Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, November 2023


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Gaza Holocaust  

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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


8,796 Palestinians Killed, 1,500 Under the Rubble, 22,219 Injured, in 25 days of the Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza

November 1, 2023 


73% of the casualties in Gaza are children, women, and the elderly.

130 Palestinians were killed, and 2,100 injured by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank.


Mass preparation of burial for the hundreds of Palestinian civilians, who are killed daily by the Israeli genocidal air strikes on Gaza Strip, file, November 1, 2023 Two Gaza sisters meet in the hospital, after surviving an Israeli genocidal air strike on Gaza, November 1, 2023
Palestinian young men waiting helplessly for signs of life from victims under the rubble, after an Israeli genocidal air strike on Gaza, November 1, 2023 A view of Gaza city during the Israeli genocidal air strikes, on November 1, 2023

Palestinians Yanal 'Hamran, 22, We-am Al-Hariri, and Mu'hammed Jarrar were killed by Israeli occupation soldiers in Jineen, on November 1, 2023

Palestinian teenager, 'Abdullah Miqbil, 16, was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers, in Bait Ummer, on November 1, 2023


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"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic nams as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.


Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Israel’s carnage in Gaza continues for 26th day

GAZA, (PIC) +-

As Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip entered its 26th day on Wednesday, the death toll climbed to over 8,796 martyrs and the number of the injured to over 22,219 people according to the latest reports, amid intensive Israeli bombardment yesterday and today. According to the ministry of health in Gaza, 70 percent of the fatalities in Gaza are women and children.

The occupation army has been committing new massacres against civilians and intensifying its raids on dozens of inhabited homes since Tuesday evening across the Gaza Strip, resulting in a large number of martyrs and injuries.

In retaliation, Palestinian resistance fighters fired volleys of rockets at Israeli settlements and cities today and fended off renewed Israeli attempts to infiltrate border areas in the east and north of Gaza. A reporter for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) said that despite the intensive Israeli bombardment, the resistance continued to shower Israeli areas around Gaza with rockets. 

Gaza Holocaust: 8,796 Palestinians killed, including 3,648 children

GAZA, (PIC) +-

At least 8,796 Palestinians, including 3,648 children and 2,290 women, have been killed in the ongoing Israeli strikes on Gaza since October 7, the Palestinian health ministry said on Wednesday.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Ashraf Al-Qudra, confirmed that an additional 22,219 Palestinians have been wounded, while 2,030 people are still under the rubble. He asserted that 16 hospitals have become out of service, and 130 health personnel have also been killed in the attacks.

Israeli Missiles, Shells, Kill Hundreds Of Palestinians In Gaza

 IMEMC, NOV 1, 2023

On Wednesday dawn, the 26th day of the Israeli onslaught, the Israeli army continued its indiscriminate bombing and shelling of various parts of the Gaza Strip, including home and residential buildings in the densely populated coastal region, killing and wounding hundreds of Palestinians.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that hundreds of Palestinians, mainly women and children, were killed in several parts of the Gaza Strip, especially in the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza where at least 400 Palestinians were killed, the Zaytoun neighborhood, and the Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza, after the army fired many missiles and shells, leveling entire residential blocks.

Medical sources said six Palestinians were killed and many injured when the Israeli Airforce fired a missile at a home for the Kuraizim family in front of the Al-Fakhoura clinic, west of Jabalya in northern Gaza.

At least thirty Palestinians homes were leveled by Israeli missiles, leading to the deaths of dozens of Palestinians and the injury of hundreds, many seriously.

The sources added that eight Palestinians were killed, and several others were wounded when the army fired a missile at the Abu Al-'Aish family home in Bloc 2 of the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza.

Medical sources in Gaza said Palestinian doctors had to perform an urgent cesarean surgery to save the life of an unborn baby after his mother was killed in Jabalya.

Furthermore, at least five Palestinians were killed and more than 40 injured, mainly children and women, when the army fired missiles and shells at the homes of the Abu 'Odah and Abu Nasr families in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The army also fired missiles into the Tel Al-Hawa neighborhood, near the Al-Quds Hospital, west of Gaza City, while Israeli military helicopters fired a barrage of live rounds at homes in several parts of the city.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army allowed for publication the death of nine of its soldiers and the injury of four others, after the resistance in Gaza targeted their armored vehicles with a missile in northern Gaza.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said it had to reduce the number of ambulances due to severe fuel shortages and added that its workers and volunteers are facing numerous obstacles in reaching bombarded areas and even in reaching warehouses where some remaining medical supplies can be found.

Hospitals in Gaza issued urgent appeals as they are almost out of fuel for their electricity generators and said that the Shifa Hospital and the Indonesian Hospital are especially in dire need of fuel, an issue that poses serious risks to the lives of hundreds of patients and wounded Palestinians, including 62 who are hooked to life support machines, hundreds who require urgent surgeries and 650 kidney patients who need dialysis.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Israeli missile sand shells have killed at least 8600 Palestinians, including 3457 children and 2136 women, and injured more than 21.000, including hundreds who suffered very serious injuries, mainly children and women, since the Israeli offensive on Gaza was on October 7, 2023. %73 of the casualties are children, women, and the elderly.

Also, more than 825 families (5824 Palestinians) had been obliterated, and hundreds of Palestinians remained under the rubble of bombed homes and buildings.

Israeli missiles have also killed 427 school students, 12 teachers, and educational sector workers and caused damage to 9 educational facilities.

The number of slain and wounded Palestinians does not include those buried under the rubble of bombarded homes, residential buildings and towers, and various other types of buildings targeted by the Israeli army.

The Health Ministry added that the Israeli army continued to bomb the vicinities of various hospitals in Gaza City and the northern part of the coastal region, causing serious damage, and said that all 13 hospitals in the two areas had received Israeli orders to evacuate.

In addition, the Health Ministry stated that incubators for premature infants and dialysis for more than 1,000 kidney patients could stop at any moment, adding that six hospitals were forced to stop all surgeries due to the lack of fuel and shortages of blood in blood banks.

Furthermore, Israeli missiles and shells killed 130 Palestinians who work in the medical field, including physicians and medics, injured more than 110 and damaged 50 ambulances, including 28 destroyed ambulances.

Only 15 out of 35 hospitals and 51 out of 72 medical centers in Gaza have been shut down due to the lack of fuel, and after being targeted by Israel and said the army is demanding 24 hospitals in northern Gaza to evacuate.

The Israeli army is demanding the evacuation of 24 hospitals (2000 beds) and their facilities in northern Gaza, to evacuate.

Israeli missiles have also killed 427 school students, 12 teachers, and educational sector workers and caused damage to 9 educational facilities.

Ministry of Health: “8,850 Palestinians Killed, About 24,000 Wounded in the Ongoing Israeli Aggression Against Our People”

 IMEMC, NOV 1, 2023

Ramallah 10-31-2023 WAFA –

The Ministry of Health said that the toll of slain and wounded among our people as a result of the continuing aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank has risen to 8,850 and more than 24,000 wounded.

The Health Ministry added during her daily report issued today, Wednesday, that 8,720 Palestinians died in the Gaza Strip, and more than 21,900 were injured, and in the West Bank, the number of slain Palestinians rose to 130, and the wounded to 2,100 since the seventh of this October.

The Ministry stated that more than 73% of the slain Palestinians were children, women, and the elderly.

Palestinian Health Minister, Dr. Mail Al-Kaila, pointed out that the Turkish Friendship Hospital stopped working as a result of the bombing and the depletion of fuel, knowing that it is the only hospital for treating cancer patients, and Al-Shifa Medical Hospital is threatened to stop working completely within less than 24 hours.

Al-Kaila explained that doctors are still forced to perform surgeries without anesthesia, including those who were injured as a result of the bombing and women who give birth by caesarean sections, noting that during the past 24 hours, the bombing targeted health facilities, which led to the destruction of a primary health care clinic in addition to damage caused in two hospitals.

Since October 7, the occupation authorities have prevented patients from leaving the Gaza Strip for treatment in Jerusalem hospitals and within the 1948 territories, including 2,000 patients with cancer.

As of October 29, about 1,950 citizens were reported missing, including at least 1,050 children, who may be trapped or killed under the rubble waiting to be recovered.

The Health Ministry said that the Civil Defense raised the issue of the decomposition of bodies under collapsed buildings, amid limited rescue missions, which raises humanitarian and environmental concerns.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society announced that, due to the fuel shortage, it was forced to reduce the number of ambulances it operates, and all humanitarian agencies and their employees faced significant restrictions in providing humanitarian aid, as humanitarian partners cannot safely reach people in need and the warehouses in which aid supplies are stored.

The ministry added that 117,000 displaced people, in addition to medical and health personnel and thousands of patients, reside in health facilities.

She stated that there are 1.4 million citizens internally displaced in Gaza, with about 629,000 citizens living in 150 emergency shelters designated for UNRWA, where overcrowding is a growing concern, and the average number of internally displaced persons per shelter has reached 2.7 times its capacity, with the most crowded shelter reaching 11. Weak carrying capacity. It showed that about 34,000 housing units were completely destroyed, 150,000 units were partially destroyed, 15 health facilities and 51 primary health clinics were destroyed, 221 schools were destroyed, including 38 schools completely destroyed, and 42 UNRWA facilities were destroyed, including… This includes the places where the displaced took refuge, and 7 churches and 11 mosques were damaged as a result of the bombing.

The Ministry of Health recorded 130 attacks on the health sector, where 132 health personnel were killed, more than 110 of them were injured, while 50 ambulances were damaged, including 28 that were completely out of work, and 16 out of 35 hospitals in the Gaza Strip were closed, and 51 out of 72 centers were closed. Primary health care due to damage caused by bombing or fuel shortages. 24 hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip were asked to evacuate (the total capacity of these hospitals is 2,000 beds).

55% of health sector partners have suspended their operations due to significant damage to infrastructure, forcing hospitals to operate with less than a third of what is needed to treat the large number of wounded, and hospitals are still suffering from a severe fuel shortage, leading to strict rationing and limited use of electricity generators for basic functions only.

The Ministry indicated that maintaining and repairing standby generators, which were not originally intended for continuous operation, is becoming increasingly difficult due to the scarcity of spare parts, which seriously affects the most important functions in hospitals and the ability of ambulances to respond.

She noted the possibility of stopping newborn incubators, pointing out that there are 350,000 patients with non-communicable diseases, and 1,000 patients in need of dialysis, as 80% of dialysis machines are in hospitals in northern Gaza.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights stresses serious concerns that Israel's attacks on Jabalya refugee camp could amount to war crimes

NEW YORK, Wednesday, November 1, 2023 (WAFA) -

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said that expressed serious concerns over Israeli airstrikes on the Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, stating that: “We have serious concerns that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes.”

“Given the high number of civilian casualties & the scale of destruction following Israeli airstrikes on Jabalya refugee camp, we have serious concerns that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in a statement posted on X.


UN relief chief says crisis in occupied Palestinian Territory is a global crisis

NEW YORK, Wednesday, November 1, 2023 (WAFA) -

Scores of civilians have been killed in Gaza following recent attacks on the Jabalya refugee camp. This is just the latest atrocity to befall the people of Gaza where the fighting has entered an even more terrifying phase, with increasingly dreadful humanitarian consequences, said Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, following his two-day visit to Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territory.

"In Gaza, women, children and men are being starved, traumatized and bombed to death. They have lost all faith in humanity and all hope of a future. Their despair is palpable," he said. 

"In the West Bank, the death toll is rising. Violence and the closure of checkpoints mean that people cannot access food, jobs, health care and other essential services," he added.

“Meanwhile, the world seems unable, or unwilling, to act. This cannot go on,” said Griffiths.

“We need to be able to provide the essentials for survival – particularly water, food, medicine and fuel – safely, immediately and at scale. The more than 200 trucks which have crossed into Gaza so far following painstaking negotiations offer some relief but are nowhere near enough.” 

He stressed the need for the warring parties to agree to pauses in the fighting. "This is the only viable option to get relief items into Gaza right now. Repeated humanitarian pauses would allow us to provide more aid to those in need across Gaza, thus alleviating people’s suffering and reducing the risk of civil disorder. Such pauses would also allow the sick and wounded to seek medical care," he said.

"We need those with influence to use that influence to ensure respect for the rules of war, de-escalate the conflict, and avoid a spillover," he added.

“Failure to act now will have consequences far beyond the region because this is a global crisis,” the UN relief chief concluded.


Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot Two Palestinians in Hebron, Two Near Nablus

 IMEMC, NOV 1, 2023

Israeli occupation soldiers shot and injured, on Wednesday, two Palestinians in Bait Ummar town, north of Hebron, in addition to two others in the town of Tel, southwest of Nablus.

After the funeral procession for the Palestinian child who was killed by Israeli forces on Tuesday, soldiers attacked mourners in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that after the funeral procession, soldiers fired live rounds and tear gas canisters at mourners, shooting one young man in the hand and one in the foot, and causing dozens to sustain inhalation injuries.

Both gunshot wounds were transported to a nearby medical center, while the inhalation injuries were treated at the scene by local medics. On Tuesday, Israeli forces shot the child, Abdullah Mu'hammed 'Hasan Miqbil, 16, in the chest with live ammunition during a non-violent demonstration against the massacres being committed in the Gaza Strip by the occupation regime.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced later that he had succumbed to the critical gunshot wound inflicted on him by the army.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces invaded, on Wednesday afternoon, the town of Tel, southwest of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, triggering protests among local Palestinian youths.

Soldiers opened fire at those who resisted the incursion with live ammunition and tear gas canisters, shooting two young men, while a number of others suffered the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation.

Israeli Occupation Army Kills Three Palestinians In Jenin

 IMEMC, NOV 1, 2023

On Wednesday dawn, Israeli occupation soldiers killed three Palestinians and injured many others, two seriously, in Jenin refugee camp, in Jenin in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

Media sources said several armored Israeli military vehicles, accompanied by armored bulldozers, invaded Jenin city from several directions and headed to the Jenin refugee camp.

Media sources said the invasion is one of the largest invasions Jenin witnessed in its repeated invasions by the Israeli army, as hundreds of military vehicles were seen around the city before dozens advanced under heavy fire and after deploying surveillance and armed drones.

Military Apache helicopters also participated in the invasion before the soldiers stormed buildings around the refugee camp and occupied their rooftops to use as sniper posts.

The head of the Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin, Fawwaz 'Hammad, said a young man, Yanal 'Hamran, 22, from the Al-Hashimiyya village west of Jenin, succumbed to serious wounds he suffered after the soldiers shot him with a live round in the head.

Al-Haq published a surveillance video showing how Yanal was executed by an Israeli sniper who shot him in the head on his 22nd Birthday while standing in a hospital yard.

'Hammad added that the soldiers also killed We-am Al-Hariri and Mu'hammad Jarrar after shooting them with live fire.

The soldiers shot Hamran while walking near the Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin, inflicting serious wounds before he was rushed to the medical center but succumbed to his wounds.

The Israeli drones fired missiles in the Al-Hawasheen neighborhood, wounding three Palestinians before Red Crescent medics rushed them to a hospital.

During the invasion, armored military bulldozers destroyed several streets, especially Damaj Street, and caused serious damage to infrastructure, including power and internet lines and water pipes.

The army also abducted Ata Abu Rumaila, the secretary of the Fat'h movement in Jenin, after storming and ransacking his home and also caused damage to many homes in the refugee camp and the areas around it.

In addition, the army stormed the home of political prisoner Zakariyya Zubaidi and the homes of Jamal 'Huwail, who is a lecturer at the Arab American University in Jenin.

It is worth mentioning that Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the invading soldiers and detonated an explosive charge near the armored vehicles.

On Wednesday dawn, the 26th day of the Israeli onslaught, the Israeli army continued its indiscriminate bombing and shelling of various parts of the Gaza Strip, including home and residential buildings in the densely populated coastal region, killing and wounding hundreds of Palestinians.

A general strike was declared across the occupied West Bank in condemnation of the ongoing Israeli onslaught on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Man With Special Needs In Tulkarm

 IMEMC, NOV 1, 2023

On Wednesday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian man with special needs, 65 years of age, in Tulkarm in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Medical sources have confirmed that the soldiers killed Majdi Zakariya Yousuf 'Awwad, 65, after shooting him with a live round in the head.

He was heading to a mosque near his home to perform dawn prayers when the soldiers shot him.

Several Israeli military vehicles invaded Tulkarm from several directions and surrounded the areas surrounding the Tulkarm refugee camp, leading to protests.

The soldiers fired dozens of live rounds randomly, many striking homes and buildings, wounding Majdi, who was rushed to “Thabit Thabit” governmental hospital in Tulkarem, but he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The soldiers also invaded and ransacked many homes in the city and the refugee camp and abducted a former political prisoner, Kassab Zaqqout, from his home in the Eastern neighborhood of Tulkarm.

On Tuesday evening, the soldiers killed Abdullah Mu'hammed Hasan Miqbil, 16, after shooting him with live fire in the chest in Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

On Monday, the soldiers killed a Palestinian young man, Adam Abu Al-Hawa, 18, after he allegedly stabbed and injured a Border Guard in occupied Jerusalem.

In addition, Israeli forces fatally shot a Palestinian young man with special needs Fu-ad Ismail Abu Sab'ha, 23, in Yatta town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

The army also killed four Palestinian young men and injured nine others in the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin.

Wisam Bakr, the head of the Jenin governmental hospital, said two young men, We’am Eyad Hannoun, 27, and Mousa Khaled Jabarin, 23, from the Jenin refugee camp, were killed by Israeli soldiers fired.

He added that two young men, Amir 'Abdullah Shourbaji, 25, and Nawras Ibrahim Ba’jawi, 28, were also killed by Israeli army fire, and at least nine Palestinians were injured by live fire from the invading Israeli occupation forces.

Another young man, A'hmed Nofal, 23, succumbed to gunshot wounds inflicted on him by illegal Israeli colonizers last week.

Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Forces Abduct 71 Palestinians in the West Bank

 NOV 1, 2023

Beginning in the predawn hours of Wednesday, Israeli occupation soldiers abducted at least 71 Palestinians, including children and former prisoners, from various regions of the West Bank.


Israeli occupation forces attacked, the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, killing three Palestinian young men with missiles and live rounds, and injuring two others. Additionally, the army targeted the Jenin Governmental Hospital, causing medical staff and patients to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas. Soldiers invaded and ransacked a number of homes, assaulting one young man, and arresting a father and his two sons from the Jenin refugee camp.

Israeli forces abducted four Palestinian citizens of the town of Qabatya, south of Jenin after they were summoned for intelligence review at the Salem military base inside Israel, northwest of Jenin.

Another young man, in addition to a father and son were abducted from the city of Jenin.


A special Israeli unit invaded the home of a former prisoner and abducted him in the town of Far’oan, south of Tulkarm in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

One young man was abducted from the city of Tulkarm, while another was abducted from Zaita town, north of the city.

Later soldiers abducted a former prisoner and confiscated his vehicle while he was passing through the “ 'Anabta” military roadblock, east of Tulkarm.


In the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, occupation forces invaded and searched a number of Palestinian-owned homes before abducting two Palestinians from the city of Qalqilya, and one from the town of 'Azzoun, to the east.


Israeli forces, stationed at the Za’tara military roadblock, south of Nablus in the northern West Bank, abducted a citizen of Qabatiya in the Jenin governorate.

Israeli forces invaded the towns of 'Huwwara, south of the city and abducted one young man after invading and searching his home.

Illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers fired live rounds at Palestinian farmers while picking their olive on their lands in Qusra town, southeast of Nablus, and assaulted one. The attack is the second in two days.


The army abducted two Palestinian young men after invading and searching their homes in Shuqba town, northwest of the central occupied West Bank city of Ramallah. Another Palestinian man was abducted from the village of Dair Abu Mash’al, and another from village of Al-Laban Al-Gharbi, both northwest of the city.


Soldiers invaded and searched the homes of seven Palestinian citizens in the town of Qatanna, northwest of occupied Jerusalem before abducting them, including a former prisoner whom they assaulted. Northwest of the city, soldiers invaded and searched a Palestinian-owned home and abducted one young man in Bait Iksa village, two in the village of Bait Surik, and another fourteen in Biddu town after breaking into and ransacking many homes. In Hizma town, northeast of the occupied city, the army abducted one young man. Additionally, solders confiscated money, gold, and vehicles belonging to Palestinian citizens in the Jerusalem governorate, and abducted another four from the occupied city, including a former prisoner.


In the southern part of the West Bank, soldiers invaded the city of Bethlehem, stormed and searched many homes, assaulted a citizen and his mother, and abducted two citizens. Soldiers abducted a child from the Aida refugee camp north of the city, in addition to a child and two young men from the Duhaisha refugee camp to the south. One young man was abducted from Bait Fajjar town, to the southwest, while a father and his two sons, in addition to two other young men were abducted in Abu Nujaym village, to the south, after their homes were invaded and searched. Southwest of the city, soldiers stormed the home of one young man and abducted him in the town of Al-Khadir. In the village of Hindaza, southeast of the city, soldiers abducted one young man.


In the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron, soldiers invaded homes, destroyed doors and furniture, and abducted five Palestinians in the town of Bait Ummar, north of Hebron. In Dura town, southwest of the city, soldier abducted one former prisoner. It was added that soldiers stormed the town of Bani Na’eem, east of the city, invaded homes and fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel rounds, and tear gas canisters at citizens


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