terminal, north of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank, after the army also killed three Palestinians.

Medical sources have confirmed that the child, Adam Al-Jolani, 14, from the Ar-Ram town, north of Jerusalem, was shot with live fire and was one of four wounded Palestinians, in addition to three who were killed by Israeli army fire.

The sources added that Palestinian medics treated the child and rushed him to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, in the central West Bank, but he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The three killed in the incident have been identified as Mu'hammed Ziyad Abdul-Jaleel Humaid, 24, from Bait Anan town northwest of occupied Jerusalem, Amjad Maher Elian Khdeir, 36, from Gaza City but lived in Ramallah, and Tha-ir Sami Kasba, 17, from the Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.

The slain Palestinians are among eight, including children, killed by Israeli army fire Saturday.

On Sunday dawn, the soldiers killed Ahmed Atif 'Awawda, 19, from Doura town, southwest of Hebron in the occupied West Bank’s southern part, after shooting him near Dair Sharaf town, west of Nablus.

On Sunday night, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza denounced the Israeli bombings of the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza, leading to the death of one worker and the injuries of many Palestinians.

In a statement early Monday morning, the Health Ministry said the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells on the third day of ongoing bombings on the Gaza Strip reached 436, including 91 children and 61 women, in addition to 2271 injuries, including 244 children and 151 women.

The figures are only for the confirmed deaths of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells inside the Gaza Strip.

On Monday dawn, the ongoing Israeli military bombardment of the densely populated and besieged Gaza Strip led to many fatalities and dozens of injuries, including children.

Israeli Army Kills Eight Palestinians From West Bank

 OCT 9, 2023

On Sunday, Israeli soldiers killed seven Palestinians and injured dozens in several parts of the occupied West Bank; one Palestinian from Hebron was killed in Gaza.

Medical sources at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron, in the West Bank’s southern part, said the soldiers killed Mohammad Jawad Zughayyar, 21, after shooting him with a live round at the western entrance of Hebron city.

They added that the medics rushed the young man to the hospital, but he succumbed to gunshot wounds in the chest.

In the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron, the soldiers shot a young man with special needs, Iyad Al-Wawi, 20, causing serious wounds before he was rushed to hospital in nearby Yatta town.

In related news, the family of Mu'hammed Ghalib Ata Hawareen, 25, was informed that Israeli soldiers killed him near the perimeter fence of the Gaza Strip.

A Palestinian who works at the Soroka Israeli Medical Center said he saw his corpse and managed to identify it before informing them.

Mu'hammed was from the Al-Tha-iriiya town, south of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

In Jericho, in the northeastern West Bank, the soldiers killed Abdul-'Halim Ibrahim Abu Sunaina, 24, during protests at the city’s northern entrance. The slain young man was shot in the chest and the abdomen.

Furthermore, the soldiers killed Mohammad Ziyad Abdul-Jaleel Humaid, 24, from Bait 'Anan town northwest of occupied Jerusalem, Amjad Mahir 'Ulayyan Khudair, 36, from Gaza City but lived in Ramallah, and Tha-ir Sami Kasba, 17, from the Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.

The three were killed, and nine Palestinians were injured during protests near the Qalandia terminal.

In Baita town, south of Nablus, the soldiers killed 'Imad Jari'h 'Adil Yaseen, 19, after shooting him in the neck during protests at the town’s main entrance.

Medics rushed him to a medical center in Nablus, but he succumbed to his serious wounds despite efforts to save his life.

'Imad and many other Palestinians gathered at the town’s main entrance after the locals saw illegal Israeli colonizers preparing to invade their town.

The soldiers also abducted three Palestinians, Mu'hammad 'Humaidat, Lu-ay 'Humaidat, and Riziq 'Humaidat, and confiscated a tractor while working on their lands near Jericho.

In Bethlehem, the soldiers shot a 17-year-old boy with a live round in the thigh in Tuqu town, southeast of Bethlehem, before Palestinian medics rushed him to a medical center.

He was shot by soldiers who opened fire at many Palestinians protesting a roadblock installed by illegal paramilitary colonizers on the street leading to their lands.

In Bait Jala, west of Bethlehem, the soldiers shot a young man near the Tunnel military roadblock, allegedly after he attempted to stab them.

In occupied Jerusalem, the army abducted Mohammad Sharifa near the Al-Aqsa Mosque after assaulting him and several other young men.

The soldiers also abducted ten young men in Bait Iksa town, northwest of Jerusalem. Seven of them have been identified as Ismael Anwar, Abdullah Zayid, Ala’ Fawzi, Hasan Khalaf, Anas Khateeb, Mu'hammed Jamal, and Mu'hammed Fareed.

On Sunday dawn, the soldiers killed A'hmed 'Atif 'Awawda, 19, from Doura town, southwest of Hebron in the occupied West Bank’s southern part, after shooting him near Deir Sharaf town, west of Nablus.

In the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Health Ministry denounced the Israeli bombings of the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza, leading to the death of one worker and the injuries of many Palestinians.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells in the Gaza Strip has arrived at 413, in addition to 2200 injuries. Among the slain Palestinians are 78 children and 41 women.

The figures are only for the confirmed deaths of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells inside the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Bombing Kills 28 Palestinians In Gaza

 OCT 8, 2023

On Sunday dawn, Israeli missiles and shells killed 28 Palestinians, including children and women, and injured dozens, including many children, in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the army fired missiles at many homes and residential buildings in several parts of the Gaza Strip.

It added that fourteen Palestinians, including children and women, were killed when the army fired missiles at a home belonging to the Abu Aisha family in Beit Hanoun, in northern Gaza.

The army fired missiles at a residential building in the Nasr neighborhood west of Gaza City, killing four Palestinians and wounding many others.

Five Palestinians were also injured when the army fired a missile at a home in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The army also bombed many homes in Rafa'h and Bait 'Hanoun and destroyed them before the family could escape.

In addition, the army caused serious damage to many homes, buildings, hospitals, schools, institutions, mosques, and infrastructure in all parts of the Gaza Strip.

The army destroyed Watan, Palestine, and Al-'Aklook residential towers in Gaza and destroyed them. The towers include dozens of apartments, offices, and media centers, in addition to bombing media centers.

Furthermore, Israeli troops shot dead Palestinian journalist Mu'hammed Al-Sal'hi while reporting in an area east of Gaza.

In a release, the Health Ministry in Gaza said the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells in Gaza in the last 24 hours had reached 260, including 20 children, in addition to 1788, including 121 children, who were injured.

Israeli daily Haaretz said Palestinian fighters fired 2,500 shells from Gaza and added that more than 250 Israelis were killed and 1800 injured in the surprise infiltration, Saturday, into adjacent Israeli settlements.

Haaretz also said a serious number of Israelis, including soldiers, have been captured and are held in Gaza.

The Israeli media agency stated that, according to Israeli Police estimates, 30 police officers were killed on the first day of the infiltration of Palestinian fighters and said, according to data by the Israeli Health Ministry, 1864 Israelis have been taken to hospitals, including 19 who suffered critical injuries, 326 serious injuries, 359 moderate injuries, and 821 mild injuries.

The thirty police officers were killed in gunbattle with Palestinian fighters who surrounded a police station in Sderot, in the Negev, before storming it.

Haaretz stated that least 250 Israelis have been killed, over 1,800 wounded in the “surprise infiltration and massive barrages.”

On its part, the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said its fighters are still exchanging fire with soldiers and police officers in various areas, including Sderot, Ofakim, Yad Mordechai, Kfar Azza, Kissufim and Kibbutz Be’eri.

Al-Qassam added that its fighters in Gaza are supporting the fighters who infiltrated the surrounding Israeli colonies by firing a barrage of shells.

The Israeli army, the Shin Bet security service, and the Border Police said they managed to capture 19 Hamas members across the West Bank on Saturday night and added that, on Sunday, the Navy thwarted an infiltration attempt by fighters at Zikim Beach.

Injuring of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers and Illegal Settlers

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians In Jerusalem

 OCT 9, 2023

On Sunday evening, Israeli occupation soldiers injured many Palestinians in several parts of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers attacked and injured several Palestinians in the Al-Qarmi neighborhood in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The sources added that the soldiers assaulted several young men in the Al-'Aisawiya town north of Jerusalem.

The soldiers also invaded Bait Hanina town, north of Jerusalem, leading to protests before the army fired many gas bombs and concussion grenades, causing several injuries.

Similar invasions and protests occurred after the soldiers invaded Jabal Al-Mukabbir, Sur Bahir, and At-Tour.

Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Undercover Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Three Palestinians Near Bethlehem

 OCT 9, 2023

Undercover Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Sunday night, three young Palestinian men in Doha town, west of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said Israeli soldiers invaded the Al-Basha area in Doha town, west of Bethlehem, leading to protests at the entrance of the Al-Iskan area.

The sources added that undercover soldiers infiltrated the town and kidnapped three young men before withdrawing.

Many Palestinians suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation after the soldiers fired many gas bombs, concussion grenades, and rubber-coated steel bullets.

Six Citizens Abducted in Shaikh Jarra'h

 OCT 9, 2023

On Saturday, October 7th, Israeli occupation forces arrested six citizens of Jerusalem, two from the Shaikh Jarra'h neighborhood.

Those beaten and arrested in the Old City were Tariq Al-Kurd, Fahmi Salima,  Mohammed Al-Ajlouni, and Ahmed Al-Julani, Wafa reports.

In Shaikh Jarra'h, occupation forces attacked Ahmed Al- Sa’aw, breaking his hand and arresting him. Mohammed Abu Dawla was also arrested.

On Friday, October 6th, five protesters were arrested in Shaikh Jarra'h for waving the Palestinian flag at a demonstration in support of the neighborhood residents. One of the activists was compensated with 7,500 after Israeli officer used undo force at a recent demonstration in the same location as reported by Haaretz. 

Soldiers Abduct Three Palestinians, Colonizers Damage Cars In Jerusalem

 OCT 8, 2023

On Sunday, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians while Israeli colonizers damaged Palestinian cars in occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers assaulted and injured a young man in the Old City before abducting him.

They added that the soldiers abducted Tha-ir Abu Sara and 'Isam Abu Diab from Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In related news, Israeli colonizers damaged several Palestinian cars parked in front of homes in the Shaikh Jarra'h neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Also, the soldiers attacked several young Palestinian men near King Faisal Gate while trying to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque, including a man and his child, while trying to enter the holy site through Bab Al-Asbat Gate.

In related news, the soldiers injured many Palestinians during protests in Bab Al-Zawiya area in the center of Hebron city, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Army Abducts Six Palestinians In Ramallah, Jerusalem

 OCT 8, 2023

On Sunday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted six Palestinians from their homes in Ramallah and Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank.

In Shu’fat refugee camp, north of occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers stormed and ransacked several homes and abducted two young men, Ahmad Othman and Ibrahim Taha.

Also, the soldiers abducted two Palestinians from the Al-Mughayyir village, east of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank’s central part.

Media sources said that several army jeeps invaded the village before the soldiers stormed and violently searched homes.

They added that the soldiers abducted Younis Saqr Abu Alia and Hamdi Ziyad Abu Alia from their homes.

The army also installed sand mounds at the eastern entrance of the village and installed a military roadblock at its western entrance.

The Israeli army also imposed a tight siege on all areas in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

On Sunday dawn, the soldiers abducted six Palestinians, including a wounded young man, in Nablus and Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

On Saturday evening, Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured a young Palestinian man in Abu Dis town, east of the occupied capital Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and abducted him from a Palestinian ambulance.

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed six Palestinians, including a 12-year-old child, were killed by Israeli army fire in the West Bank.

Early Sunday morning, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said 256 Palestinians, including 20 children, have been killed, and at least 1788, including 121 children, have been injured in ongoing Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip.

Overnight and at dawn Sunday, the Israeli army bombed dozens of homes and residential towers, including Watan Tower in the center of the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza, which also includes more than 100 apartments, clinics, and media centers. The army also destroyed many homes owned by leaders of the Hamas movement in Gaza.

Many Palestinians were killed, and dozens were injured when the army bombed Palestine Tower in the Shaboura neighborhood in Rafa'h, the Zaytoun neighborhood south of Gaza City, and many homes in Bait Hanoun.

The Israeli missiles also destroyed a mosque in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the coastal region, the WAFA News Agency said.

On Sunday dawn, Israeli missiles and shells killed 24 Palestinians, including children and women, and injured dozens, including many children, in the Gaza Strip.

On Saturday evening, Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured a young Palestinian man in Abu Dis town, east of the occupied capital Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and abducted him from a Palestinian ambulance.

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed six Palestinians, including a 12-year-old child, were killed by Israeli army fire in the West Bank.

Early Sunday morning, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said 256 Palestinians, including 20 children, have been killed, and at least 1788, including 121 children, have been injured in ongoing Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip.

Including Wounded Man, Soldiers Abduct Six Palestinians In Nablus, Bethlehem

 OCT 8, 2023

On Sunday dawn, Israeli occupation soldiers abducted six Palestinians, including a wounded young man, in Nablus and Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers injured Sa’d Mu'hammed Qabalan after shooting him with live fire near the entrance to Yitma town, south of Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank, before abducting him.

The soldiers also invaded and ransacked several homes in the town and abducted two young men, Ja'far Marwan Aqra’ and Mahmoud Qasim Jouda.

In Tal village, west of Nablus, the soldiers abducted Ayman Abdul-Raziq Yamen from his home after storming the property and ransacking it.

In Bethlehem, the soldiers invaded the Al-Khadir town south of the city, searched several homes, and abducted Yasser Nidal Sala'h and Saif Khalid Mousa.

It is worth mentioning that the soldiers closed all entrances of the Bethlehem governorate.

The soldiers closed the iron gates at the entrance of the Al-Khadir town in the Nashash area and Aqabat Hasna area, west of Bethlehem, Marah Rabah, and Tuqu towns, east and southeast of Bethlehem.

The soldiers also installed a military roadblock near Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem, in addition to Za’tara town, southeast of Bethlehem, Jannata village, south of Bethlehem, and Rashayda village, east of the city.

On Saturday evening, Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured a young Palestinian man in Abu Dis town, east of the occupied capital Jerusalem, in the West Bank, and abducted him from a Palestinian ambulance.

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed six Palestinians, including a 12-year-old child, were killed by Israeli army fire in the West Bank.

Early Sunday morning, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said 256 Palestinians, including 20 children, have been killed, and at least 1788, including 121 children, have been injured in ongoing Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip.

Overnight and at dawn Sunday, the Israeli army bombed dozens of homes and residential towers, including Watan Tower in the center of the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza, which also includes more than 100 apartments, clinics, and media centers. The army also destroyed many homes owned by leaders of the Hamas movement in Gaza.

Many Palestinians were killed, and dozens were injured when the army bombed Palestine Tower in the Shaboura neighborhood in Rafa'h, the Zaytoun neighborhood south of Gaza City, and many homes in Bait Hanoun.


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