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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


2750 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Air Strikes on Gaza, 9700 Injured, 2 Millions on Verge of Annihilation for lack of Water, Food, and Electricity

October 16, 2023 

News Main Image
Palestinians killed in the Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, October 16, 2023 Palestinian hospitals are no longer capable of receiving the dead civilians, who are killed by the Israeli air strikes on Gaza Strip, October 16, 2023
Site of an Israeli air strike on Gaza city, October 16, 2023 A scene at hospital entrance in Gaza city, where victims of Israeli air strikes arrive, October 16, 2023
Palestinians forced by Israeli genocidal air strikes to leave Gaza city to central and southern cities of Gaza Strip, October 16, 2023 Israeli occupation forces abducting two Palestinian children in the West Bank, October 16, 2023


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"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

With the exception of killings, the following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, from:


Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Health Ministry: 2750 people killed in Gaza, 8700 wounded, and 58 killed in West Bank, 1250 wounded

RAMALLAH, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) –

In its latest update, the Ministry of Health said 2750 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli air strikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, and more than 9700 people were injured since the start of the Israeli aggression on October 7.

In the West Bank, it added, 58 people were killed since October 7 and more than 1250 injured in Israeli army shooting at protesters throughout the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.


Aqsa Flood enters its 10th day, amid retaliatory fire from Gaza

GAZA, (PIC) +-

Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered on Monday its 10th day, amid ongoing drone and rocket attacks on Israeli targets, while the number of Israeli casualties climbed to 1,500 deaths and 3,900 injuries.

On Monday morning, al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, announced that it fired a volley of rockets at Ben Gurion Airport in response to the ongoing Israeli massacres in Gaza. Israelis in Modiin settlement and other areas near Occupied Jerusalem took cover in shelters as sirens sounded warnings of incoming rockets in the morning. On Sunday evening, al-Qassam Brigades fired dozens of rockets from Gaza and southern Lebanon at Israeli settlements and military sites.

Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, and other resistance groups also fired barrages of rockets and mortar shells from Gaza at different Israeli targets last night and earlier today. Meanwhile, the Hebrew media reported that Palestinian infiltration operations and clashes with Israeli forces happened during the last two days in different Israeli areas around Gaza.

A matter of life and death: water runs out for two million people in Gaza – UNRWA

AMMAN, Sunday, October 15, 2023 (WAFA) -

Across the Gaza Strip, more than 2 million people are at risk as water runs out, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said in a statement.

“It has become a matter of life and death. It is a must; fuel needs to be delivered now into Gaza to make water available for 2 million people,” said Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General.

No humanitarian supplies have been allowed into Gaza for a week now.

Clean water is running out in the Gaza Strip after its water plant and public water networks stopped working. People are now forced to use dirty water from wells, increasing the risks of waterborne diseases. Gaza has also been under an electricity blackout since 11 October, impacting the water supply, the statement added.

At the UN base in the southern Gaza Strip - where UNRWA has moved its operations- drinking water is also running out. Thousands of people have sought refuge there after Israel issued a warning to residents demanding them to leave their homes in the northern parts of the Strip, it said.

Only in the past 12 hours, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. The exodus continues as people move to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip. Nearly 1 million people have been displaced in one week alone, UNRWA said.

“We need to truck fuel into Gaza now. Fuel is the only way for people to have safe drinking water. If not, people will start dying of severe dehydration, among them young children, the elderly and women. Water is now the last remaining lifeline. I appeal for the siege on humanitarian assistance to be lifted now,” added Lazzarini.


More than 50 people killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

GAZA, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) -

More than 50 were killed, most of them women and children, and dozens were injured since dawn today as a result of a series of Israeli air strikes targeting homes in various areas in the Gaza Strip.

WAFA correspondent said 30 people were killed when Israeli warplanes fired missiles at homes in Khan Younus and in Al-Amal neighborhood to the west.

In addition, 16 others were killed, including children, as a result of the bombing of a house in Nusayrat refugee camp, and three others were killed in the bombing of a house in Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

It is noteworthy that more than 1,000 people are missing under the rubble of buildings destroyed by occupation aircraft in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health said today that the death toll as a result of the occupation’s continued aggression against Gaza and the West Bank has reached 2,808, and the number of injured was 10,950, including 2,750 dead and 9,700 injured in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the aggression on October 7.


At least 18 people killed in Israeli airstrikes targeting charitable organization, residential building in Gaza

GAZA, Sunday, October 15, 2023 (WAFA) –

At least 18 people, including seven who fled their homes due to the Israeli aggression, were killed tonight in Israeli airstrikes that targeted a charitable organization and a residential building in Rafa'h city, in the southern besieged Gaza Strip, said sources.

Israeli warplanes shelled with several missiles the headquarters of a charitable organization in Rafa'h city, killing 11 people and injuring dozens of others.

Seven others, who were forced to flee their homes from northern to southern Gaza, were killed in an Israeli bombardment of a residential building in central Rafa'h.

According to civil defense data, more than 1,000 missing people are expected to be trapped under the rubble of destroyed buildings as a result of the continued Israeli bombardment against different parts of the Strip.


11 journalists killed and 50 media organizations targeted since start of aggression on Gaza

GAZA, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) -

 The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) said today that 11 journalists were killed by Israeli army gunfire and more than 20 others were injured since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

It said in a statement that Ahmed Shihab, programmer for Voice of Prisoners Radio, photojournalist Mu'hammed Al-Sal'hi from the Fourth Estate Agency, photojournalist Muhammed Fayez Abu Matar, Khabar agency photographers Hisham Nawaj'ha and Mohammad Abu Rizq, Ain Media photographer Ibrahim Lafi, editor-in-chief of the Fifth News Agency Sa'eed Al-Taweel, Mu'hammed Jarghouth, from Smart Media Agency, As'ad Shamlikh, Salam Mema, and Hussam Mubarak were killed by the Israeli army.

The PJS said two journalists are still missing, namely photojournalist Nidal Al-Wa'haidi, who works as a producer with Al-Naja'h TV, and Haytham Abdul Wahid from the Ain Media Media Agency, and more than 20 journalists were injured in the ongoing aggression, while about 20 houses owned by journalists were bombed, some of which were completely destroyed and others were partially destroyed.

The PJS said that about 50 main and branch offices of media centers were bombed, including the offices of Al Jazeera, Palestine TV, AFP, Al-Aqsa, Ma’an News Agency, Sawa Agency, Shihab Agency, al-Quds newspaper, Radio Baladna, Zaman Radio, Watanya Agency, Khabar Agency, Al-Ayyam newspaper, Event Media Services Company, Fadl Shana'a Foundation, Holy Quran Radio, Shams News Agency, and the APA office.

It stressed that the continued interruption of electricity and the Internet in the Gaza Strip limited the ability of journalists to continue their coverage of the Israeli aggression.

The PJS report touched on violations in the West Bank and Jerusalem, pointing out that many journalists were beaten, detained, and prevented from covering events, while shots were fired in 10 cases at journalists the last of which targeted Yazan Hamayil and Wahhaj Bani Muflih, in the town of Baita, south of Nablus, in addition to the arrest of four journalists, namely Abdul Nasir Al-La'hham, Sabri Jabr, Moadth Amarneh, and Mustafa Al-Khawaja, after the occupation forces raided their homes.

There were also 22 cases of holding and preventing crews from working, 10 beating attacks, and seven cases of seizing and destroying journalists’ equipment, in addition to jamming the Channel Four broadcast and hacking it, while Al-Aqsa TV was also forced to stop broadcasting on the Eutelsat satellite, said the report, adding that many journalists were threatened and incited against in Israeli pages on social media platforms, as was the case with the  journalist Muthanna al-Najjar from Gaza, as well as journalist Mohammad Turkman from the West Bank, in addition to monitoring many publications calling for the liquidation of journalists, describing them as “saboteurs” and “terrorists,” and an armed colonist’s threat to the Al-Arabi TV broadcaster was monitored live.


Entire Palestinian family killed in Israeli airstrike on Gaza's Jabalia camp

GAZA, Sunday, October 15, 2023 (WAFA) –

A Palestinian citizen and his family members were killed Sunday evening after Israeli warplanes targeted their house in the Jabalia refugee camp, north of the Gaza Strip.

WAFA correspondent reported that the citizen, Hamid Hasan Abu 'Aita, and eight of his children and grandchildren were killed in a direct Israeli missile strike from an Israeli warplane that targeted his house in the Jabalia camp, while others were injured in nearby buildings and were taken to the Indonesian Hospital in the neighboring town of Bait Lahia.

The Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip continues for the ninth day in a row, with violent bombardment from warplanes, battleships, gunboats, and occupation artillery, targeting homes, towers, and residential buildings, leaving hundreds of dead and wounded among civilians, and destroying public and private property and infrastructure, and wiping out entire residential blocks.


Israel’s indiscriminate airstrikes on Gaza killed four people, including a child; seven civil defense members

GAZA, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) –

In the ongoing indiscriminate Israeli airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, four people were killed late last night, including a child, in an attack on a house in Khan Younis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, and seven members of the civil services were also killed in two other airstrikes, according to medical and local sources.

Local sources said several missiles hit a house in Khan Younus, destroying it in total and killing four people, including a child.

They said many other members of the same family are still under the rubble of the house and efforts are underway to extract them.

The indiscriminate air strikes also targeted two civil defense stations and vehicles in Tel Al-Hawa, south of Gaza City, and in central Gaza killing seven members of the civil defense and injuring others.

The Red Crescent also said the Israeli warplanes waged five strikes in the vicinity of its Al-Quds Hospital.

The Israeli warplanes waged dozens of airstrikes last night on several locations in the Gaza Strip, causing heavy destruction to homes and infrastructure.


Adalah and PHRI: Mass forcible displacement and ethnic cleansing in Gaza a war crime

HAIFA, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) - Adalah -

The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, together with Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), sent an urgent letter to Israel's Minister of Defense, Israel’s Attorney General, and the Head of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, to demand an immediate halt to Israel’s plan for the forcible transfer and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which they said is a war crime.

The letter was sent following media reports and on-the-ground testimonies indicating that Israel has notified the United Nations that all residents in the northern Gaza Strip, comprising around 1.1 million individuals, must evacuate the area within 24 hours. A similar notification was disseminated through airborne leaflets dropped over the northern region of Gaza.

The letter, sent by Adalah’s Legal Director Suhad Bishara argued that the forced displacement and forcible transfer of a civilian population is a blatant violation of principles of international humanitarian law, and displays clear intention to commit a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, as well as crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The organizations further argued that the plan for the mass forced transfer of the civilian population in Gaza is one of numerous war crimes the Israeli military has committed since it launched its full-fledged retaliatory military offensive on 7 October. These war crimes have resulted in the destruction of homes and entire neighborhoods, as well as the mass killing of civilian populations uninvolved in the fighting.

Adalah’s Bishara, commented: “Israel’s brutal and indiscriminate assault on the entire Palestinian population of Gaza, along with clear statements by Israeli public officials accompanying it, indicate an intention on the part of the state to commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, and carry out ethnic cleansing. The plan to forcibly displace over one million Palestinians from northern Gaza represents the largest forced displacement of Palestinians by Israel since 1948. We reiterate our call to the international community to intervene immediately in order to prevent these crimes and the immense humanitarian catastrophe they create.”


WHO records 48 Israeli health attacks in Gaza since October 7, and 63 in the West Bank

JERUSALEM, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) -

The World Health Organization (WHO) said its Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care has recorded 48 health attacks by the Israeli war machine since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza on October 7, which included the killings of 12 health workers and the injury of 20 others while on duty. At least 12 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) staff were also killed.

In the West Bank, WHO has documented 63 attacks against health in the West Bank, including obstruction to delivery of health care; physical violence towards health teams; detention of health staff and ambulances; and militarized search of health assets.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories said all humanitarian agencies and personnel have faced major constraints in providing humanitarian assistance, due to airstrikes, movement restrictions and shortages of electricity, fuel, water, medicines and other essential items. The prevailing insecurity is preventing safe access to people in need and essential facilities, such as warehouses.

It said that the reach of operations will remain limited without a humanitarian pause, the opening of the crossings with Israel and Egypt and significant funding for humanitarian response.


El-Qidra: Hospitals in Gaza are collapsing

October 16, 2023

GAZA, (PIC) +-

Dr. Ashraf El-Qidra, the official spokesman of Ministry Of Health in Gaza, said on Sunday that hospitals in Gaza Strip “are taking their last breath” due to the flood of victims of the ongoing Israeli aggression and the depletion of their stores of medicine and medical supplies. The spokesman said, "We count a martyr every 5 minutes due to the Israeli bombings on the Gaza Strip."

The Ministry of Health, meanwhile, launched an urgent appeal to all countries around the world to urgently send voluntary medical delegations from all specialties in order to help in rescuing the wounded people in hospitals of the Gaza Strip, whose medical teams have been either killed, injured, or displaced as a result of the Israeli aggression.

Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Two Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire in West Bank

October 16, 2023


Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire in Jericho and Tulkarm in the occupied West Bank at dawn Monday, bringing the total number of West Bankers killed in ten days to 58 martyrs.

The Palestinian health ministry announced that the young man, Muin Rib'hi Damo, 21, was killed in an Israeli raid in Jericho.  Three others were also injured during the raid, one of them in critical condition. Medical sources also declared that the young man, Rami Bilal Hassan, 33, succumbed to his critical wounds, which he sustained last Friday. Hassan was shot in the head last Friday by an Israeli sniper while he was driving west of Tulkarm.

Eight Palestinians have been killed in Tulkarm since last Friday. According to the health ministry, 58 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since October 7, including 14 children and women.

Palestinian Child Succumbs To Serious Wounds In Tulkarm

 IMEMC, OCT 15, 2023

On Saturday evening, medical sources reported that a Palestinian child from Far’un village, south of Tulkarm, in the occupied West Bank’s northwestern part, had succumbed to serious wounds he had suffered a week earlier when Israeli soldiers shot him.

Medical sources said Israeli soldiers shot the child, Mu'hammed Rifat 'Adwan, 16, with a live round in the back before he was rushed to a hospital.

They added that the child underwent surgery at Thabit Thabet Hospital in Tulkarm and was then moved to the Ishtishair Hospital in Ramallah, where he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The soldiers shot Mohammad near the Annexation Wall in the western part of the village after the army attacked farmers and protesters in the area.

Also, the soldiers killed 'Omar Ahmed Abdul-Ra'hman Asmar, 15, in Zaita town, north of Tulkarim.

Their deaths bring the number of Palestinians whom Israeli soldiers killed in Tulkarm on Friday and Saturday to seven; they were among fifteen Palestinians whom Israeli soldiers killed in the West Bank Friday.

Israeli Army Kills A Palestinian Child In Tulkarm

 IMEMC, OCT 14, 2023

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian child in Zaita town, north of Tulkarm, in the occupied West Bank’s northwestern part.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers killed 'Omar Ahmed Abdul-Ra'hman Asmar, 15, after shooting him with live fire.

The child was among many wounded Palestinians during protests that took place after several Israeli army vehicles invaded the town.

His death brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in Tulkarm on Friday and Saturday to six, in addition to dozens of injuries.

On Saturday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed Mahmoud Shi'hada, 27, injured three, including one who suffered serious wounds, and abducted six in Jericho, in the northeastern part of the occupied West Bank.

Also at dawn, Israeli soldiers killed a young Palestinian man, Abdul-Ra'hman Rib'hi Al-'Ammouri, in a car near Al-'Eisawiya town junction, northeast of the occupied Palestinian capital Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

On Saturday dawn, as the Israeli army continued to fire hundreds of missiles and shells at homes and buildings in the Gaza Strip, including a busy marker in the Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza.

The Health Ministry has confirmed that the extensive Israeli bombing Saturday has killed 315 Palestinians, including 90 children, and injured 1788, mainly women and children.

It added that 2215 Palestinians, including 724 children and 458 women, have been killed, and 8714 Palestinians, including 2450 children and 1536 women, have been injured as the Israeli onslaught on Gaza entered its eighth day.

On Friday, the soldiers killed fifteen Palestinians, including two children, in several parts of the occupied West Bank Friday. 

Israeli forces attack Palestinians with live fire east of Yatta in Hebron

HEBRON, Sunday, October 15, 2023 (WAFA) –

Israeli occupation forces tonight attacked several Palestinians in the village of Ma’in to the east of Yatta, south of the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron, according to local anti-wall and settlement activist, Ratib Al-Jabour.

He told WAFA that Israeli soldiers opened live fire at Palestinian residents in the said area, however, no injuries were reported. A car belonging to one of the villagers was also hit with several bullets fired directly at it by the military forces.


Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

At least 70 Palestinians rounded in Israeli army raids across the occupied territories - PPS

RAMALLAH, Monday, October 16, 2023 (WAFA) –

The Israeli occupation forces continued this morning and last night the mass detention of Palestinians in raids across the occupied territories with the rounding up of at least 70 people, including two journalists, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) and various sources.

Local and security sources in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, where most of the arrests in recent days have concentrated, said at least 28 people were detained in raids at their homes in various towns of the governorate.

Five were also detained in Tulkarm governorate, including a 65-year-old man, three in Nablus governorate, seven in the Ramallah governorate, including journalist Mustafa Khawaja who was detained in a raid at his home in Ni'leen town, west of Ramallah, four others from Qarawat Bani Hassan, near Salfit, 10 in the Bethlehem district, including 36-year-old journalist Muadth Amarneh, who lost an eye from an Israeli army bullet while covering confrontations in Bethlehem three years ago and was detained in a raid at his home in Duhaisheh refugee camp, three in Jericho where soldiers this morning killed a Palestinian youth during the raid of Aqbat Jabr refugee camp, and five people in occupied East Jerusalem, including two minors, among others.

The PPS said the Israeli occupation forces detained around 540 Palestinians in raids across the occupied West Bank since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza on October 7.



Gaza Toll Soars: Over 2,300 Lives Lost, Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Aid"

Palestine News Network

Gaza /PNN, October 15, 2023 

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced this morning an increase in the number of martyrs in the Gaza Strip to 2,239, the latest being 15 martyrs in the shelling of Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.

According to the ministry, in the Gaza Strip, more than 2,329 Palestinians have been martyred, and the number of injured has risen to 9,042 with various injuries during the ongoing aggression on Gaza.

The increase in the number of martyrs and the injured comes as the occupation and its aircraft continue to carry out brutal shelling operations against Palestinian civilians. Homes are being targeted in various areas of the Gaza Strip, in addition to the shelling of convoys of displaced people from the north to the south of Gaza.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health had announced last night its struggle due to a crisis resulting from a shortage of medicines, equipment, and resources, amid the rising and increasing numbers of the injured. The ministry has entered a stage of prioritization among the wounded after intensifying its efforts to the maximum capacity.

Gaza's Ministry of Health states that the death toll from the ongoing Israeli aggression for the past 8 days surpasses the number of casualties from the 2014 war, which lasted 51 days

Dozens of families completely erased from the civil registry The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza

More than 47 families completely erased from the civil registry.

UN rapporteur warns Palestinians are at risk of “ethnic cleansing”

Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, warned of a "serious risk" of collective ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. She stated, “There is a serious risk that what we are witnessing may be a repetition of the Nakba of 1948 and the setback of 1967, but on a larger scale. The international community must do everything possible to prevent this from happening again.”

Reuters quoted an unnamed US official stating that Secretary of State Antony Blinken will hold a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh today, Sunday, with Israel prepared to initiate a ground invasion of Gaza.

He added, “Gaza knows that we were very generous with the time we gave them. We have given sufficient warning for over 25 hours.”

He stated, “I cannot confirm more than we have confirmed, but now is the right time for the residents of Gaza to leave.”

He pointed out that the area surrounding the Gaza Strip is full of "hundreds of thousands of reserve units" preparing for various tasks.

UNRWA calls on Israeli Authorities to protect all civilians sheltering in UNRWA premises across the Gaza Strip, including those in northern Gaza and Gaza City.  

Despite the order to evacuate more than 1 million persons from northern Gaza and Gaza City to the southern Gaza Strip, many, particularly pregnant women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities, will not be able to flee the area. They have no choice and must be protected at all times.  

Wars have rules. Civilians, hospitals, schools, clinics and United Nations premises cannot be a target. 

UNRWA is sparing no efforts to advocate with parties to the conflicts to meet their obligations under international law to protect civilians, including those seeking refuge in UNRWA shelters.

UNRWA shelters in Gaza and northern Gaza are no longer safe. This is unprecedented.  

This war should be no exception, protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, including United Nations buildings, applies to this conflict too.

As the war started , which resulted in the killing of 1,300 Israelis, enters its ninth day, Israeli airstrikes intensify on the Gaza Strip. The toll of the Israeli aggression as of this Sunday morning has reached over 2,329 martyrs and 9,042 injured. In response, the resistance targeted Israeli towns, including Greater Tel Aviv and Ashkelon, with rockets.

While the Israeli occupation continues to amass its forces and prepare for a ground incursion amidst the forced displacement and massacres it is carrying out against families in Gaza, the American newspaper "The New York Times," quoting three senior Israeli army officers whose identities were not disclosed, confirmed that the Israeli army postponed its planned ground incursion into the Gaza Strip for several days “due to adverse weather conditions.”

As the humanitarian situation worsens in the besieged enclave, the Israeli army announced that its forces are preparing to expand their attacks on Gaza and carry out a wide range of operational plans, combining air, sea, and ground attacks, while mobilizing hundreds of thousands of reserve soldiers.

Newspaper: The occupation postpones its ground incursion into Gaza due to weather conditions 

The American newspaper "The New York Times," quoting three senior Israeli army officers whose identities were not disclosed, confirmed that the Israeli army postponed its planned ground incursion into the Gaza Strip for several days “due to adverse weather conditions.”

According to the late Saturday report, the ground offensive was supposed to start this weekend, but it was "partially postponed due to the cloudy sky," which would have made it difficult for Israeli pilots and drone operators to provide air cover for ground forces.

Gaza Toll Soars: Over 2,300 Lives Lost, Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Aid" | PNN



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