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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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188 Palestinians Killed in Gaza, Including 55 Children and 33 Women, in addition to 1230 Injuries, in Attacks by Israeli Occupation Apartheid Regime Forces,

May 16, 2021 

Editor's Note:

While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples of the Israeli occupation apartheid regime violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,


Ibrahim-Rantisi, one of the Palestinian children who were killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, May 15, 2021 imemc Lena-Issa, one of the Palestinian children who were killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, May 15, 2021 imemc

Riyadh, one of the survivors of an Israeli air strike on Gaza city, May 15, 2021 imemc Israeli continued air strikes on residential neighborhoods in Gaza, May 15, 2021 pic

Israeli continued air strikes on residential neighborhoods in Gaza, May 15, 2021 pic 2  
One of the Palestinian children who were killed in Israeli air strikes on a Gaza residential neighborhood, May 15, 2021 pic  
One of the Palestinian children who survived Israeli air strikes on a Gaza residential neighborhood, May 15, 2021 pic  
Israeli continued air strikes on residential neighborhoods in Gaza, May 15, 2021 pic 3  
Israeli continued air strikes on residential neighborhoods in Gaza, May 15, 2021 pic 4  

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that the number of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli occupation apartheid regime forces reached 188 martyrs, by 4:30 pm of May 16, 2021. This included 55 children and 33 women. In addition,  1230 Palestinians were injured by Israeli air strikes targetting residentiona neighborhoods and building, mainly in Gaza City. The Israeli aggression on Gaza is still going on.

غزة: وزارة الصحة في غزة: 188 شهيداً من بينهم 55 طفلاً و33 سيدة و1230 إصابة حصيلة العدوان المستمر على غزة

غزة: وزارة الصحة في غزة: 188 شهيداً من بينهم 55 طفلاً و33 سيدة و1230 إصابة حصيلة العدوان المستمر على غزة | الميادين (

الإعلام الحكومي ينشر احدث حصيلة لخسائر العدوان الاسرائيلي المتواصل

فلسطين اليوم - غزة الساعة 03:55 م 16 مايو 2021

نشر المكتب الإعلامي الحكومي بغزة، اليوم الأحد، أحدث حصيلة لأجرام الاحتلال وعدوانه المتواصل لليوم السابع على التوالي.

وقال المكتب في بيان له وصل " فلسطين اليوم " نسخه عنه، أن طائرات المحتل ومدفعيته وبوارجه الحربية شنت أكثر من ١٢٠٠ غارة واعتداء منذ بداية العدوان، طالت مختلف مناطق القطاع، وتركزت بالقصف على البيوت والمباني السكنية والمقار الحكومية والبنى التحتية من طرق وشبكات كهرباء ومياه وصرف صحي.

وأضاف " أسفر هذا العدوان لارتقاء ١٨١ شهيدا منهم: ٥٢ طفلا ٣١ امرأة، فيما وصل عدد الجرحى إلى ١٢٢٥ جريحا جلهم من النساء والأطفال"

وأوضح أن عدد غارات الليلة الماضية بلغ أكثر من ١٥٥ غارة نفذتها طائرات ومدفعية وبوارج الاحتلال، وتركز القصف وسط مدينة غزة وجنوب القطاع.

وبين المكتب بأن العدوان خلّف خسائر مادية كبيرة، وأضرار لحقت بالبنى التحتية ومنازل المواطنين والمزارع بلغت في تقديراتها الأولية ١٧٧ مليون وخمسمائة ألف دولار، منها: ١٢٧ مليون دولار الخسائر المباشرة،  فيما تم تقدير الخسائر غير المباشرة ب ٥٠ مليون  وخمسمائة ألف دولار، وفق التالي:

- قصف منازل وبيوت سكنية وصل مجموعها إلى أكثر من ٧٧٠ وحدة ما بين الهدم الكلي والبليغ، فضلا عن تضرر مالا يقل عن ٤٩٧٦ وحدة سكنية لأضرار بين متوسطة وجزئي جراء القصف المتواصل.

- قصف أبراج سكنية ومنازل وهدمها بشكل كلي عدد ٩٧، وهدم كلي لحق ب ٣٢ مقر إعلامي، فضلا عن أضرار لعشرات المؤسسات والجمعيات والمكاتب الأخرى، وقد بلغت الخسائر الأولية المباشرة في قطاع الإسكان ما مجموعه ٣٦ مليون دولار.

- قصف ٦٥ مقر حكومي ومنشأة عامة تنوعت بين مقرات شرطية وأمنية ومرافق خدماتية، وقد بلغت تقديرات الخسائر المباشرة ١٦ مليون دولار.

- تضرر ٣٦ مدرسة وعدد من المرافق الصحية وعيادات الرعاية الأولية بشكل بليغ وجزئي جراء القصف الشديد في محيطها.

- قصف مزارع حيوانية وأراضي زراعية وآبار وشبكات ري بقيمة أولية للخسائر بلغت ١٧ مليون دولار.

- خسائر مباشرة بقيمة ٢١ مليون دولار في المنشآت الاقتصادية والتجارية، جراء قصفها ومنها قصف ٤ مقرات لبنوك محلية، ومصانع.

- قصف شوارع وبنى تحتية ممثلة في شبكات مياه وصرف صحي بقيمة خسائر أولية بلغت ١٤ مليون دولار.

- خسائر مباشرة بقيمة ١٠ مليون دولار في قطاع الطاقة جراء قصف شبكات ومحولات وخطوط الكهرباء.

- تضرر عشرات المركبات بشكل كامل وجزئي بقيمة تقديرية للخسائر وصلت ٥ مليون دولار.

- تضرر شبكات اتصالات وانترنت ومحولات ومعدات، بقيمة وصلت ٦ مليون ومائة ألف دولار.

- تعرض ٨ مساجد للهدم بشكل كلي أو بليغ وتضررت عشرات دور العبادة (مساجد وكنائس) جراء القصف، وبلغ تقدير خسائرها المادية المباشرة ٢ مليون دولار.

- يستمر إغلاق الاحتلال للمعابر التجارية لقطاع غزة ومنع نزول الصيادين للبحر.

- جريمة الاحتلال المستمرة خلفت واقعا إنسانيا صعبا سيما مع نزوح مئات العائلات من المناطق الحدودية تحت القصف، وأيضا منع إمدادات الاحتياجات والسلع الأساسية للمواطنين بسبب اغلاق المعابر وحتى الأعلاف اللازمة للحيوانات، ومنع دخول الوقود لمحطة الكهرباء، وهو ما يعد جريمة إنسانية وحرب إبادة بحق أبناء شعبنا جميعا في قطاع غزة.

الإعلام الحكومي ينشر احدث حصيلة لخسائر العدوان الاسرائيلي المتواصل | فلسطين اليوم (


Death toll jumps to 181 Gazans, inlcuding 52 children and 31 women

Israel massacres 33 civilians, including children, in Gaza City on one day

May 16, 2021, GAZA, (PIC) +-

Israeli occupation apartheid regime aggression against the Gaza Strip has entered its seventh consecutive day, with air raids at dawn Sunday killing at least 33 Palestinians, wounding about 50 others, and flattening at least two apartment buildings over the heads of their residents.

According to the latest information from the Gaza health ministry, the slain victims included eight children and 12 women, while rescue teams with the help of citizens embarked on looking for any survivors buried beneath the rubble of residential buildings destroyed in Israeli raids on al-Wahda district in the central Gaza City.

A reporter for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) said that the intensive aerial attacks on Gaza at dawn caused “massive destruction” to homes, facilities and roads, and also resulted in a complete power blackout in the northern Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City.

According to journalists and local residents, the air raids created craters that blocked one of the main roads leading to al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex and central hospital in the Gaza Strip, which is located in the neighborhood of North Rimal in Gaza City.

Local sources reported that scores of martyrs from different families were evacuated to al-Shifa Hospital after violent air raids on their neighborhoods in Gaza City.

They added that the Israeli occupation army bombarded dozens of homes and apartments with no prior warning, committing a heinous massacre in Gaza City.

According to a reporter for al-Jazeera satellite channel, Israeli warplanes carried out about 150 air raids across the Gaza Strip in the early hours of Sunday, including at least 60 in Gaza City alone.

Israeli naval and artillery units also bombarded homes and structures in different areas of Gaza.

Meanwhile, the health ministry said many Palestinians were arriving at hospitals with injuries.

The home of Gaza’s Hamas chief, Yehya al-Sinwar, was also targeted, according to media reports.

Accordingly, the number of Palestinians killed, since the Israeli military aggression against the Gaza Strip started late on Monday, has now risen to 181 martyrs, including 52 children and 31 women.

More than 1,225 others have been wounded so far amid the ongoing brutal Israeli attacks on Gaza, according to the latest statistics that were released by the health ministry on Sunday morning.

Israel massacres 33 civilians, including kids, in Gaza City (


B'Tselem: Israel commits war crimes in Gaza Strip

May 16, 2021, RAMALLAH, (PIC) +-

B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights, said on Sunday that Israel is committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The human rights organization confirmed that the besieged Gaza Strip is witnessing destruction and killing by Israel not witnessed since 2014.

B'Tselem reported that Israel caused damage to commercial shops and important structures in Gaza such as electricity and water networks, streets and agricultural lands and three hospitals, one in Beit Hanoun, and the Indonesian Hospital and Hala Al Shawa Health Center.

It also pointed out that since 2002, the West Bank has not witnessed the amount of killings that it witnessed on Friday. The Israeli forces killed at least ten Palestinians, most of them during demonstrations or confrontations and wounded 251 others, including 26 seriously injured and one of them was shot in his head and he is at risk of death.

B'Tselem reported that the occupation forces in East Jerusalem had injured about 1,000 Palestinians, during the period 10/05/2021 - 14/05/2021. 

“The Israeli regime practices systematic violence against the Palestinians everywhere in the occupied territories”, the organization underlined. 

B'Tselem: Israel commits war crimes in Gaza Strip (


At Least 34 Palestinians Killed Overnight as Israeli Occupation Apartheid Regime Forces Bombardment of Gaza Continues

 IMEMC, MAY 16, 2021

The Israeli occupation apartheid regime forces'  bombardment of Gaza continued through Friday night into Saturday with no signs of letting up. At least 34 were killed in the bombings Saturday night, which included a missile strike that wiped out a family – a mother and her four young children in Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City. In addition, Israeli jets targeted and destroyed a second high-rise housing international media outlets, destroying it completely including TV studios, equipment and transmission antennas.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, at least 139 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Monday, including at least 39 children and 22 women, and over 1000 others wounded. One Israeli soldier and 6 Israeli civilians have been killed in the same time period, including two children.

The Palestinian family that was wiped out Friday night was that of Mohammed al-Hadidi (Abu Hatab). He told reporters that his wife and five children had gone to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday with his wife’s brother. His wife and three of his children, age 6 to 14, were killed, while an 11-year-old is missing. Only his 5-month-old son Omar is known to have survived.

“At 1:30 in the morning, I was surprised by severe vibration and shelling in the area, and I ran to see where the bombing was, I did not know where, and I was shocked when I saw the whole house of the children’s maternal uncle destroyed.”

He continued, tears streaming down his face, “This is a major crime against humanity. Children are supposed safe in their homes. A civilian family is killed. What is their fault for being bombed?”

The Al-Hadidi family that was killed last night consists of his wife: Maha Mohammad Abd al-Aal al-Hadidi (Abu Hatab), and his children Suhaib Muhammad al-Hadidi (14 years), Yahya Mohammad al-Hadidi (11 years), Abd al-Rahman Mohammad al-Hadidi (8 years) and Osama Mohammad al-Hadidi (6 years), and the only survivor Omar Muhammad al-Hadidi, injured, aged five months.

Mohammad al-Yaqoubi, an eyewitness, described the bombing of his neighbor’s house, “We were sleeping and suddenly we heard the sound of intense bombardment. I live on the fifth floor and only a meter away from their house. When I managed to reach the ground, I was shocked by the destruction of our neighbor’s house. Children, oh God, where are mercy and humanity, a whole house destroyed in a brutal manner over people! ”

Several other families were also torn to pieces in their homes Friday night. In al-Boreij refugee camp, four family members of the al-Omar family were killed, including a 13-year old girl. In Beit Lahia, four members of the Amen family were massacred by a missile. In the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah, four members of the al-Rantisi family were killed, including a two-year old baby.

Updated from: “Israeli Soldiers Kill Dozens Of Palestinians, Including Many Children, In Gaza”

 IMEMC, May 15, 2021 at 02:04

The Israeli occupation apartheid regime army continued its bombardment and shelling of several parts of the Gaza Strip, Friday, killing dozens of Palestinians, including many children, and injuring hundreds, in addition to damaging and destroying dozens of homes and buildings across the besieged coastal region.

At the time of this report, medics, rescue teams, and the residents are still retrieving corpses of slain Palestinians buried under the rubble of homes and buildings in northern Gaza, and trying to locate more, including the injured

 IMEMC, Update: May 15, 2021, at 02.04

Lina Mohammad Mahmoud al-Omar, 13, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza.

Manar Khader Ahmad Issa al-Omar, 39, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza.

Faiza Ahmad Mohmmad al-Omar, 45, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza.

Mustafa Hasan Ahmad al-Abed al-Omar, 35, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck his home in Tal al-Hawa, in Gaza city.

The soldiers also fired missiles into many homes in Gaza city, leading to at least one death so far.

The army fired missiles into homes in Rafah and Khan Younis, in addition to the Shati’ refugee camp in Gaza and other areas of Gaza city, causing dozens of casualties, including fatalities, among them children.

 IMEMC, Update: May 15, 2021, at 01:26

Lamia’ Hasan Mohammad Attar, 27, was killed by Israeli occupation apartheid regime missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

Mohammad Ibrahim Mohammad Amen, 51, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck his home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

Wala’ Mohammad Ibrahim Amen, 24, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

Warda Mohammad Ibrahim Amen, 22, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

Hadeel Mohammad Ibrahim Amen, 18, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

 IMEMC, Update: May 15, 2021 at 01:20

Siham Yousef Mohammad Rantisi, 66, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah.

Shaima’ Diab Mohammad Rantisi, 21, was killed by Israelioccupation apartheid regime missiles that struck her home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah.

Ibrahim Mohammad Ibrahim Rantisi, 2, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck his family’s home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah.

Raed Ibrahim Khamis Rantisi, 29, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah.

Kholoud Fuad Farhan Zamily, 27, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the at-Tannour neighborhood in Rafah.

Media sources in Gaza said the Israeli Airforce fired missiles into Khan Younis, and Jabalia, in the southern and northern parts of the Gaza Strip, killing four Palestinians and injuring dozens.

Among the killed is a child, identified as Bothaina Mahmoud Obeid, 7, who was killed when shrapnel of an Israeli missile struck her in the head when the army fired missiles near her family’s home.

They added that two young men, in their twenties, were killed by a missile fired by an Israeli military drone east of Jabalia, in northern Gaza. The attack also caused many injuries.

Another young man, in his twenties, was killed, and one was seriously injured, when an Israeli drone fired a missile into an area east of Abasan town, east of Khan Younis.

Furthermore, an Israeli drone fired a missile at an apartment in the center of Gaza city, killing one Palestinian, and injuring many others.

A child, identified as Mahmoud Hamed Hasan Talba, 13, in addition to Abdul-Rahman Estbeita, 34, were killed when the army bombarded homes in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza city.

The Israeli missiles also killed a child, identified as Ahmad Rami Mahmoud al-Hawajri, 15, and a young man, Moayyad Taiseer Abdul-Rahman al-Omar, 20, in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza.

It is worth mentioning that the Palestinian Health Ministry has called on the Palestinians to donate blood for the wounded, and added that the hospitals are running out of medical supplies, especially amidst the escalating Israeli offensive on the coastal region.

In addition, two Palestinian women, identified as Sabreen Nasser Mohammad Abu Dayya, 27, and Ni’ma Saleh Ayyash, 47, and a man, Hashem Mohammad Zogheibi, 20, were killed when the army fired missiles at homes in Um an-Nasser village, in northern Gaza.

The Israeli occupation apartheid regime army also fired dozens of missiles into Beit Hanoun, in northern Gaza, destroying an entire neighborhood, killing many Palestinians, and injuring dozens.

Among the slain are a woman, identified as Nisreen Nasser Abu Qleiq, 25, and a young man, Soheib Abdul-Rahim Awad Ghanem, 25.

An infant, identified as Hoor Zamily, 18 months, was also killed by Israeli missiles targeting homes in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.

At least six Palestinians, including a pregnant woman, and children, were killed by Israeli missiles in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Initial reports from the Palestinian Health Ministry stated that the Israeli army has killed more than 135 Palestinians, including at least 32 children and 20 women, in addition to injuring more than 1000, dozens seriously in five days of the ongoing offensive on Gaza. The figures do not include those who are still buried under the rubble of bombarded homes and buildings.

The Israeli strikes on Gaza were carried out by the air force, tanks, artillery, and the navy, targeting hundreds of homes, facilities, residential buildings, infrastructure in addition to a variety of private and governmental institutions.

It is worth mentioning that the United Nations has reported that at least 10.000 Palestinians have left their homes to seek shelters in mosques and schools in the Gaza Strip, amidst extremely limited supplies of food, water, and sanitary products.

Ten Palestinians were also killed by Israeli fire, and dozens have been injured, in the West Bank, Friday.

At Least 34 Palestinians Killed Overnight as Israeli Bombardment of Gaza Continues – – IMEMC News


12 year old Child Critically Injured by Firebomb in Jaffa Friday night

 MAY 16, 2021

On Friday night a 12 year old boy was injured and is in critical condition after a firebomb was thrown into his home in Jaffa, injuring also his younger sister. Neighbors believe this was an ethnically motivated attack in light of the recent violence by right-wing Israeli mobs. 

Right wing gangs of armed Israelis have been invading Palestinian neighborhoods within the State of Israel, attacking anyone who looks Palestinian, according to local media sources.  

“Residents of Jaffa [the city on which Tel Aviv was established] have been feeling increasingly unsafe and abandoned by the police. Residents also accused police of instigating violence and provoking locals. Police pepper sprayed one journalist and struck another in the face during clashes that erupted the night after the attack”, the Israeli news agency Haaretz reports. 

Several reports of violence against Palestinians perpetrated by right wing mobs have been made to Ynet, Haaretz and Wafa news agencies, including mask-wearing attackers vandalizing cars outside a residential complex housing Palestinians, and a group of Israeli settlers protected by a police escort opening gunfire at a mosque while several worshipers were inside, both events occurring in Jaffa.

A civilian in Ramle captured video, now posted on Twitter, of a group of what appears to be around 30 right-wing Israelis gathered with large sticks. They are reported to have been checking a car for Palestinians and are seen in the video throwing stones and charging the car, resulting in the vehicle veering off the road in an effort to avoid danger. 

A right wing mob broke the windows of several Palestinian owned businesses, chanted racist slogans, and later pulled 33 year old father of four Saeed Moussa out of his car and beat him. He is recovering in the hospital and is in stable condition, according to Haaretz. 

In Lod on Wednesday, right wing mobs instigated a violent confrontation when they approached the tent where people were gathered to mourn the loss of Moussa Hassouna who was killed Monday night, according to Haaretz.

Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, has obtained a number of internal communications between far-right Jewish extremists that reveal their organized, coordinated efforts to bring armed men to mixed Israeli cities – such as Lod, Ramle, Acre, Haifa, and Jaffa – with significant Palestinian populations.

series of voice messages (with English subtitles) reveals coordination between Jewish extremists planning attacks on Palestinian citizens in the Ramle-Lod area, and assuring each other that they have the backing of Israeli police forces

In response to the attacks in Bat Yam, the police responded with this statement given to Haaretz, ”The Israeli police will not allow public disturbances, violence and attempts to hurt officers”. Israeli police, which were not stationed at the scene amid reports, said in a statement. “We will get to each and every one of the attackers who participated in this horrifying lynching.” 

But Israeli police are notorious for their failure to investigate crimes committed against Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. In the case of the 12-year old who was burned in his home Friday night, Jaffa police stated, without even beginning an investigation, that they believe the perpetrator of the bombing to be Palestinian and the house mistakenly targeted.

Adalah said in a statement that it is “bolstering legal action in response to the failure of Israeli law enforcement to stop nationwide organized far-right Jewish mob violence targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel. Adalah is also examining Israeli police violence against Palestinian citizens.” 

12 year old Child Critically Injured by Firebomb in Jaffa Friday night – – IMEMC News


26 Killed in Israeli Airstrikes on al-Wihda Street; 5 of Them Children

IMEMC, MAY 16, 2021

Update: Local media in Gaza have reported that the death count from the Israeli airstrikes on al-Wihda Street in al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City before dawn on Sunday has reached 26, at least five of whom are children.

The missile strikes killed 13 members of the al-Kulk family, ranging in age from 1 to 85, as they huddled in their homes in terror while the Israeli airstrikes continued throughout the night. Local Palestinians have reported hearing as many as 150 Israeli bombs during the course of the night.

One of the families wiped out by an Israeli missile Sunday morning was that of Riyad Hasan IshKinatna, who was pulled out of the rubble Sunday morning by rescue crews, barely alive, only to be told when he reached the hospital that his wife and five children were all killed in the Israeli attack.

Also killed in the barrage of airstrikes on al-Wihda Street was Dr. Mo’in Ahmad al-Aloul, a neurologist and brain specialist.

The search is still going on for missing persons.

These are the names known so far: 1. Abdul Hamid Fawaz Al-Kulk, 22 years old 2. Amin Mohammad Al-Kulk, 85 years old 3. Mohammad Awni Al-Kulk, 17 years old 4. Ayat Ibrahim Al-Kulk, 19 years old 5. Ahmed Shukri Al-Kulk, 17 years old 6. Reham Fawaz Al-Kulk, 30 years old 7. Fawaz Shukri Al-Kulk, 55 years old 8. Rawan Alaa Abu Al-Awf, 19 years old 9. Dima Rami Al-Franji, 16 years old 10. Dr. Mo’in Ahmad Al-Aloul, 66 years old 11. Luay Mohammad Oudeh, 54 years old 12. Hazem Adel Al-Qama, 48 years old 13. Dr. Ayman Abu Al-Auf, 50 years old 14. Amal Jamil Al-Kulk, 34 years old 15. Sameh Fawaz Al-Kulk, 28 years old 16. Saadia Youssef Al-Kulk, 28 years old 17. Izzat Moeen Al-Kulk, 44 years old 18. Adham Ezzat Al-Kulk, 3 years old 19. Qusay Sameh Al-Kulk, 1 year old.

Updated from: Israeli Missiles Kill Seven Family Members, Including Five Children, In Gaza

IMEMC, May 16, 2021 at 08:58

Israeli missiles killed, on Sunday at dawn, seven family members, including a mother and her five children, in their apartment in the al-Wihda Street, in the Remal neighborhood, in Gaza city.

Update: Darwish Mohammad Yazouri, 61, was killed in his home due to the Israeli bombing of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Media sources said the army fired a missile into the apartment of Riyad Hasan IshKinatna, killing his wife and five children. Riyad was later found under the rubble and was rushed to a hospital in Gaza.

The family is the second to be obliterated by Israeli missiles in less than 24 hours, after the army killed ten members of the Abu Hatab family, after firing missiles at their homes in the Shati refugee camp; only a baby, five months of age, survived the attack.

Also on Saturday night, the Israeli Airforce fired missiles at homes in the al-Wihda Street, killing Dr. Moin Ahmad al-Aloul, a neurologist and brain specialist, along with his wife and five children.

They added that the Israeli airforce and the navy fired many missiles into Gaza, targeting the homes, several buildings, and residential towers in various parts of Gaza.

The Israeli strikes also caused serious damage to many homes, structures, residential towers, and caused a power blackout in the Rimal neighborhood.

In a statement, the Health Ministry in Gaza said rescue teams and residents managed to find five children alive under the rubble of a bombarded home in Gaza, after the army fired missiles at homes and buildings in Gaza city, instantly killing two and wounding 25 others.

It added that, since many Palestinians are still missing, buried under the rubble, the number of slain Palestinians is likely to increase.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army fired at least twenty missiles into several parts of Gaza city, especially in the neighborhoods in Remal, Tal al-Hawa, Sheikh Ejleen, Saraya Junction, and other areas.

The army also carried out more than 50 strikes within just a few minutes targeting the Remal neighborhood, al-Wihda Street, Palestine Stadium, in addition to the western and southern areas of Gaza city.

Many Palestinian families fled their homes to seek Shelter in the Shifa Medical Center which also reported many deaths and dozens of injuries after the army bombed homes in al-Wihda Street and added that many Palestinians are buried under the rubble.

The Israeli army also killed at least two Palestinians and injured three others in an area, east of Jabalia, in northern Gaza.

On Saturday, the army killed Sa’id Abu Ghalyoun, 30, after firing a missile at a car, north of Gaza city.

Furthermore, many warehouses, and storage rooms, were also bombed by Israel in the at-Atatra area, northwest of Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza, after the army fired missiles at them, on Saturday evening.

Most of them contain plastic products, agricultural supplies, and tools, causing an intense and spreading fire in them and surrounding buildings.

26 Killed in Israeli Airstrikes on al-Wihda Street; 5 of Them Children – – IMEMC News


 IMEMC, First Published on: May 15, 2021, at 01:05

Here is a list that the IMEMC has compiled of the names of Palestinians killed since this escalation began on Monday May 10th. This list is not comprehensive – we will add to it as more names are known.



 Maha Mohammad Abd al-Aal al-Hadidi (Abu Hatab), and her children : Suhaib Muhammad al-Hadidi (14 years),  Yahya Mohammad al-Hadidi (11 years),  Abd al-Rahman Mohammad al-Hadidi (8 years)  and Osama Mohammad al-Hadidi (6 years)

West Bank:

Hussein Atiya at-Teety, 26, from the al-Fawwar refugee camp. Killed in Hebron Yasin Hasan Yassin Hamad, 26, from Saida town, north of Tulkarem.


50 year old man, Ramat Gan. Killed by rocket that struck his apartment.




Mohammad Khaled at-Tawashi, 27, was killed in an Israeli bombardment in Deir al-Balah. Mohammad Ibrahim Mohammad Amen, 51, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck his home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza. Lina Mohammad Mahmoud al-Omar, 13, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza. Manar Khader Ahmad Issa al-Omar, 39, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza. Faiza Ahmad Mohmmad al-Omar, 45, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza. Mustafa Hasan Ahmad al-Abed al-Omar, 35, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck his home in Tal al-Hawa, in Gaza city. Lamia’ Hasan Mohammad Attar, 27, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza. Wala’ Mohammad Ibrahim Amen, 24, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza. Warda Mohammad Ibrahim Amen, 22, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza. Hadeel Mohammad Ibrahim Amen, 18, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza. Siham Yousef Mohammad Rantisi, 66, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah. Shaima’ Diab Mohammad Rantisi, 21, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah. Ibrahim Mohammad Ibrahim Rantisi, 2, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck his family’s home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah. Raed Ibrahim Khamis Rantisi, 29, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the al-Jneina neighborhood in Rafah. Kholoud Fuad Farhan Zamily, 27, was killed by Israeli missiles that struck her home in the at-Tannour neighborhood in Rafah.  Bothaina Mahmoud Obeid, 7, killed when shrapnel of an Israeli missile struck her in the head when the army fired missiles near her family’s home. They added that two young men, in their twenties, were killed by a missile fired by an Israeli military drone east of Jabalia, in northern Gaza. The attack also caused many injuries. Another young man, in his twenties, was killed, and one was seriously injured, when an Israeli drone fired a missile into an area east of Abasan town, east of Khan Younis. A child, identified as Mahmoud Hamed Hasan Talba, 13, and Abdul-Rahman Estbeita, 34, were killed when the army bombarded homes in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza city. Israeli missiles also killed a child, identified as Ahmad Rami Mahmoud al-Hawajri, 15,  and a young man, Moayyad Taiseer Abdul-Rahman al-Omar, 20, in the al-Boreij refugee camp, in central Gaza. two Palestinian women, identified as Sabreen Nasser Mohammad Abu Dayya, 27,  and Ni’ma Saleh Ayyash, 47,  and a man, Hashem Mohammad Zogheibi, 20, were killed when the army fired missiles at homes in Um an-Nasser village, in northern Gaza.  Nisreen Nasser Abu Qleiq, 25 – In Beit Hanoun, in northern Gaza, destroying an entire neighborhood, killing many Palestinians, and injuring dozens. Soheib Abdul-Rahim Awad Ghanem, 25. An infant, identified as Hoor Zamily, 18 months, was also killed by Israeli missiles targeting homes in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza. Six Palestinians, including a pregnant woman, and children, were killed by Israeli missiles in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

West Bank (10):

Dr. Issa Barham, 40, a District Attorney with the Palestinian Public Prosecution Department, in Abu Sbeih Mountain in his town of Beita, southeast of Nablus. Malek Hamdan, 22, shot with live rounds to the chest, before he succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Nablus. Husam Asayra, 20, with a live round to the chest, during protests that took place after the soldiers invaded Asira al-Qibliya village and attacked protesters. Nidal Sayel Safadi, 30, after shooting him with a live round – Orif village  Mohammad Rawhi Hammad, 30, after he reportedly attempted to ram soldiers with his car.  The Palestinian is from Silwad town, northeast of Ramallah. Yousef Mahdi Nawasra, 27, from Fahma village, southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, during protests near the Dothan Israeli military roadblock Sharif Khaled Salman, 37, Marda village, Salfit – Sharif had not been participating in protests, but was standing outside his home when he was shot by invading Israeli forces  Awad Ahmad Harb, 27, in Iskaka village, east of Salfit. Ismael Jamal at-Tubasi, 23, shot with a live round to the head in ar-Reehiyya village, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and attacked dozens of residents, in addition to firing many live rounds at them Mohammad Adel Abu Shqeir, 20, from the al-Qasab neighborhood, during protests that took place at the entrance of the city of Jericho Nizar Nidal Ma’rouf Abu Zeina, 22, with a live round in the chest, causing a very serious injury, before he was rushed to Thabet Thabet hospital, in Tulkarem, where he died of his wounds despite efforts to save his life.

Lebanon (1):

 Mohammad Tahhan, 21. He was from the town of Adloun, and died at Marjayoun Governmental Hospital after he was injured by Israeli fire.



Hammad Ayyad  Hala Hussein Rafat ar-Reefy, 14 Khaled Emad al-Qanou’, 16 Abdul-Rahim Mohammad al-Madhoun, 63, and  Hajar Abdul-Razeq al-Madhoun, 60, were killed in the Jabalia refugee camp. Rafat at-Tannani,  his pregnant wife,  and their four children, One of the children has been identified as Amir Rafat Mohammad Tannani, 7. Child at-Tannani Child at-Tannani Child at-Tannani Another Palestinian, identified as Osama Jamal Zibda, 33, was killed in an Israeli bombardment of Beit Hanoun. His father, Jamal Mohammad Zibda, 65, was killed a day earlier.

5/12 Gaza:

Rashid Muhammad Abu Ara, 16 Tubas  Mohammad Nahedh Abu Sakran, 26, Gaza city. Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Sakran, 65, Gaza city. Ammar Taiseer Mohammad al-’Amour, 11, Khan Younis. Hamada Ayed Atiya al-‘Amour, 13, Khan Younis. Sami Sa’id Mohammad al-‘Omar, 41, Gaza city. Tal’at Jamil Mahmoud Agha, 37, Gaza city. Waleed Mousa Khaled al-Omar, 56, Gaza city. Atef Abdul-Rahma Jom’a al-Omar, 48, Beit Lahia. Na’el Khaled Younis al-Omar, 23, Beit Lahia. Hammad Ayyad Mansour al-Omar, 86, Rafah. Mariam Mohammad Odah at-Tilbani, 3, Gaza city. Zeid Mohammad Odah at-Tilbani, 5, Gaza city. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Amsha, 40, Beit Hanoun. Ahmad Walid at-Talla’ al-Omar, 30, Nusseirat. Hamza Nasser, 11, Gaza city. Sa’id Hashem’s al-Hatto, 65, Gaza city. Maisoon Zaki Hashed al-Hatto, 60, Gaza city. (Sa’id’s wife) Jamal Mohammad Sa’id Zibda, 65, Gaza city. Bassel Abdul-Karim Issa, Gaza city. Awad Nabil Abu Salmiya, 34. Gaza city. Abdul-Salam Mahmoud al-Ghazali, 29, Gaza city. Nader Mohammad Nabeeh al-Ghazali, 47, Gaza city. Mustafa Mazen Salem Kardiya, 32, Gaza city. Mansour Yousef Hasan el-Dremle, 67, Gaza city. Mahmoud Ahmad Abu Amer, 38, Khan Younis. Majed Abed-Rabbo Mahmoud Abu Sa’ada, 58, Khan Younis. Hadeel Khaled Arafa al-Omar, 27, Khan Younis. Miami Abdullah Arafa al-Omar, 49, Khan Younis. Mahmoud Kamil Kalousa, 29, Khan Younis. Bashar Ahmad Sammour, 17, Khan Younis. a child, identified as Lina Fathi Sharir, 16, was killed in an Israeli bombing in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza city.  Her father Eyad Fathi Fayeq Sharir, 35, was instantly killed. Yahia Mazen Khalifa, 14, was killed in an Israeli bombardment of homes in Gaza city.

5/12 Israelis:

Soumya Santosh, 31, from Kerala, India, killed May 12th in Ashkelon when a rocket hit the apartment where she worked as a homecare worker for an 80-year old Israeli woman. The woman she worked for was injured. Nela Gurevitch was killed by a rocket that hit her apartment building in Ashkelon. Her husband was lightly wounded by the rocket. Leah Yom-Tov was killed by a rocket that struck her home in Rishon Lezion. Khalil Awad and his teenage daughter Nadeen – killed by a rocket that hit their home in the unrecognized village of Dahmash near the city of Lod. They were Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, and their village, Dahmash, is ‘unrecognized’ by Israeli authorities so lacking in basic infrastructure. The town has no bomb shelters – they had requested funds from the Israeli government to build shelters, but were denied by the Central District Planning and Construction Committee. Staff Sergeant Omer Tabib – killed when an anti-tank missile hit his military jeep while he was on duty  patrolling the Israel-Gaza border Ido Avigal, 5, was critically wounded Wednesday night when he was struck by shrapnel from a rocket that hit near a bomb shelter where he was hiding with his family. He died of his wounds several hours later



Sameh Fahim Hashem al-Mamlouk, al-Ramal Kamal Taiseer Qreiqe’, 35, al-Ramal neighborhood in Gaza city Salim Mahmoud al-Farra, 37, Khan Younis Mohammad Yahia Abu al-Ata, 30, al-Ramal, Gaza City Mohammad Abdul-Rauf Hallas, Sheja’eyya, east of Gaza City Amira Abdul-Fattah Sobeh, 57, killed in her home in the Shati’ refugee camp. her son Abdul-Rahman Sobeh (special needs), killed in the same bombing. Eyad Fathi Fayeq Sharir, 35, a leader in the al-Qassam Brigades, killed at home, along with his wife, in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, in Gaza city.


xMohammad Ali Mohammad Nosseir, Jabalia Mohammad Abdullah Zidan Fayyad, Jabalia Ibrahim Yousef Atallah al-Masri, 10 years old, Beit Hanoun xYazin Sultan Atallah al-Masri, 1-year-old, Beit Hanoun Marwan Yousef Atallah al-Masri, 12, Beit Hanoun Rahaf Mohammad Atallah al-Masri, 10-year-old girl, Beit Hanoun xAhmad Mohammad Atallah al-Masri, 20, Beit Hanoun xSaber Ibrahim Suleiman, 39, Jabalia xhis son Mohammad, 16, Jabalia Esmat Sha’ban az-Zein, Jabalia Mousa Khalil az-Zein, 19, Jabalia Zakariya Ziad Alloush, Jabalia Bashir Mohammad Alloush, Jabalia Raed al-‘Abed Abu Warda, 27, Jabalia Nabil an-No’mani Dardouna, Jabalia Mustafa Mohammad Obeid, 17, Jabalia

At Least 34 Palestinians Killed Overnight as Israeli Bombardment of Gaza Continues – – IMEMC News


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