Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, October 2023


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


1,843 Palestinians Killed, Over 7,000 Injured, 2.3 Million People in Gaza on the Verge of Annihilation by Israeli Total Siege and Air Strikes

October 13, 2023 

A scene of the destruction caused by the genocidal Israeli air strikes on Gaza city, on October 13, 2023 wafa The Israeli genocidal air strikes on Gaza Strips continued, killing about 400 civilians, on October 13, 2023 wafa
Israeli occupation regime police forced hundreds of Gazan Palestinian workers out of Israel and into the West Bank, on October 13, 2023 imemc Injured Palestinian civilians on the floor of a Gaza hospital for a lack beds in the remaining hospitals, on October 13, 2023 wafa

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"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

With the exception of killings, the following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, from:


Killing of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Apartheid Regime Forces

Ghazza (Gaza) death toll surges to 1,843, over 7,000 injured

GAZA, Friday, October 13, 2023 (WAFA) –

In the wake of the devastating Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, the death toll has surged to 1,843, with 7,138 individuals injured, the Ministry of Health said in an update at 5:00 p.m. tonight.

The Ministry said in a brief statement that the number of deaths in the Gaza Strip has reached 1,843, while the death toll in the West Bank also surged to 44, while over 700 people have been injured, of whom 250 have been hospitalized.

The ongoing Israeli offensive has brought immense suffering to the Palestinian population especially in the Gaza Strip, with casualties, particularly among innocent children and healthcare workers, mounting around the clock.


Hospitals in the Gaza Strip at a breaking point, warns WHO

GENEVA, Friday, October 13, 2023 (WAFA) –

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the health system in the Gaza Strip is at a breaking point, with time running out to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe if fuel and life-saving health and humanitarian supplies cannot be urgently delivered amidst the complete Israeli blockade.

Hospitals have only a few hours of electricity each day as they are forced to ration depleting fuel reserves and rely on generators to sustain the most critical functions.

"Even these functions will have to cease in a few days, when fuel stocks are due to run out. The impact would be devastating for the most vulnerable patients, including the injured who need lifesaving surgery, patients in intensive care units, and newborns depending on care in incubators," WHO said in a statement.

As injuries and fatalities continue to rise due to the ongoing Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, acute shortages of medical supplies are compounding the crisis, limiting the response capacity of already overstretched hospitals to treat the sick and injured.

The statement added, "The situation has also gravely disrupted the delivery of essential health services, including obstetric care, management of noncommunicable diseases such as cancer and heart diseases, and treatment of common infections, as all health facilities are forced to prioritize lifesaving emergency care."

WHO said it has documented 34 Israeli attacks on healthcare in Gaza since last Saturday that have resulted in the death of 11 health workers on duty, 16 injuries, and damages to 19 health facilities and 20 ambulances.

"Without the immediate entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza — especially health services, medical supplies, food, clean water, fuel, and non-food items — humanitarian and health partners will be unable to respond to urgent needs of people who desperately need it. Each lost hour puts more lives at risk," WHO warned.

WHO called for an end to the Israeli aggression and the protection of health care and civilians against attacks.

It also called for the immediate establishment of a humanitarian corridor to ensure unimpeded access for health and humanitarian supplies, as well as for personnel, and the evacuation of patients and the injured.


Health Minister: Gaza is experiencing a humanitarian disaster

RAMALLAH, Friday, October 13, 2023 (WAFA) –

Minister of Health Dr. Mai Al-Kaila warned today that as the Israeli aggression on Gaza enters its seventh day, the besieged territory is experiencing a humanitarian and health disaster.

"The Gaza Strip is experiencing a humanitarian and health disaster," Al-Kaila said in a statement.

"For the seventh day, we renew our urgent appeals to all countries of the world, human rights, humanitarian, and health organizations, emphasizing the necessity of providing immediate health support to the hospitals in the Gaza Strip."


Over 100 Palestinian civilians massacred on day 7 of Israel's aggression on Gaza

GAZA, Friday, October 13, 2023 (WAFA) –

On the seventh day of the relentless Israeli onslaught on Gaza, at least 100 Palestinian civilians, including numerous children and women, have been killed since last night, with hundreds more severely injured as a result of heavy Israeli bombardment targeting civilian areas across the territory.

WAFA correspondent said 17 bodies have been recovered following an Israeli airstrike that targeted a residential building belonging to the Abu Middain family.  in the Al-Buaij refugee camp, located in the middle of the Gaza Strip. The strike involved the use of at least one missile and devastated the multi-story structure. Dozens of innocent civilians were wounded in the attack and were rushed to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the nearby city of Dair El-Bala'h.

The building in question, situated in Block 9 within the Al-Bureij refugee camp, consisted of four floors and housed 12 residential apartments. Approximately 70 residents had sheltered in the building, many of them having fled from border areas due to the ongoing Israeli aggression.

With the increasing number of casualties, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital's morgue facilities have become overwhelmed, and some of the deceased are being placed in makeshift tents outside the refrigerated storage units, said our correspondent.

Meantime, Israeli warplanes targeted a house belonging to the Jouda family in the town of Jabalia, north of Gaza, causing the deaths of five individuals, including children, and inflicting injuries on ten more. The wounded were subsequently transported to the Indonesian Hospital in nearby Bait Lahia town.

Furthermore, an Israeli airstrike struck a residence owned by the Zarad family in the Al-Tuffa'h neighborhood of Gaza City. The strike resulted in additional casualties and wounded civilians, who were rushed to the Shifa Hospital in the city.

Additionally, 17 individuals were tragically killed when the Israeli airstrike pounded a home belonging to the Halawa family in the central region of the Jabalia refugee camp. Others suffered varying degrees of injuries and were transported to the Indonesian Hospital for medical treatment.

Throughout the course of the ongoing Israeli aggression, the military's airstrikes have destroyed numerous residential buildings, houses, and infrastructure across the Gaza Strip. The attacks have included hundreds of tons of explosives and missiles, often without prior warning.


Dozens of civilians, including children, massacred in a nonstop Israeli aggression on Gaza

GAZA, Friday, October 13, 2023 (WAFA) -

The bloody Israeli aggression is continuing in Gaza, with a series of airstrikes last night resulting in the tragic loss of life and the injury of scores of civilians, including children, across the besieged territory, according to local sources.

In Rafa'h, south of the Strip, three civilians were killed, and dozens more were wounded as Israeli aircraft targeted a residential building.

Meantime in Gaza City's Safatawi neighborhood, 18 people lost their lives, and many more were injured when another inhabited structure was mercilessly hit by an airstrike.

Four Palestinian civilians were also confirmed dead and others sustained injuries when an Israeli airstrike flattened a residential building in the Tel Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City. 

Israeli occupation forces also targeted populated homes in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip and the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City, resulting in further deaths and injuries among the local civilian population.

The situation remains catastrophic as medical teams worked throughout the night to retrieve the bodies of 17 individuals who were tragically killed following an Israeli airstrike on a residential building in the Al-Buraij refugee camp in central Gaza. 

In addition, three more casualties were retrieved from a house in the southern city of Rafa'h, further highlighting the devastating impact of the attacks on innocent civilians.


Dozens of civilians, including children, massacred in a nonstop Israeli aggression on Gaza (

Israeli airstrikes on Khan Younus claim 10 civilian lives, including children

KHAN YUNIS, Friday, October 13, 2023 (WAFA) -

Israeli occupation warplanes launched a devastating airstrike in the early hours of Friday in the city of Khan Yunus , south of the Gaza Strip, resulting in the loss of 10 lives as emergency response teams worked diligently to recover the victims, according to local sources.

The sources reported that the Israeli fighter jets targeted a residential building without prior warning, razing it to the ground and leaving 10 civilians dead. Among the casualties were children, men and women, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the ongoing Israeli aggression.

In addition to this tragic incident, Israeli warplanes launched a series of intense airstrikes across various areas of the Gaza Strip early on Friday. The majority of these airstrikes were concentrated in the northwest of Gaza City and the northern region of the strip. 

Furthermore, Israeli artillery fire was reported in the Rafa'h and Khan Younus provinces in the south of the Strip.

The escalating Israeli aggression has led to a devastating rise in the death toll in the Gaza Strip. Since last Saturday, the total number of fatalities has risen to 1,537, while approximately 6,612 individuals have been injured. These alarming figures were released in the latest update from the Ministry of Health, which noted that the numbers continue to grow as the aggression enters its seventh consecutive day.


Israeli airstrikes on Khan Younus claim 10 civilian lives, including children ( 


1,799 Palestinians killed in the Israeli aggression on Gaza

October 13, 2023

GAZA, (PIC) +-

More than 1,799 Palestinians have been killed, including more than 583 children and 351 women, in the Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian health ministry said in a statement issued on Friday afternoon.

A further 7,388 people have been wounded in the ongoing Israeli air strikes, including 1,901 children and 1,185 women.

Yusuf Abu Al-Reesh, deputy health minister in Gaza, said "60% of the injuries caused by Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip have impacted women and children."

Deploring the substandard state of medical care in the blockaded Strip, he added: "All hospital beds have been exhausted, and both medications and medical supplies are on the verge of running out."

For the seventh consecutive day, Israeli warplanes have launched hundreds of air raids on civilian houses and infrastructure in various areas of the Gaza Strip, leading to hundreds of casualties and vast destruction.

The strikes have also targeted 14 health institutions, including the Ministry of Health building, the Rimal Clinic, and the International Eye Center, and bombed 15 ambulances, the ministry said.

The airstrikes have caused the deaths of whole members of 28 families, 10 health workers, and eight journalists.

The situation is further complicated by fuel shortages and electrical outages affecting generators, the ministry added.

“There continues to be a lack of electricity to operate the health care system. This threatens the lives of all sick and injured people,” the health ministry added in the statement.

The health ministry also called for the opening of a “safe corridor to ensure the entry of urgent medical aid” into the territory’s hospitals, which are now overwhelmed with the dead and wounded.

 Israel’s savagery ongoing: 500 Palestinian children killed in Gaza

October 13, 2023

GAZA, (PIC) +-

The number of Palestinian children killed in the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has reached 500 on Friday, the 7th day of the aggression. The ministry of health in Gaza said in a report that 1,644 children were injured in the same period.

It pointed out that the number of martyrs has reached 1,537 while thousands others were wounded. Israeli warplanes are launching unceasing savage bombing of the besieged enclave, destroying entire buildings on the heads of their occupants without prior notice.

Furthermore, Israel imposed a tight siege on the beleaguered enclave cutting off water, electricity, fuel and food supplies, which heralds a humanitarian tragedy. The World Health Organization appealed for opening a safe corridor to ensure arrival of humanitarian and medical supplies to Gaza.

Norwegian foreign minister Anniken Huitfeldt and Irish premier Leo Varadkar denounced the Israeli blockade on Gaza, describing it as “unacceptable”. They further described the Israeli blockade as “collective punishment” and called for opening a safe route to Gaza for humanitarian aid.

Corpses Of Dozens Of Palestinians Found Under Rubble Of Homes In Gaza

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Friday dawn, the Health Ministry in Ghazza (Gaza) confirmed the death of dozens of Palestinians, found under the rubble of their bombarded homes in several parts of the Gaza Strip.

It said the Israeli occupation apartheid regime air force fired a least one missile at the home in Khan Younus, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, killing the eight Palestinians and wounding dozens.

The Israeli Air Force also carried out dozens of strikes targeting homes and buildings in several parts of the Gaza Strip, especially in areas northwest of Gaza City and the northern part of the coastal region.

The Israeli army also fired artillery and tank shells into residential areas in Rafa'h and Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Four Palestinians were killed and many injured when the army fired a missile at a home in Tal Al-Hawa, south of Gaza City, and in the Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza, killing and wounding many Palestinians.

Furthermore, medics and rescue teams located the corpses of seventeen Palestinians under the rubble of a home bombarded by Israel in the Al-Buraij refugee camp, in Central Gaza, and three under the rubble of a home, west of Rafa'h, in the southern part of the coastal region.

At midnight, the number of slain Palestinians in the Israeli bombing on Gaza has reached 1837, in addition to at least 6612 injured Palestinians; among the dead are at least 450 children.

Gaza Death Toll Passes 1500 as Israeli Tanks Line Up on Border

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that the death toll of the Israeli bombing of Gaza which began on Saturday, and has continued non-stop, has reached 1,537, with 7,212 injured. 60% of those killed are women and children.

In the West Bank, 32 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gunfire and more than 600 wounded.

In Israel, where Hamas fighters invaded 50 military sites on Saturday in a surprise attack, the largest since the Israeli occupation began, the death toll was declared to be over 600, with over 2,000 wounded and dozens of civilians and soldiers being held hostage in Gaza. This is the largest-ever attack by Palestinian resistance fighters inside Israel, since Israel was established on the land of Palestine in 1948.

Of the Israelis who have been identified so far, 216 were soldiers or border police, 105 were civilians, including 5 children age 5 – 15. Initial reports claiming that babies had been killed by the Hamas fighters were later retracted, as no evidence was found of any babies having been killed.

In Gaza, however, as the Israeli occupation apartheid regime air force, the fourth largest in the world, continues to drop bombs on the civilian population of Gaza as collective punishment for the attack by Hamas fighters, dozens of babies and hundreds of young children have been killed, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

According to the Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, for the sixth consecutive day, Israel continued to attack Gaza with enormous and destructive weaponry, bombing and razing entire residential buildings with their residents still inside, destroying streets and infrastructure, and displacing hundreds of thousands of civilians from their homes, especially in the eastern areas of the Strip.

As Israel intensifies its strikes all over the Gaza Strip, there is no longer a safe place to take refuge, not even the coordinated shelters, as many have been bombed. Intense Israeli air, land, and sea strikes have killed hundreds of civilians and injured thousands, while a large number of those killed remain under the rubble, unable to be recovered by rescue teams.

The following incidents highlight the most severe Israeli attacks carried out in Gaza between midday on 11 October and midday on 12 October 2023, as monitored and documented jointly by Al-Mezan, Al-Haq, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights: 

In the Northern Gaza District, Israeli warplanes carried out dozens of airstrikes, destroying two houses in Bait Lahiya owned by the Nusair and Al-Bes families with occupants still inside. They also targeted residential areas in Jabalya, Al-Tawam, Al-'Amoudi, and Al-Karama neighborhoods, numerous missiles being employed without prior warning. These attacks killed 55 Palestinians, including 10 women and 19 children, and destroyed numerous houses. In Gaza District, dozens of airstrikes were launched from Israeli warplanes on residential neighborhoods, accompanied by intense shelling by field artillery and naval vessels. The bombing destroyed numerous houses, and five residential compounds were targeted with their residents still inside. Furthermore, several roads were bombed, including the street behind the Al-Quds Hospital, in the Tal Al-Hawa area. The attacks killed 78 Palestinians, including 40 children and 16 women. Additionally, in the past few hours, the bodies of 28 Palestinians, including those of seven children and two women, were received by Al-Shifa Hospital; these were the bodies of people killed by Israeli attacks in various areas of Gaza City, with some recovered from the rubble of previously destroyed houses. In the Middle Area District, Israeli warplanes conducted multiple airstrikes on residential neighborhoods, houses, and agricultural lands, accompanied by intense shelling from field artillery and naval vessels. The bombing was particularly heavy in the three densely populated refugee camps of Al-Buraij, Al-Nusayrat, and Dair El-Bala'h. The intense airstrikes resulted in significant damage to various infrastructure and electricity networks, and considerable destruction to multi-story houses and residential apartments belonging to the Al-Bardaweel, Baraka, and Abu Daya families.

These attacks killed 35 Palestinians, including 14 children and seven women, with dozens more injured. Civil defense and medical teams are still searching for missing people under the rubble. Furthermore, Israeli naval shelling caused extensive damage to Gaza’s Fishermen Syndicate building and fishermen’s facilities. Some houses have not yet been reached by rescue teams due to limited resources.

In Khan Younus, Israeli forces targeted several homes and residential apartments belonging to the Al-Bashiti, Al-Najjar, Abu Al-Reesh, Abu Daqqa, and Abu Mustafa families, while their residents were still inside. The attacks killed 36 Palestinians, including 17 children and eight women. Civil defense and medical teams are still searching for missing people under the rubble. Israeli forces continued to target entire residential neighborhoods with aerial and artillery bombardment in the eastern areas of Khan Younus, including in Khuza’a, Abasan Al-Kabira, Abasan Al-Jadida, Al-Qarara, and Al-Fukhari. Most of the residents of those areas had already left their homes earlier having received warnings and orders to evacuate. The attacks led to extensive destruction in several residential neighborhoods, including a significant number of homes, shops and infrastructure. Israeli naval shelling also continued in Khan Younus port, destroying Palestinian fishing boats, equipment, and other fishermen facilities.

In Rafa'h District, Israeli warplanes conducted numerous airstrikes targeting several houses and a vocational training center. The airstrikes, which were accompanied by intense shelling from artillery in the east and from naval vessels to the west of the city, targeted residential neighborhoods in the densely populated Rafa'h refugee camp. The houses of the Zannoun, Al-Ajiz, Shallouf, 'Olwan, Abu Sha'ar, Baroud, Ahmed, Fujo, Abu Marzouq, Al-Rakhawi, Ashour, and Abu Ghali families were targeted and destroyed with their residents inside. The attacks killed 25 Palestinians, including nine children and four women. Civil defense and medical teams are still searching for missing people under the rubble.

According to UN estimates, more than 340,000 people have been internally displaced, with over 218,600 seeking shelter in more than 92 UNRWA schools across the Gaza Strip. Human rights organizations continue to receive complaints from many people in shelters regarding the lack of services and necessities such as bedding and food. An urgent response from the UN is required to ensure the provision of basic needs for the survival of the people.

UNRWA has reported direct and collateral damage to at least 21 of its facilities, including schools sheltering displaced civilians. Further, 11 UNRWA staff members, including five teachers, a doctor, an engineer, and a psychologist, have been killed since the beginning of the Israeli offensive.

The pre-existing humanitarian crisis in Gaza has been greatly exacerbated by Israel’s recent military attacks and the closure, which obstructs the supply of fuel, food, and medicine, in violation of international norms and treaties.

Images released by the Israeli military show tanks lined up by the border with Gaza, and hundreds of bombs loaded and ready to be dropped on the people of Gaza.

Gaza Death Toll Passes 1500 as Israeli Tanks Line Up on Border | - IMEMC News

Israeli Army Kills 55 Palestinians In Gaza

 IMEMC, OCT 12, 2023

On Thursday morning, the Israeli army carried out a series of airstrikes and bombings targeting several parts of the Gaza Strip, killing at least 55 Palestinians, including children and women.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the Israeli missiles killed 55 Palestinians in Jabalia, in northern Gaza, and Bani Suhayla near Khan Younus, in the southern part of the coastal region.

One of the slain Palestinians is a former political prisoner who spent 23 years in Israeli prisons, the head of the Atlas Center for Studies, Abdul-Ra'hman Shihab, who was killed with his family when the army bombarded his home.

Among the slain Palestinians is a Palestinian father, 'Awad Al-Sultan, and several members of his family, after the army fired a missile at their homes. 'Awad is a member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Also, fifteen Palestinians were killed and dozens injured when the army fired missiles at a home in Jabalia Al-Balad, in northern Gaza; several surrounding homes were damaged.

Furthermore, the Israeli Air Force fired missiles at Tower 7, consisting of eleven floors and 44 apartments, and leveled it, in addition to causing damage to surrounding residential towers.

At least ten Palestinians, including children and women, and many were injured when the army fired a missile at a home in the Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City.

On Wednesday night, Israeli war jets fired missiles at homes in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, killing seven Palestinians and wounding many others.

As the Israeli offensive entered its sixth day, Israeli missiles and shells destroyed at least 1,000 homes and buildings, displacing 338,000 Palestinians and causing damage to hospitals, clinics, and infrastructure.

The Health Ministry said the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles in the ongoing onslaught is more than 1203, in addition to 5763 injured, and said that the majority of the slain and wounded Palestinians are women, children, and seniors.

At least half of the slain Palestinians are women and children, %60 of the wounded are also women and children, and Israeli missiles have annihilated 22 families, the Health Ministry confirmed.

Israeli Army Kills 55 Palestinians In Gaza | - IMEMC News

Israelis Killed

Including foreigners13 of those captured in Al-Aqsa Flood killed in Israeli shelling

October 13, 2023

GAZA, (PIC) +-

Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas Movement, announced the deaths of 13 persons of those captured in Al-Aqsa Flood operation, including foreigners, in the Israeli shelling of the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours.

"13 of the captured persons in the battle, including foreigners, were killed in the intensive Zionist shelling on the northern governorate and Gaza city during the past 24 hours," the Brigades stated in a press release. The Brigades added:

"Six of them were killed in the northern governorate in separate locations, and seven in the Gaza governorate in three different places targeted by the enemy's barbaric shelling."  Al-Qassam Brigades earlier declared that four of those captured were earlier killed in a similar Israeli shelling.

Israel's Dead: Civilians, Soldiers, Emergency Services Personnel Killed in War With Hamas

Haaretz, October 13, 2023

(By October 13, 2023) at least 900 Israeli citizens, soldiers, police officers and firefighters were killed during Hamas' surprise attack on southern Israel.

(By October 12, 2023) at least 600 Israelis have been killed since Saturday morning's surprise attack by Hamas, with over 2,000 wounded and dozens of civilians and soldiers being held hostage in Gaza.

Killing of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Nine Palestinians killed in pro-Gaza West Bank rallies


Nine Palestinians were killed when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at pro-Gaza rallies across the West Bank following Friday prayers.

The new victims brought the total number of West Bankers killed by Israeli gunfire since Saturday to 44.

In Tulkarim, three youths were killed and two others injured by IOF gunfire in pro-Gaza protests near the apartheid wall.

Another Palestinian was shot and killed in Atuf town, south of Tubas. Five youths also suffered from gunshot injuries, while dozens more suffered from teargas bombs. 

IOF soldiers killed two more Palestinians in Bab al-Zawiya and Bait 'Ula areas in al-Khalil. 14 others were shot and injured in the city.

A 14-year-old child died from wounds sustained by IOF gunfire near the Bait Foureek military checkpoint, east of Nablus, while another Palestinian was killed in Bethlehem.

Earlier today, a 24-year-old young man was shot in the head by IOF soldiers in Dair Bazi town and later proclaimed dead.

Massive rallies were held across the occupied West Bank today in protest against the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian Woman, Man, Near Ramallah

 OCT 13, 2023

On Thursday evening, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian woman and a young man in two separate attacks near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank’s central part.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers killed Randa Abdullah Abdul-Azeez 'Ajaj, 37, from Dair Jareer village, northeast of Ramallah.

The Health Ministry said the soldiers fired several live rounds at a Palestinian car near the entrance of Yabrud village, northeast of Ramallah, killing Randa after shooting her in the back and seriously wounding her son after shooting him in the shoulder and the leg.

Also, the soldiers killed Suleiman Fareed Malsa, 24, after shooting him with a live round in the head in Dair Ibzi’ village, west of Ramallah.

Medical sources said the soldiers fired live rounds at a Palestinian car in the village, seriously wounding Suleiman.

Palestinian medics rushed Suleiman to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, but he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The soldiers also closed the road between Dair Ibzi’ and Kafr Ni’ma villages near Ramallah and invaded many villages and towns, leading to protests.

On Thursday evening, Israeli police officers killed Khalid Al-Mu'htasib, 21, in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank, after he allegedly opened fire at a police station.

In Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, the soldiers killed Mohtada Majid Salim, 17, and Samir Sa’eed Radhwan, 22.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in 24 hours in the West Bank has arrived to six after the army killed Ibrahim Wadi, 63, and his son Ahmad, 24, during the funeral ceremony of slain Palestinians killed by colonizers’ fire, near the Sawiya village, east of Salfit in the central West Bank.

The four Palestinians were killed Wednesday and have been identified as Mus’ab Abdul-'Haleem Abu Reeda, Mu'adth Ra-id Odah, 'Ubayda Sa'eed Abu Surour, and Hasan Mohannad Abu Surour.

The Israeli army has killed 36 Palestinians and injured 650, including many who suffered serious wounds in five days.

On Thursday night, the Palestinian Health Ministry said Israeli missiles and shells in the Gaza Strip have killed 1537 Palestinians and injured 6612.

Israeli Officers Kill A Palestinian In Jerusalem

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Thursday evening, Israeli police officers killed a young Palestinian man in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank, after he allegedly opened fire at a police station.

The slain Palestinian has been identified as Khalid Al-Mu'htasib, 21, from Bait Haneena, north of occupied Jerusalem.

The Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said Khalid was one of its members and was secretary of its students’ branch at Bethlehem University, where he was studying.

In a statement, the Israeli police said the officers killed a Palestinian who used a homemade Carlo weapon to open fire at the police station.

It added that Khalid Injured two officers; one who suffered serious wounds, and the second was moderately injured.

In Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, the soldiers killed Muhtada Majid Saleem, 17, and Samir Sa’eed Radhwan, 22.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in 24 hours in the West Bank has arrived to six after the army killed Ibrahim Wadi, 63, and his son Ahmad, 24,  during the funeral ceremony of slain Palestinians killed by colonizers’ fire, near the Sawiya village, east of Salfit in the central West Bank.

The four Palestinians were killed Wednesday and have been identified as Mus’ab Abdul-Haleem Abu Reeda, Mu'adth Ra-id 'Odah, 'Obayda Sa'eed Abu Surour, and Hasan Mohannad Abu Surour.

Israeli Soldiers Kill Two Palestinians In Qalqilia

 OCT 13, 2023

On Thursday evening, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians, including a child, from Jayyous and Azzoun, east of Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Mohtada Majid Salim, 17, from Jayyous, succumbed to serious wounds he suffered after the soldiers shot him in Jayyous.

It added the soldiers shot Mohtada with live rounds in the back during protests that occurred after the army invaded Jayyous and that the soldiers stopped an ambulance trying to rush him to a hospital.

The Health Ministry also said the soldiers killed Samir Sa’eed Radhwan, 22, from 'Azzoun town, after shooting him and three other Palestinians on the main road near Nabi Elias village.

In addition, the army shot a Palestinian with an expanding (Dumdum) bullet at the northern entrance of Qalqilia.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in 24 hours in the West Bank has arrived to six after the army killed Ibrahim Wadi, 63, and his son Ahmad, 24, during the funeral ceremony of slain Palestinians killed by colonizers’ fire, near the Sawiya village, east of Salfit in the central West Bank.

The four Palestinians were killed Wednesday and have been identified as Mus’ab Abdul-'Haleem Abu Reeda, Mu'adth Ra-id 'Odah, 'Obayda Sa'eed Abu Surour, and Hasan Mohannad Abu Surour.

Paramilitary Colonizers Kill Father And Son In Qusra

 OCT 12, 2023

On Thursday, paramilitary Israeli colonizers killed a Palestinian father and his son during the funeral ceremony of slain Palestinians, killed by colonizers’ fire, near the Sawiya village, east of Salfit in the central West Bank.

Media sources said the Palestinians were holding the funeral procession of Palestinians killed by paramilitary colonizers’ fire when the colonizers attacked the procession.

They stated that colonizers attacked and fired live rounds at the ambulances that carried the corpses from Salfit in the central West Bank to Qusra, south of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

Medical sources have confirmed that the colonizers killed Ibrahim Ahmad Mahmoud Wadi, 63, and his son Ahmad, 25, after shooting them with live fire.

The attacks led to protests before the colonizers opened fire at the Palestinians, shooting two, including one who suffered life-threatening wounds.

In related news, Israeli colonizers shot a Palestinian in the 'Osh Al-Ghurab area in Bait Sa'hour city, east of Bethlehem, causing a moderate gunshot wound to the thigh.

Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Soldiers Abduct 29 Palestinians, Injure Many, In Hebron

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Friday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted 29 Palestinians from their homes, including a father and his son and several siblings, and injured many in several parts of the Hebron governorate in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

The soldiers invaded 'Hal'houl town, north of Hebron, and abducted a young man, Salih Abu Rayyan, after storming and ransacking his home, leading to protests.

Medical sources said the soldiers shot three Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The army also installed roadblocks in several parts of the governorate, stopped and searched dozens of cars, and interrogated scores of Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

Army Abducts Two Palestinians In Jerusalem

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Friday, Israeli soldiers abducted two Palestinians, including a young woman, after storming and ransacking their homes in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers abducted a young woman, Mariam Faraj, from her home in Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

They added that the soldiers abducted Mohammad Rashad 'Awwad, 21, from Bait Iksa town, northwest of Jerusalem.

On Friday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted four young Palestinian men from their homes near Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank.

In addition, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians and installed surveillance cameras in several parts of the Ramallah governorate, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted 29 Palestinians from their homes, including a father and his son and several siblings, and injured many in several parts of the Hebron governorate in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Four Palestinians Near Jerusalem

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Friday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted four young Palestinian men from their homes near Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that several army vehicles invaded Biddu and Qatanna towns northwest of Jerusalem.

They added that the soldiers stormed and ransacked several homes before abducting two siblings, Majd and Ibrahim Zahran, from Biddu, in addition to Ibrahim Mohammad Al-Faqeeh and Mu'hammad Yousuf Al-Faqeeh from Qutanna.

The soldiers also installed many roadblocks around occupied Jerusalem, stopped and searched dozens of cars and residents, and interrogated the Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In addition, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians and installed surveillance cameras in several parts of the Ramallah governorate, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted 29 Palestinians from their homes, including a father and his son and several siblings, and injured many in several parts of the Hebron governorate in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Army Abducts Three Palestinians, Shoots One, In Bethlehem

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Friday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded the Duhaisha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, abducted two Palestinians and shot one; the army also abducted one Palestinian in Al-Khadir.

Media sources said dozens of soldiers invaded the Duhaisha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem, searched and ransacked several homes before abducting Ahmad Mazin Raqban, 23, and Bilal 'Omar Saifi, 36.

Many Palestinians protested the invasion and abductions, before the soldiers shot a young man, 18, with a live round, and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

In the Al-Khadir town, south of Bethlehem, the soldiers stormed a few homes and reached them before abducting Ibrahim Sa’eed Da’amsa, 58.

On Friday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted four young men from their homes near Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank.

In addition, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians and installed surveillance cameras in several parts of the Ramallah governorate, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted 29 Palestinians from their homes, including a father and his son and several siblings, and injured many in several parts of the Hebron governorate in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Army Abducts Three Palestinians, Installs Surveillance Cameras, Near Ramallah

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Friday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians and installed surveillance cameras in several parts of the Ramallah governorate, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Several army jeeps invaded Birzeit town, north of Ramallah in the central West Bank, before the soldiers stormed and ransacked homes and abducted a former political prisoner, Ayman Abu Arram.

The soldiers also abducted Hilal Abdul-Qader Khawaja and former political prisoner Mo’tasem Khawaja from their homes in Ni’lin town and Abada Mohammad Qattousa from Deir Qaddis town west of Ramallah.

In related news, the army invaded the Al-Mazra’a al-Gharbiya village northwest of Ramallah and installed surveillance cameras on electricity poles in the Al-Karama Housing Project after forcing workers out of the area.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted 29 Palestinians from their homes, including a father and his son and several siblings, and injured many in several parts of the Hebron governorate in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Israeli Soldiers Abduct 42 Palestinians In West Bank

 OCT 12, 2023

On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted at least 42 Palestinians from several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The soldiers stormed and ransacked dozens of homes across the West Bank and integrated scores of Palestinians.

Many of the abducted Palestinians are former political prisoners, and one of them is a journalist, Saddam Ragheb Salah, in addition to fathers and their sons.



Some Events Related to the Israeli Indiscriminate Bombing of Ghaza

Hamas Releases Israeli Woman & Two Children

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

A video released by Hamas shows an Israeli woman and two children released after they were detained by Hamas resistance fighters.

The footage showed a woman holding a child’s hand, with a fighter holding the other child, and then letting all three go at a point appearing to be near the Gaza border.

The woman, identified as Avital Aladjem, a resident of kibbutz Holit, later gave an interview to an Israeli news outlet where she described having been taken hostage and then released, along with the two children.

In the interview, she stated, “The resistance fighters provided me with clothes to cover myself, and on my way back from where I was arrested, a Qassam fighter was carrying one of my children on his shoulder, and I was carrying the other”.

Around 150 people were taken hostage by Hamas during Saturday’s assault, according to Israeli officials. According to a video analysis by the Washington Post, 64 people were confirmed as having been taken into Gaza by Hamas fighters on Saturday. 

Holding hostages is a rare occurrence for Palestinian resistance groups, with the longest-held hostage having been Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was held for five years before he was released in a prisoner exchange for Palestinian prisoners. In footage released of Shalit during his captivity, “Shalit is seen ‘joking’ with his captors and sipping coffee with them on different occasions, all smiles. He is even seen at a barbecue with his captors outside the hideout where he was held. Clearly, he was kept above ground rather than in a dark cellar. The Palestinian narrator in the footage even emphasizes that Shalit received fair and humane treatment from Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades in accordance with the rules of Islam pertaining to prisoners of war.”


Attiya Fathi Al-Nabaheen Killed in Targeted Israeli Airstrike in Gaza After Long Legal Battle In Israeli Courts

 OCT 13, 2023

Al-Mezan Center For Human Rights -Date: 12 October 2023: Al Mezan and Adalah mourn the unlawful killing of 24-year-old Attiya Fathi Al-Nabaheen, along with members of his family, in a targeted Israeli airstrike in Gaza on Sunday, 8 October 2023.

The human rights organizations pursued a lengthy legal battle on his behalf, against the State of Israel, seeking civil remedies before Israeli courts for a shooting by the Israeli military in 2014, that left him paralyzed from the neck down and permanently confined to a wheelchair.

At approximately 11:30 a.m on Sunday, 8 October 2023, Israeli warplanes targeted–without prior warning–the four-story house of the Al-Nabaheen family, situated to the east of the Al-Bureij refugee camp, in Gaza’s Middle Area District.

The 13 victims of this brutal targeted attack are: Attiya Fathi Al-Nabaheen (24), Hadeel Abdel-Fattah Attiya Al-Nabaheen (25), Ola Ziyad Abdel-Aziz Al-Nabaheen (26), Areej Fady Fathi Al-Nabaheen (9), Mohammad Fady Fathi Al-Nabaheen (8), Adam Fady Fathi Al-Nabaheen (7), Qais Fady Fathi Al-Nabaheen (2), Kinan Tamir Fathi Attiya Al-Nabaheen (7), Rayan Tamir Fathi Attiya Al-Nabaheen (5), Maryam Tamir Fathi Attiya Al-Nabaheen (2.5), Jamal Ibrahim Attiya Al-Nabaheen (7), Mohammad Jaafar Attiya Al-Nabaheen (15), Rahaf Jaafar Attiya Al-Nabaheen (16).

The attack also resulted in the complete destruction of the Al-Nabaheen family’s house. According to Tamir Al-Nabaheen, Attiya’s brother, who survived the targeted airstrike, the attack occurred while his children were playing with their cousins at the building’s entrance. Tragically, Tamir’s three children, as well as their cousins, were killed in the attack.

Attiya Fathi Al-Nabaheen’s life and tragic killing serve as a testament to the prolonged brutality and grave human rights violations perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza. During his life, he lived entirely under Israeli occupation and largely under Israeli closure. Attiya survived six full-scale military bombardments on Gaza and a shooting that left him paralyzed.

On 16 November 2014, on his fifteenth birthday, Attiya was shot by the Israeli military, and suffered a severe injury that left him quadriplegic. Al Mezan and Adalah represented Attiya in his pursuit of civil remedies for the severe harm inflicted upon him by Israeli forces.

However, Israeli courts denied Attiya’s compensation claim due to his status as a Gaza resident, using Amendment No. 8 to Israel’s Civil Wrongs Law. The law is just one element of numerous procedural, financial and judicial barriers and obstacles put in place by Israeli authorities to prevent Palestinians from suing for and receiving civil remedies in Israeli domestic courts. The Israeli Supreme Court in July 2022 sanctioned the lower court’s decision in Attiya’s case, upholding the law that grants the State sweeping immunity from civil liability for the killing and injuring of Palestinians in Gaza.

Attiya Fathi Al-Nabaheen was the victim of two grave war crimes perpetrated by Israeli forces. Israel did not conduct a genuine investigation into the 2014 shooting that left Attiya paralyzed and given its systemic policy to grant blanket immunity to its armed forces for the killing and injuring of Palestinians, it is certain not to conduct an investigation in line with international standards into his killing. This presumption is evidenced by our organizations’ decades of experience with the Israeli legal system, both on the civil and criminal tracks, which provided almost no criminal charges, prosecutions, or convictions for the military’s killing and injuring of Palestinians in Gaza.

The deliberate targeting of the Al-Nabaheen family, civilians who were actively seeking justice within the Israeli legal system for almost a decade against the atrocities inflicted upon their son by the Israeli military, without any prior warning, unequivocally constitutes a war crime. This act is part of Israel’s widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population in Gaza, which is carried out with a declared intent to commit war crimes and other grave international crimes, as evident by statements of Israeli officials at the highest levels. This admission includes a statement by the spokesperson of the Israeli army, who said: “[in Gaza] the emphasis is on damage not accuracy.”

Accordingly, Adalah and Al Mezan urgently call upon the international community to hold those directly responsible for the killings of the Al-Nabaheen family accountable and to urge Israel to immediately halt attacks against the civilian population in Gaza, including targeted attacks against family homes. Israeli widespread airstrikes, coupled with a complete closure of Gaza and the denial of access of most supplies necessary for the survival of the population, including water and food, is leading toward the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Attiya Fathi Al-Nabaheen Killed in Targeted Israeli Airstrike in Gaza After Long Legal Battle In Israeli Courts | - IMEMC News


600 Palestinian Workers Violently Expelled from Israel

 IMEMC, OCT 13, 2023

On Monday and Tuesday, Israeli police forced hundreds of Palestinian workers out of Israel and into the West Bank. The workers were among 21,000 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip who have permits to work in Israel. Following the surprise attack by Hamas fighters on Israeli military bases and communities around Gaza on Saturday, and the subsequent Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, Israeli police began forcing Palestinian workers to leave their places of employment.

They were forced into the northern West Bank, which is completely cut off from the other occupied Palestinian Territory, the Gaza Strip. Most of the workers have no family or contacts in the West Bank.

An unknown number of Palestinian workers have been blindfolded, arrested and taken to Israeli prison camps for so-called ‘harsh interrogation’.

Al Jazeera reported on the story of Loay Zaqout, 31, who found himself staring up at Israeli police at 3 am, who beat him and other workers and forced them to leave the place they were staying, saying, “They treated us horribly because, they said, we were from Gaza. The police threatened to return us to Gaza and said that our workers’ permits were invalid.” Zaqout is from the central town of Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip, and he has been working in Nazareth for about a year in an auto body shop.

As Al Jazeera reported, Zaqout is one of more than 21,000 Palestinian workers from Gaza who work within Israel in order to support their families – with his salary, he supports his wife, their three children, and 16 members of his extended family.

Zaqout was one of around 600 workers who were rounded up and forced to leave Israel on foot – eventually ending up in Jenin in the occupied West Bank. “I didn’t have my phone, any money or my identity card”, he told reporters. Now that Israel has launched a full-scale assault on the Gaza Strip, Zaqout found himself separated from both his home and his work, saying “now I am on one side and my family is on the other, and I cannot reach them”.

Most of the Gaza workers now stranded in the West Bank are unable to reach their families living in Gaza because of power blackouts and phone service interruptions.

Israeli forces have killed more than 1500 Palestinians and wounded more than 5,000 since Saturday, following the surprise attack by Hamas which killed an estimated 900 Israelis.

Laila Ghannam, governor of Ramallah and al-Bireh, told reporters that around 600 workers from Gaza had been displaced from Israel into the West Bank, and the Palestinian Authority was trying to support them by putting them up in hotels and providing dentists and doctors to help with injuries inflicted on their faces by Israeli police, who had punched and beaten many of them.

The Gaza Strip has been under siege by the Israeli military since 2007, and unemployment is around 50%. Those Palestinians who managed to get permits to work in Israel are able to make much higher rates of pay – around ten times higher than what they would make in Gaza.

According to Shaher Saad, the secretary-general of the Federation of Palestinian Trade Unions, the Palestinian workers who managed to escape to the West Bank are the lucky ones, telling Al Jazeera, “Hundreds of workers are contacting us to get them out of the areas they are stuck in. Sometimes we can’t do anything because they are surrounded by Jewish extremists and are under siege. They’re scared because there’s a lot of tension, especially after these extremists called for the workers to be taken as hostages. We’re working around the clock to get these workers out,” he added. “I call on the Palestinians living in the areas occupied in 1948 to help these workers and get them to the nearest safe area.”

Osama Sbeih, 34, from Gaza City, had been working in construction in the Rishon area (south of Tel Aviv) for two years, and told Al Jazeera that on Monday, at about midnight, large forces from the Israeli army stormed the dorms where about 37 workers from Gaza lived.

“They began searching, checking our identities, beating us, and insulting us. They expelled us towards one of the checkpoints near Ramallah. We did not have a single penny, and we were not allowed to take any of our belongings. We’re so worried about our families, and about our own fates.”

600 Palestinian Workers Violently Expelled from Israel | - IMEMC News


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