Protests Continue in Iraq Amid Disagreement on
Nominating a Prime Minister, Tensions Rising Between Shi'i Milititias
December 17, 2019
Editor's Note:
Iraqis, both Sunnis and Shi'is, are fed-up with the US-installed
corrupt regime, they are in full revolt against it, demanding it to be
thrown out (regime change by people).
Imam of mosque killed, as gunmen open fire, northeast of
Baghdad, December 16, 2019 |
Iraqi protesters close a university in Babil, December 16, 2019 |
The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi
Arabic news agency, Yaqein (
Competion for military, political, and financial gains
may lead to a civil war between Shi'i milititias in Iraq
يؤدي الصراع بين فصائل الحشد الى حرب شاملة ؟
17 ديسمبر 2019 | الكاتب:يقين
يتوقع خبراء أمنيون أحتمالية تحول
الصراع العسكري
بين فصائل الحشد إلى حرب شاملة إذا ما استمرت الأزمة الحالية.
و يقول الخبير الأمني “حسن العبيدي” في
حديثه لوكالة “يقين” إنه ومنذ انتهاء العمليات العسكرية في العراق
ضد تنظيم الدولة “داعش”باتت فصائل الحشد تتصارع من أجل كسب المزيد
من النفوذ العسكري والسياسي والمالي، وبالتالي فإن هذا الصراع تحول
إلى عسكري بفعل كم الخلافات البينية بين الفصائل.
ويشير العبيدي إلى أنه وعلى الرغم من
أن جميع
الكتل السياسية
الشيعية والأذرع العسكرية لها موالية لإيران، إلا أن مصالحها على
الأرض تختلف وتتباين تباينا كاملا.
و بدأت إيران تفقد بعد
الشعبية المبادرة والقوة في السيطرة على الكتل الشيعية وفصائلها
المسلحة على الأرض، خاصة بعد تململ الشارع الشيعي.
ولا يستبعد العبيدي أن تتجه الأوضاع في
العراق إلى حرب شاملة بين الفصائل العسكرية التابعة للحشد، لافتا
إلى أن محافظات الوسط والجنوب ستكون هي ساحة الصراع الذي لا تزال
إيران تحاول وأده أو تاجيله على أقل تقدير.
و في حديثه لوكالة “يقين” قال الناشط
مظاهرات ميسان “ميثم على”
أن اغتيال مدير مكتب العصائب “وسام العلياوي” وشقيقه “عصام
العلياوي” في تشرين الأول / اكتوبر الماضي عند مهاجمة مكتبهم لم
يكن حادثا عرضيا، بل كان من فعل بعض الذين دخلوا التظاهرات السلمية
للشباب وهم ينتمون لسرايا السلام.
وأضاف أن الأحداث المتلاحقة كشفت عن
شرخ كبير وصراع أكبر بين السرايا من جهة وبين العصائب وحلفائها من
جهة أخرى، خاصة أن
زعيم العصائب
“قيس الخزعلي” كان من قادة جيش المهدي قبل أن ينشق وينقلب على
“مقتدى الصدر“.
المصدر:وكالة يقين للانباء
The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi
English news site, (
Protests continue in Iraq amid disagreement on prime minister
The Baghdad Post, December 17, 2019
Anti-government protests continued across
Iraq as political consultations in the capital
Baghdad yesterday failed to choose a candidate to succeed
Adil Abdul Mahdi as prime minister.
The Iraqi protesters and
ruling parties have not been able to nominate a candidate who is
acceptable to all sides to succeed Abdul Mahdi, leaving the country on
the brink of constitutional vacuum, MEM reported.
In late
November, Abdul Mahdi resigned as
prime minister following months of
anti-government protests which left hundreds of protesters dead and
thousands injured.
Iraqi President Barham Salih on Sunday called
on parliament to announce the parliamentary bloc that won the largest
number of seats in the elections last year as a prelude to delegating it
to appoint its candidate for the post of prime minister.
explained that according to the constitution a new
prime minister must be appointed within a maximum of 15 days
following the departure of the sitting head of government, meaning that
the new candidate should be nominated by Thursday.
Protesters have
demanded that the upcoming
prime minister should not have played any political role since 2003.
A shop owner who provides aid to the protests killed in the
capital Baghdad
The Baghdad Post, December 17, 2019
An official
security source said on
Tuesday that the owner of a commercial store was
killed by unknown
gunmen in the capital, Baghdad.
The source told Shafaq News,
that unidentified
gunmen stabbed the owner of a store who sells shoes and bags with
sharp tools in Al-Amiriya area in
Baghdad and immediately
killed him, then they drag his body to the store's store and flee to
an unknown destination.
For his part, a police officer said that
the dead man was collecting financial and logistical assistance to the
protesters and sending them to Tahrir Square in the center of the
Imam of mosque killed, as gunmen open fire, northeast of
The Baghdad Post, 16 December 2019 10:38 PM
Unidentified armed people have killed Imam of a
mosque in al-Shaab region, northeast of Baghdad, the War Media Cell
said. In a statement on Monday, the cell said “unidentified
gunmen opened fire against Imam of al-Farouq
mosque in al-Shaab region, leaving him killed.” Security troops,
according to the statement, opened investigations on the incident.
Protesters close a university and an activist survives an
assassination attack
The Baghdad Post, 16 December 2019 11:08 AM
This morning,
protesters closed a
university in Babil Governorate, preventing students and staff from
Shafaq News correspondent said that this morning,
protesters closed the
university gates, and prevented students and staff from entering.
The correspondent added that the
protesters called the university to strike the official working
hours in support of the demonstrations in the country.
a security source said that after midnight, unidentified gunmen with
silencer guns shot 15-year-old protester Mohammed Baqer in Dhi Qar
without being able to hit him.
Iraqi president receives list of candidates for new
The Baghdad Post, December 17, 2019
Iraqi President
Barham Salih on Monday received a list of candidates to choose one
of them as
prime minister-designate to form a new government that would replace
the caretaker government of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, an official
news agency reported.
The state-run
Iraqi News Agency (INA) quoted well-informed political sources as
saying that Salih received a list of a number of candidates, including
Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, Asaad al-Eidani and Mustafa al-Kazemi.
The president also "received the names of candidates nominated by the
demonstrators, one of them is Judge Raed Jouhi," according to INA.
It said that the list is not final and can be changed according to
the agreement of the political blocs, and the president will ask a
figure for the post of
prime minister-designate after he (Salih) guarantees in advance his
approval by the parliament.
INA also said that Abdul Mahdi has
informed Salih that the deadline for his caretaker government is next
Thursday, according to the sources.
According to article 76 of
the Iraqi
constitution, the largest coalition in parliament should nominate a
candidate for the vacant post to president who will task the new
prime minister-designate within 15 days to form a new cabinet.
According to INA, Salih might go for other options and chose a
candidate for the post from outside the largest coalition, because (the
independent politician) Abdul Mahdi was nominated for the premier post
by political agreement after the largest winners of the 2018 elections
disputed over who was the largest coalition.
"Then the
(constitutional) condition of the largest coalition had ended after
Adel Abdul Mahdi was nominated for the post of prime minister," INA
said citing the sources' explanation.
On Dec. 1, the
Iraqi parliament approved the resignations of Abdul Mahdi and his
government and sent a letter about the resignation to President Salih on
Dec. 4, then Salih will have to task a
prime minister-designate within a period of 15 days.
prime minister-designate has 30 days to form a cabinet and present
it to parliament for approval. The parliament must approve each minister
in separate absolute majority votes.
For their part, the
demonstrators reject any candidate for
prime minister-designate from the political parties participating in
the current political process, and stipulate that the candidate be
The current political row came as mass
demonstrations have continued in the capital Baghdad and other cities in
central and southern Iraq since early October, demanding comprehensive
reform, fight against corruption, better public services and more job
US strengthens protection of its embassy in Baghdad
The Baghdad Post, 16 December 2019
A group of
US military tankers headed to the fortified Green Zone in the
Iraqi capital, Baghdad, a security source said.
The source
said that a military force consisting of 15 tankers carrying Humvees
along with
US ammunition and weapons, headed late Sunday evening to the Green
The source added that this force has a permit to enter the
fortified area and go to the United States of America Embassy.
The source did not disclose the location from which these military
tankers have arrived.
This comes at a time when the fortified
Green Zone, which includes the
Iraqi parliament building, sensitive government departments and
institutions in addition to the embassies and diplomatic missions of
countries, have been subjected to continuous missile strikes during the
past few period.
On Friday,
US Secretary of State ,Mike Pompeo condemned the attack, which
targeted a military headquarters in the vicinity of Baghdad
International Airport, at the same time threatening Iran, and its
agents, with a "decisive" response if exposed to the Americans or
Washington's partners in Iraq.
It is noteworthy that the United
States had imposed sanctions on leaders of "Asaib Ahl al-Haq", the
security director of the Popular Mobilization Forces and others,
accusing them of being behind the attacks on the demonstrators.
Washington also accused Iran and its proxies of targeting an Iraqi
military base hosting American forces.
It is noteworthy that the
capital, Baghdad, and the predominantly Shiite provinces in the country
have witnessed massive demonstrations since early last October against
the political parties and forces that run the country.
Nearly 500
protesters and civil activists fell and thousands were injured as a
result of these protests, which were accompanied by "excessive"
violence, according to what was decided by the caretaker government
headed by the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.
International parties held the
Iraqi government and security institutions with the fall this number
of victims among the protesters by armed groups linked to the authority,
calling for the need to provide the necessary protection for peaceful
demonstrations in the country. Related Stories
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