Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, October 2023


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


500 Palestinian Displaced Civilians Killed, 600 Injured in a Genocidal Israeli Airstrike on Gaza Baptist Hospital

October 17, 2023 

Injured Palestinian children, victims of the genocidal Israeli air strikes, on October 17, 2023

Sites of the genocidal Israeli air strikes on Gaza city, on October 17, 2023
500 Palestinian Displaced Civilians were Killed, 600 were Injured in a Genocidal Israeli Airstrike on Gaza Baptist Hospital, October 17, 2023
Palestinian children represent the majority of victims in the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza, October 17, 2023  


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"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

With the exception of killings, the following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, from:


Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

 500 people killed, 600 wounded in Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital

October 17, 2023

GAZA, (PIC) +-

More than 500 people were killed and 600 others injured in an Israeli direct attack on the Al-Ahli Arab National Hospital in Gaza, Palestinian health ministry said on Tuesday evening. According to the PIC reporter, the airstrike targeted thousands of displaced people who took refuge in the hospital's courtyards after their houses were destroyed in the ongoing Israeli bombing.  

The Hamas Movement considered the Israeli massacre at Al-Ahli Hospital a genocide crime. "The horrifying massacre carried out by the Zionist occupation in the Arab National Hospital in the Gaza Strip, during which hundreds of people and injured were killed, the majority of whom were displaced families, patients, children, and women, is a crime of genocide that once again exposes the true face of this enemy and its fascist government and its terrorism, as well as the American and Western support for this criminal entity."

The Movement called on the international community and the Arab and Islamic countries to assume their responsibility and intervene immediately to stop the ongoing Israeli arrogance for 11 days.

 Euro-Med: Israel kills about 100 kids every day in Gaza

October 17, 2023


The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has said that the Israeli occupation army has been killing an average of 100 Gazan children every day since it launched its large-scale war on the besieged coastal enclave on October 7.

“The Israeli army is crushing the innocence of Gaza’s children,” Euro-Med stated in a report on Tuesday. According to Euro-Med’s new report, 1,046 children had been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza until Monday night (October 16), while efforts are underway to reach about 167 others who are under the rubble of bombed residential buildings.

Israel’s relentless attacks on Gaza also injured 3,250 other children, and at least 1,240 of them need special medical care. “The children of Gaza have been severely harmed since the start of the current Israeli war and they have emerged as a top target during the ongoing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza,” Euro-Med said, stressing that “the war have torn apart families and inflicted devastating impacts on children.”

Euro-Med also talked about many children who survived Israeli attacks, but they lost one or both parents and became homeless after their homes were destroyed. Euro-Med said that it has hundreds of photos and video clips showing dead children with smashed heads and mutilated bodies or with fatal internal injuries, adding that scores of children in Gaza hospitals also suffer from horrific burns or injuries, not to mention their suffering from different psychological traumas.

Large number of people killed, injured in Israeli airstrike against al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza

GAZA, Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (WAFA) –

Israeli warplanes this evening launched an airstrike against the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza city, killing and injuring a large number of people.

Sources said that Israeli warplanes launched an airstrike against the hospital, where thousands of displaced people sought refuge after their homes were destroyed in the ongoing Israeli shelling.

A video footage showed an ambulance transporting martyrs and the injured, while fire broke out as a result of the shelling.

In a related manner, UNRWA announced the killing of six people in an Israeli airstrike that targeted its school in al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza.


Death toll in Gaza today reached 198, and 575 injured

RAMALLAH, Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (WAFA) –

The number of people killed today in the ongoing Israeli brutal aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip has reached 198, while 575 others were injured.

Quoting sources at Gaza hospitals, WAFA correspondent said 198 people were killed, and 575 others were injured in the 11th day of Israeli airstrikes against the Strip.

The numbers are expected to surge significantly as the barbaric Israeli bombardment and mass killings in Gaza continue unabated and bodies are removed from under the rubble of their demolished homes and buildings.


World Food Program appeals for sustained access to Gaza to provide food lifeline

ROME, Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (WAFA) –

As humanitarian supplies converged on Egypt’s border with Gaza, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) today renewed its call for sustained humanitarian access to Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of people fleeing violence desperately need food, water and medical supplies. WFP already has food for 244,000 people close to the border with Gaza. More food supplies are arriving in northeastern Egypt, where an assistance hub is being set up.

“We need to be allowed to bring this food into Gaza for immediate distribution. And not just once. We need sustained access. The situation over there is catastrophic and our stocks inside Gaza are running out. Every day that passes pushed more and more people closer to starvation,” said Corinne Fleischer, WFP Regional Director for Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe.

“The situation is dire. It is unlike anything we have seen before here,” said Samir Abdul Jabir. WFP’s Country Director in the State of Palestine. “Our teams are working round the clock to distribute food and ensure the electronic voucher system is still functioning. Heart-wrenchingly, hundreds of people are queuing for hours every day to get bread rations at bakeries across Gaza, while food is there, ready for distribution, just across the border.”

WFP already has 310 metric tons of ready-to-eat food – enough to feed 244,000 people – at or on its way to the Egyptian border as more food supplies are arriving.

WFP said it requires an immediate $74 million for the next three months to provide this emergency assistance.

Food stocks in Gaza shops will last less than a week. Many shops are unable to restock from wholesalers because of damage to roads, infrastructure and insecurity, it said.

Only one flour mill is operating in Gaza and few bakeries are able to work so the bread supply is running short. People are lining up for hours to get bread.


Israeli Missiles Kill 120 Palestinians In Gaza

 IMEMC, OCT 17, 2023

On Tuesday, the Israeli army continued its bombing of various densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip, killing at least 120 Palestinians, mainly women and children, and wounding dozens, some seriously.

Update: The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said Ayman Noafal, a member of its “General Military Council” and the leaders of its “Central Gaza Wing” had been assassinated when the army bombarded the Al-Buraij refugee camp.

Updated: The army fired a missile at the Al-Madani family home in Khan Younus, in southern Gaza, killing at least 40 Palestinians and injuring dozens.

Most of the casualties fled their homes in northern Gaza due to the intensity of the Israeli bombing, especially after the Israeli army ordered northern Gaza Strip residents to leave and head to the central and southern parts of the Gaza Strip but attacked them with missiles in Gaza City, central Gaza, and the southern parts.

The Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) said the army fired missiles at a five-story home for the Zu’rub family in Rafa'h, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, killing 28 Palestinians, mainly women and children, and wounding dozens.

WAFA added that the army also fired a missile at a home in the “Japanese Neighborhood” in the western part of Khan Younus, killing ten Palestinians, including children, and wounding many Palestinians who took shelter in a nearby hospital after fleeing their homes in northern Gaza.

Also, the army fired a missile at a home in the “Dutch Neighborhood” west of Khan Younus, killing and wounding several Palestinians, including women and children.

At least six Palestinians were killed and many injured after the army bombed a home in the “European Neighborhood,” east of Khan Younus.

Furthermore, the army fired missiles at many homes, apartment buildings, and commercial buildings in Gaza City, killing and wounding many Palestinians.

Many Palestinians were killed and injured by Israeli missiles targeting a home for the Siyam family in the Nasr neighborhood, west of Gaza City, and another home for the Al-Zurai’iy in Dair El-Bala'h, in central Gaza.

After the Israeli army ordered the Palestinians in northern Gaza to leave their homes and towns and head to the central and the southern parts of the Gaza Strip, the army targeted the fleeing families, in addition to many residential buildings, medical facilities, media center, and various public and private properties.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital, the only medical center that provides treatment for cancer and tumors, had to shut down most of its clinics due to the lack of fuel and will be completely shutting down in 48 hours at most.

Earlier Tuesday, the Health Ministry said Israeli missiles and shells have killed at least 2778 Palestinians and injured at least 10,000; the Health Ministry said %64 of the slain Palestinians are women and children (936 women and 853 children), in addition to 37 medics, doctors, and health workers, in addition to at least sixteen journalists.

Israeli missiles have destroyed 3731 residential buildings, containing 105000 residential units, and caused partial damage to 10,000 units, including 7100 that were rendered structurally unsafe.

The Israeli missiles also destroyed 18 Palestinian schools and caused damage to 150, in addition to killing hundreds of children and teachers.

On Monday night, Israeli missiles killed many Palestinians, including a journalist, women, and children, in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, Israeli soldiers killed, on Tuesday dawn, a 70-year-old man in Nablus and a Palestinian teenage boy in 'Hal'houl town, north of Hebron, and in the occupied West Bank’s southern and northern parts.

On Monday evening, Israeli soldiers killed Anas Ra-id Manasra, 19, near the Annexation Wall west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

On Monday morning, medical sources confirmed the death of Rami Bilal 'Hasan, 33, whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured last Friday near Tulkarm, in the northwestern West Bank.

Mohammad’s death brings the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army and paramilitary colonizers in the West Bank since November 7th to sixty-one.

Ongoing Israeli Attacks Kill Dozens Of Palestinian Civilians In Gaza

 IMEMC, OCT 17, 2023

On Monday night, Israeli missiles killed many Palestinians, including a journalist, women, and children, in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli war jets fired a missile at an apartment in the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza, killing a journalist, Abdul-Hadi Habeeb, along with his mother-in-law, and injured several members of his family, some seriously.

Three Palestinian children were killed after the army fired a missile at their home in Dair El-Bala'h in the central Gaza Strip.

Eight Palestinians were killed when the Israeli army fired a missile at their home in the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza.

In Khan Younus, in southern Gaza, the army fired missiles at a home, killing Palestinian writer and political analyst Abdullah Al-'Aqqad, along with his wife and their children.

Earlier Monday, more than 50 were killed, most of them women and children, and dozens were injured since dawn today as a result of a series of Israeli air strikes targeting homes in various areas in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli offensive on Gaza continues for the tenth day, targeting homes, apartment buildings, medical centers, media facilities, and infrastructure, and has already wiped out entire neighborhoods and obliterated families.

Israeli missiles and shells have killed 2778 Palestinians and injured at least 10,000; the Health Ministry said %64 of the slain Palestinians are women and children (936 women and 853 children), in addition to 37 medics, doctors, and health workers, in addition to at least sixteen journalists.

Israeli missiles have destroyed 3731 residential buildings, containing 105000 residential units, and caused partial damage to 10,000 units, including 7100 that were rendered structurally unsafe.

The Israeli missiles also destroyed 18 Palestinian schools and caused damage to 150, in addition to killing hundreds of children and teachers.

The Israeli army killed 59 Palestinians, including children, and injured more than 1250 in the occupied West Bank since October 7th.

Israeli Missiles Kill Dozens Of Civilians In Gaza

 IMEMC, OCT 16, 2023

On Monday afternoon, the Israeli army fired a barrage of missiles at homes, apartment buildings, and facilities in the Gaza Strip, killing dozens of civilians and wounding hundreds.

Media sources said the army fired missiles at a home for the Radhi family in the Nussayrat refugee camp in central Gaza, killing and wounding dozens.

Three Palestinians were killed and many injured when the army fired a missile at a home in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.

The army also fired an artillery shell at another home in the refugee camp, killing one Palestinian and wounding at least four.

Seventeen Palestinians were killed and dozens injured when the army fired missiles at the home of the Zoqmat family in Khan Younus in southern Gaza.

Also, an Israeli war jet fired a missile at an apartment west of Gaza City before navy boats fired many shells at the port in an adjacent area.

At least seven Palestinians were injured by an Israeli artillery shell in Ezbet Bait 'Hanoun, in northern Gaza.

In addition, two Palestinians were killed and eleven injured after the army fired a missile at a home of the local Abu Rukba family in Khan Younus.

At least 1,000 Palestinians are presumed dead under the rubble of bombarded homes and buildings in several parts of the Gaza Strip.

Medics, rescue teams, and locals are facing numerous obstacles in locating people under the rubble due to ongoing Israeli bombing and the lack of adequate machines and equipment.

Furthermore, the Israeli army bombarded a warehouse for the UNRWA filled with basic food supplies in Gaza.

In an estimated figure, the Health Ministry said at least 2808 Palestinians have been killed and more than 10950 have been injured in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Entire families have been obliterated in their homes in Gaza.

The number of slain Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is about 2750, and the number of wounded is at least 9700, in addition to 58 slain Palestinians in the West Bank and 1250 injured since the Israeli offensive began on October 7th.

Israeli Missiles Killed Eleven Journalists In Gaza In One Week

 IMEMC, OCT 16, 2023

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate has reported that eleven journalists have been killed and more than twenty injured by Israeli missiles and shells since Israel began its onslaught on Gaza on October 7, 2023.

The Press Freedoms Committee of the Syndicate issued a press release confirming that Israeli soldiers killed eleven Palestinian journalists working for a number of media outlets.

It said the army killed Ahmad ShIhab of the Palestinian Detainees’ Radio, Photojournalist Mohammad Sal'hi of the Al-RabI’a Medica Agency, photojournalist Mohammad Fayez Abu Matar, photojournalists Hisham Nawaj’a and MUu'hammad Abu Riziq of the Khabar Media Agency, Ibrahim Lafi a photojournalist with 'Ein Media Agency, the editor-in-chief of Al-Khamisa News Agency 'Eisa Al-Tweel, Mu'hammed Jarghouth of Smart Media Agency, in addition to journalists As’ad Shamlakh, Salam Maima, and 'Husam Mubarak.

The Committee added that two journalists, Nidal Al-Wa'haidi of the Naja'h Satellite Media Agency and Haitham Abdul-Wahid of the 'Ein Media Agency, are still missing, believed to be buried under the rubble of bombarded buildings.

In addition, twenty journalists have been injured by Israeli missiles, and twenty journalists’ homes have been bombed.

The Israeli army also bombarded 50 media centers, including Al-Jazeera, Palestine TV, French Press Agency, Al-Aqsa Media Agency, Ma'an News Agency, Shihab News Agency, Sawa News Agency, Al-Quds Agency, Baladna Radio, Zaman Radio, National Radio, Khabar Radio, Al-Ayyam newspaper, Even Agency for Media Services, Fadil Shana’a media institute, Quran Radio, Shams News and APA office.

It added that the lack of electricity and internet due to the Israeli onslaught is also hindering the work of the journalists.

In the West Bank, the Israeli army continued to assault and open fire and journalists physically, in addition to detaining him.

There have been ten documented incidents where the army opened fire at Palestinian journalists, including when the army attacked Yazan 'Hamayil and Wahaj Bani Mifli'h in Beit town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The army also abducted four journalists, Abdul-Nasir La'hham, Sabri Jabr, Mu'adth Amarna, and Mustafa Al-Khawaja, after storming their homes.

In addition, the soldiers detained journalists more than 22 times within the last week, assaulted at least seven, and damaged various cameras and equipment.

The Israeli army also stopped the Al-Aqsa TV broadcast after shutting the signal down on Eutelsat.

Dozens of journalists received death threats, especially by police officers and paramilitary Israeli colonizers, in person and on various social media pages, in addition to distributing leaflets and social media posts calling for killing Palestinian journalists, including Muthanna Najjar from Gaza and Mu'hammed Turkman from the West Bank.

Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Army Kills A Palestinian Teen In Hebron, Elder In Nablus  

 OCT 17, 2023

On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed a 70-year-old man in Nablus and a Palestinian teenage boy in 'Hal'houl town, north of Hebron, and in the occupied West Bank’s southern and northern parts.

In Nablus, in the northern West Bank, the army killed Samir Mahmoud Sabra, 72, from the Public Housing area in the city.

Media sources said several army vehicles invaded Nablus, leading to protests, and fired a barrage of live fire randomly.

The sources added that the soldiers shot Samir while standing on his home’s balcony, inflicting serious abdominal wounds and extensive bleeding.

in 'Hal'houl town, north of Hebron, the soldiers killed a teenage boy, Mu'hammad Nidal Mu'hammed Mil'him, 17.

Medical sources at the Al-Mezan Hospital in Hebron said the soldiers shot Mu'hammed with live fire in the abdomen, causing extensive internal organ damage and bleeding.

Mohammad was shot after dozens of soldiers invaded the Industrial School in Halhoul, where dozens of Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip have been staying after the Israeli soldiers detained them in occupied Jerusalem and other parts of the country.

The army caused damage to the school and interrogated the workers before abducting fifty of them, in addition to 26 Palestinians from several parts of the governorate.

The attacks led to protests in several parts of 'Hal'houl before the soldiers fired many live rounds, wounding three Palestinians, including Mu'hammed.

On Monday evening, Israeli soldiers killed Anas Ra-id Manasra, 19, near the Annexation Wall west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

On Monday morning, medical sources confirmed the death of Rami Bilal Hasan, 33, whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured last Friday near Tulkarm, in the northwestern West Bank.

Mu'hammed’s death brings the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army and paramilitary colonizers in the West Bank since October 7th to sixty-one.

In the Gaza Strip, the army continued its bombing of homes, apartment buildings, media officers, medical centers, and infrastructure, killing at least 2800 Palestinians and wounding more than 10,000. The number of slain Palestinians does not include hundreds buried under the rubble of bombarded homes and buildings.

Israeli Army Kills A Palestinian Near Jenin

 OCT 17, 2023

On Monday evening, Israeli soldiers killed a young Palestinian man near one of the military roadblocks of the Annexation Wall west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

Media sources said the soldiers opened fire at Anas Ra-id Manasra, 19, on Palestinian land near the Salem military roadblock.-iThe sources added that Anas, from Qabatia town south of Jenin, was instantly killed when the soldiers shot him in the chest and the head before he was moved to the Jenin governmental hospital.

Dozens of Palestinians marched in front of the hospital and headed towards his home in Qabatia town, south of the city.

On Monday morning, medical sources confirmed the death of Rami Bilal Hasan, 33, whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured last Friday near Tulkarm, in the northwestern West Bank.

The Israeli army killed 59 Palestinians, including children, and injured more than 1250 in the occupied West Bank since October 7th.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli missiles and shells have killed 2778 Palestinians and injured at least 10,000; the Health Ministry said %64 of the slain Palestinians are women and children (936 women and 853 children), in addition to 37 medics, doctors, and health workers.

Israeli missiles have destroyed 3731 residential buildings, consisting of 105000 residential units, and caused partial damage to 10,000 units, including 7100 that were rendered structurally unsafe.

The Israeli missiles also destroyed 18 Palestinian schools and caused damage to 150, in addition to killing hundreds of children and teachers.

Palestinian Dies From Wounds Suffered Friday Near Tulkarem

 IMEMC, OCT 16, 2023

On Monday morning, medical sources confirmed the death of a Palestinian man whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured last Friday near Tulkarem, in the northwestern West Bank.

The sources said the soldiers shot Rami Bilal Hassan, 33, from Ertah Suburb in Tulkarm, with a live round in the head, causing serious wounds.

They added that Rami was driving his car when the soldiers fired several live rounds at it, and he remained in critical condition until he succumbed to his wounds Monday,

Rami is the eighth Palestinian to be killed by Israeli fire in Tulkarm since last Friday, October 13th, after the army killed seven Palestinians in Tulkarm; they were among fifteen Palestinians, including children, whom Israeli soldiers killed in the West Bank Friday.

On Saturday evening, medical sources reported that a Palestinian child, Mu'hammEd Rifat Mu'hammad QAdwan, 16, from Far’un village, south of Tulkarm, had succumbed to serious wounds he had suffered a week earlier when Israeli soldiers shot him.

Also Saturday, the soldiers killed Omar A'hmed Abdul-Ra'hman Asmar, 15, in Zeita town, north of Tulkarm.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells as the Israeli offensive entered its tenth day, is more than 2670, in addition to 9600 injured, including dozens who suffered serious wounds.

The number of deaths in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is more than 2808, in addition to 10950 wounded Palestinians.

Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Teen Near Nablus

 IMEMC, OCT 15, 2023

On Sunday, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian teenage boy in Beita town, south of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

Media sources said several Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers invaded the Jabal Al-Arma area in Baita, leading to protests before the army fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers shot Karam Ayman Duwaikat, 17, with live rounds in the abdomen, causing serious wounds.

The child was rushed to a hospital in Nablus but succumbed to his serious gunshot wounds despite efforts to save his life.

On Saturday evening, the soldiers killed Mu'hammed Rifat 'Adwan, 16, in Far’un town, south of Tulkarm, and Omar A'hmed Abdul-Ra'hman Asmar, 15, in Zeita town, north of Tulkarem in the northwestern West Bank.

Their deaths brought the number of Palestinians whom Israeli soldiers killed in Tulkarm on Friday and Saturday to seven; they were among fifteen Palestinians whom Israeli soldiers killed in the West Bank Friday.

The number of Palestinians, killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank in one week, is 49, in addition to dozens of injuries.

In the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has reported that Israeli missiles and shells have killed 300 Palestinians and injured 800, mainly women and children, in 24 hours.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles and shells since last Saturday is now more than 2384, in addition to 10250 injured, including dozens with serious wounds. Most of the casualties are civilians, including women and children.

The Health Ministry added that the army also bombed 15 medical centers and ambulance, killing 28 medics, and added that the Israeli missiles have obliterated more than 15 Palestinian families.

Overwhelmed hospitals in Gaza have no space in their morgues, and after placing dozens of corpses in corridors of hospital and medical centers, the Palestinians started digging a mass grave to burry at least 100 Palestinians near the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza; their families could not claim their bodies due to the intensity of the bombings.

Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Soldiers Abduct 114 Palestinians In West Bank

 IMEMC, OCT 17, 2023

On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted at least 114 Palestinians, including 50 workers from the Gaza Strip, in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The soldiers stormed and ransacked dozens of homes and buildings across the occupied West Bank, causing damage, and installed many additional roadblocks across the occupied West Bank, completely isolating entire communities.

The abductees are from many cities and towns in several governorates across the West Bank, and many of them are former political prisoners.

One of the abducted Palestinians is a lawyer, Asala Abu Khudhair, who was abducted from her home in the Shu’fat refugee camp north of Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Detainees Committee has reported that Israeli soldiers have abducted 680 Palestinians in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, since October 7th, and added that %25 of the abductees are children, patients, and elders.

It added that most of the abductees are former political prisoners who were taken from their homes after the soldiers stormed them and ransacked them, causing excessive damage, and said that only a few Palestinians were abducted while crossing military roadblocks.

The following names do not include the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, who were abducted after dozens of soldiers invaded the Industrial School in 'Hal'houl, where dozens of Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip have been staying after the Israeli soldiers detained them in occupied Jerusalem and other parts of the country, and sent them to the West Bank, before abducting him again.

Israeli Army Abducts 65 Palestinians In West Bank

 IMEMC, OCT 16, 2023

On Monday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted at least 65 Palestinians, including siblings and former political prisoners, from their homes in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The soldiers stormed and ransacked dozens of homes across the occupied West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

The army also intensified its military roadblocks and blockades around various communities across the West Bank and isolated entire communities.



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