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Can Russia Emulate China's Middle East Diplomatic Success with a Turkiye-Syria Rapprochement?

April 3, 2023



Syrian refugees passing by Turkish border



Türkiye-Syria talks set to be held in Moscow after delay


 ISTANBUL APR 03, 2023

Türkiye and Syria set to return table for talks hosted by Russia and attended by Iran, says Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu as both sides may build upon first high-level talks carried out last year

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said a quadrilateral meeting of officials from Syria, Türkiye, Russia and Iran was scheduled to be held on Monday and Tuesday in Moscow. The meeting at the deputy foreign minister level was initially set for March but was postponed at the request of Russia.

Russia’s long-standing effort to open a channel of dialogue between Türkiye and the Bashar Assad regime paid off last year, as the defense ministers and intelligence chiefs of Türkiye, Russia, and the Assad regime met in Moscow on Dec. 28. The Turkish and Syrian Foreign Ministers had a brief informal exchange on the sidelines of a regional summit in 2021, and Ankara acknowledged the intelligence contacts. In November, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said a meeting with Assad was possible after cutting diplomatic ties with Damascus throughout the 11-year conflict. In December 2022, he hinted he could meet with Assad after meeting both countries’ defense and foreign ministers. “We want to take a step as Syria, Türkiye and Russia,” he had said.

Any normalization between Ankara and Damascus would reshape the decadelong Syrian war. Turkish backing has been vital to sustaining moderate Syrian opposition in their last significant territorial foothold in the northwest after Bashar Assad defeated the opponent across the rest of the country, aided by Russia and Iran.

The meetings come after the recent launch of Türkiye’s Operation Claw-Sword, a cross-border aerial campaign against the PKK terrorist group and its Syrian wing, the YPG, which have illegal hideouts across the Iraqi and Syrian borders where they plan attacks on Turkish soil. After launching the air operation, Erdoğan also signaled a ground operation to northern Iraq and northern Syria to eliminate the terrorist threat, adding that “this is not limited to just an air operation.”

Lavrov visit

Çavuşoğlu, who was speaking to a group of Turkish journalists at the Turkish House (Türkevi) in New York City, U.S., during a visit, also noted that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov would pay a visit to Türkiye on April 6-7 in the wake of the Feb. 6 twin earthquakes. Çavuşoğlu said they would have the opportunity to discuss different dimensions of bilateral relations during Lavrov’s visit. During the meeting, the top diplomats will also discuss Syria, Libya, and other regional issues, as well as the extension of the grain agreement. The topics discussed during the meeting are the political process in Syria, the situation of Syrian refugees, and the need to increase humanitarian aid to Syria after the earthquakes.

Earthquake diplomacy

Normalization of ties with countries Ankara has been at odds with over a spate of issues that gained momentum after the Feb. 6 earthquakes. As countries offered condolences and provided humanitarian assistance in the face of this biggest disaster, Türkiye faced in its recent history, diplomacy was also at work. Egypt, for instance, rekindled the hope of an Ankara-Cairo rapprochement. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry’s visit to the disaster zone where he met Çavuşoğlu accelerated the slow pace of normalization. The rare visit was responded to in kind by Çavuşoğlu, who left for Cairo a few weeks later. Çavuşoğlu told reporters that Türkiye and Egypt had no issues in economic and commercial ties already, and they were now working to normalize their political relations fully. He said they were working on determining a date for a presidential-level meeting.

Similarly, Türkiye’s neighbor Greece was among the first responders to the earthquake by sending relief and search and rescue crews. Çavuşoğlu has hosted his Greek counterpart in the disaster zone amid an air of reconciliation between two countries whose past is stained with hostilities. The Turkish minister told reporters that there was a positive atmosphere in relations, but the two sides needed to avoid escalating tensions to sustain this. “We have historical issues we could not agree upon, we could not resolve, and some of them are complicated. We need a sincere working environment to resolve them. We had and are having consultative talks, but they should be more result-oriented now. We already know what the issues are,” he said.

U.S. support to terrorists

Çavuşoğlu was also critical of the U.S. when asked about the helicopter crash carrying terrorists from the PKK in northern Iraq. The incident last month sparked questions about how a terrorist group can get a hold of a helicopter. When reports emerged that the helicopter was traveling between an area of Syria controlled by the PKK’s branches in Syria and Iraq, the U.S. found itself in hot water, as Washington has openly provided military equipment and training to PKK/YPG.

“It is crucial whether the U.S. knew anything about helicopters taking off from Syria’s northeast. The U.S. controls the airspace there and would definitely know even if a bird flew there without permission. You cannot take off in a helicopter without notifying the authorities controlling the airspace,” Çavuşoğlu said.

The minister stated that the U.S. was already providing military support to PKK/YPG, and they did not “hide this fact.”

“They have a guise after all: fighting against Daesh. Their excuse is that the PKK/YPG keeps Daesh members in detention and so they were essential. We told them that people in detention could be repatriated to their countries and this cannot be an excuse for supporting a terrorist group,” he said.

Çavuşoğlu mentioned that the U.S. chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited Syria’s northeast last month and Washington assured them that he did not meet PKK/YPG members during the visit.

“It convinced us since the PKK/YPG would not miss the opportunity to have their meeting publicized as they want to legitimize their presence,” he said. “Regardless, what truly matters is what the U.S. troops are doing there and why the chairman is visiting there. They are there to support the PKK/YPG, regardless of the question of whether the chairperson met (the terrorist group’s members),” he added.

Türkiye-Syria talks set to be held in Moscow after delay | Daily Sabah


Can Russia emulate China’s Middle East diplomatic success with a Turkiye-Syria rapprochement?

Arab News, April 3, 2023

  • In December, Assad ally Moscow hosted the highest-level meeting of Syrian and Turkish ministers since 2012
  • Beijing’s success as a mediator between Riyadh and Tehran attributed to its cordial relations with both countries

IRBIL, Iraqi Kurdistan: Russia may be hoping it can replicate China’s success in brokering the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Middle East heavyweights Saudi Arabia and Iran by overseeing a restoration of bilateral ties between Syria and Turkiye. But analysts caution that fundamental differences between the two normalization efforts militate against a quick breakthrough.

In December, Moscow hosted a meeting of Syrian and Turkish defense ministers for talks in what was seen as the beginning of a potential rapprochement between the two rivals. It was the highest-level meeting between Turkish and Syrian officials since the two countries severed ties in 2012 after the start of the Syrian civil war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) welcomes Turkish FM Mevlut Cavusoglo,
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar (2ndR) and Turkish Intelligence chief Hakan Fidan (R)
prior to their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow on August 24, 2018. (AFP)

Moscow will host another meeting between the deputy foreign ministers of Syria, Turkiye, Iran and Russia on April 3-4, where they will discuss the Syria situation. A senior Turkish official told Reuters that the meeting “is expected to be a continuation of the ministerial-level meetings that began during the normalization process” promoted by Russia.

“Russia has plenty of leverage with Syrian President Bashar Assad and good relations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which gives it authority and weight in the Turkiye-Syrian negotiations,” Joshua Landis, director of both the Center of Middle East Studies and the Farzaneh Family Center for Iranian and Arabian Gulf Studies at the University of Oklahoma, told Arab News.

“Syria and Turkiye also have a number of major stumbling blocks impeding an agreement — Turkiye occupies some 10 percent of Syrian soil and backs the rebel militias that opposed Assad’s rule,” he said.

Turkish troops travel in vehicles toward Tal Abyad in Syria on October 10, 2019 as Ankara
launched a broad assault on Kurdish-controlled areas in northeastern Syria. (AFP)

Though Beijing successfully served as a mediator between Riyadh and Tehran due to its cordial relations with both countries, the US has not had diplomatic relations with Iran for decades. Washington also opposes Assad and has discouraged allied nations from restoring relations with Damascus. Russia, on the other hand, maintains good ties with Turkiye and Syria.

There is one significant distinction between the nature of these relationships, however. China has much more balanced ties with Saudi Arabia and Iran than Russia does with Turkiye and Syria.

“Russia is deeply involved as a security guarantor for the Syrian government thanks to Moscow’s support for Damascus over the last decade of civil war,” Emily Hawthorne, a senior Middle East and North Africa analyst at the risk intelligence company RANE, told Arab News.

Syria’s Bashar Assad with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Latakia, Syria. (AFP)

“This is very different from China’s more balanced relationship with both Saudi Arabia and Iran; China is not a security guarantor for either Tehran or Riyadh.

“Russia’s close relationship with the Syrian government certainly gives Russia power to mediate with Syria that few other countries have, but Russia lacks that same kind of relationship with Turkiye.”

Anton Mardasov, an independent Russian analyst and non-resident scholar of the Middle East Institute’s Syria program, doubts that Moscow can achieve what Beijing did since it is “a party to the conflict in Syria” even though it has tried to play the role of mediator.

“The Kremlin finds itself in a difficult position: On the one hand, it would like to increase Damascus’ potential in order to absolve itself of responsibility for its survival,” Mardasov told Arab News. “In this sense, the restoration of Syrian-Turkish ties and deepening, for example, of economic cooperation, is Moscow’s goal.”

“Moreover, given the war in Ukraine and Turkiye’s importance as an economic partner, the Kremlin is interested in pushing Assad to get closer to Turkiye, as it is in Ankara’s interest, primarily given the refugee issue,” he said.

Strong disagreements between Ankara and Damascus over the future of northern Syria also complicate Moscow’s normalization efforts.

“The closest analogous territory between Saudi Arabia and Iran would be Yemen, but Yemen is its own sovereign country and the conflict dynamics are very different,” Hawthorne said.

“Among the challenges Russia would face trying to mediate restored Ankara-Damascus ties would be the challenging question of the future of northern Syria, and whether Damascus can promise to resolve Turkiye’s security concerns regarding Kurdish militants there.”

This aerial view shows a  March 21, 2023, funeral procession for Kurdish men
killed by Turkish-backed fighters in Jindayris, Aleppo. (AFP)

Mardasov said Assad is in a weak position and making unrealistic demands. He pointed out that Turkiye formally has no troops in northern Syria since allied opposition factions control those territories, although it has troops on the border and can swiftly intervene on behalf of these factions.

“The presence of Turkish troops in Idlib was formally approved not only by Russia but also by Iran within the framework of the Astana process,” he said, referring to the tripartite Russia-Iran-Turkiye Syria peace process launched in January 2017. “Therefore, to insist on their withdrawal is to insist on the breakdown of the agreements in Astana.”

On top of this, Turkiye controls Syrian territories that are home to millions of people, giving it significant leverage.

“This is actually quite a delicate situation since Russia, as Assad’s protector, is also in a dependent position on Turkiye, both in terms of projects against the background of the war in Ukraine and in terms of negotiations on the Syrian track,” Mardasov said. “Here, it is more about tactical steps so that Moscow does not worsen its position as, strategically, the situation is not too advantageous for the Kremlin.”

Landis anticipates negotiations will remain largely on hold until after Turkiye’s elections on May 14.

Syrian refugees passing through a Turkish border point. (AFP)

“The Turkish opposition has denounced Erdogan’s policies toward Syria and claims that it will move forward quickly with normalizing relations with Syria,” he said. “What is more, the Turkish opposition has little obligation to the Syrian rebel groups that Erdogan championed and has promised to protect.”

“If Kemal Kilicdaroglu wins in May, relations between Damascus and Ankara are likely to improve rapidly,” he added, “although the problem of dealing with the four million refugees and Islamist militiamen will not go away.”

Russia also has a self-interest in securing normalization.

“A more stable client state for Russia means a more stable foothold for Russia in the broader Middle East,” Hawthorne said.

Furthermore, the stakes are not too high for Russia if its efforts on this front stall.

“If Moscow fails in this endeavor, it is unlikely to markedly damage Russia’s standing in the Middle East, which relies more on Russia’s ability to maintain a Rolodex of vastly different bilateral relationships across the region,” Hawthorne said.

“Russian mediation could advance the conversation between Syria and Turkiye, but until Ankara and Damascus come to their own understanding on the future of northern Syria, it is unlikely Moscow will succeed.”

Syrian opposition supporters gather in the streets of al-Bab on the border with Turkiye on March 15, 2023,
to mark the 12th anniversary of the start of the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad. (AFP)

Landis also pointed out that Russia has invested “a great deal” in Assad’s Syria and that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “win” there has been a “great foreign policy success” for Russia.

However, Syria remains in “jeopardy” given the general boycott of Assad and the “devastating sanctions” imposed on Damascus.

“If Putin can undo Syria’s isolation and help revive regional diplomatic and trade agreements, he will have locked in his success,” Landis said.

Having said that, he is optimistic that Ankara and Damascus will eventually reach an agreement.

“I believe that Syria and Turkiye will normalize relations, even if the road is a bumpy one,” he said. “The two countries share a 764-km border. They have a common interest in getting American troops out of Syria, stopping the arming of the Kurds, and cracking down on ‘terrorism.’”

“Both have an interest in returning to the good relations that they shared before the war, which helped both countries to prosper and develop.”

Can Russia emulate China’s Middle East diplomatic success with a Turkiye-Syria rapprochement? (


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