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On the Tenth Friday of Protest, Algerians Demand Departure of Interim President and Prime Minister, Trial of OYahya and Sa'id

April 27, 2019 

Algerians continue their political movement demanding trial of the fallen regime politicians, Friday, April 26, 2018  


Algerians continued their popular movement on the tenth Friday of protest, on April 26, 2019, demanding the trial of both politicians of the falling regime and its corrupt financial beneficiaries, including the former prime minister O Yahya and Al-Sa'id Boutafliqa.

Protesters also demanded the departure of the current interim president and his prime minister, demanding the army chief to keep his promises to the people. 

"الشعب يريد... محاكمة أويحيى والسعيد"

أخبار الوطن 27 ابريل 2019 (منذ 6 ساعات) - الخبر 5890 قراءة + -

لن يرتاح للجزائريين بال حتى يرحل كامل رموز النظام.. هذا المعنى جسدته مسيرات أمس، التي أظهرت أن الحراك الشعبي لم يفقد وهجه حتى وهو يمر بجمعته العاشرة، رغم رهان السلطة على عامل الوقت لإعادة الجزائريين إلى بيوتهم. وقد أظهرت مسيرات أمس، مرة أخرى، وعي المواطنين الدقيق بمقتضيات المرحلة، وتفطنهم لكل محاولات التلاعب بمطالبهم الواضحة، إذ لا تنازل عن رحيل رئيس الدولة المؤقت عبد القادر بن صالح والوزير الأول نور الدين بدوي وكامل المسؤولين المشاركين في إيصال البلاد إلى هذا الوضع. وحتى رأس المؤسسة العسكرية لم يسلم من الانتقاد في العديد من الشعارات التي طالبته بتنفيذ وعوده وعدم حماية العصابة، ودعته في بعضها الآخر إلى الرحيل. كما واكب الجزائريون الاعتقالات الجارية في صفوف رجال الأعمال، وطالبوا بشفافية وعدل أكبر في هذه الحملة، وإلى عدم استثناء أي طرف تورط في قضايا الفساد. وجاء على رأس المطالبات الدعوة الصريحة إلى محاسبة السعيد بوتفليقة، باعتباره، حسب المتظاهرين، رأس العصابة وزعيم القوى غير الدستورية التي كانت تفصل القوانين على هواها. كما نال الوزير الأول السابق أحمد أويحيى نصيبه هو الآخر، ودعا بعض المتظاهرين إلى محاسبته على ما فعله في السنوات السابقة، من تمكين لرجال الأعمال من مزايا غير مستحقة.الشعب-يريد-محاكمة-أويحيى-والسعيد/

الحراك الشعبي يرفض "أنصاف الحلول"

أخبار الوطن 27 ابريل 2019 (منذ 6 ساعات) - ح. سليمان الصورة: حمزة كالي "الخبر" 1995 قراءة + -

 الحراك الشعبي الذي حافظ على "أولوياته" ورفض الانحراف مع الذين يريدون "تغيير الموضوع"، مثلما جاء في عدة شعارات أمس، من باب أن المال الفاسد ولدته السياسة الفاسدة التي كانت وراء ترسيم الزواج بين المال الوسخ والسلطة حتى داخل المؤسسات المنتخبة، وبالنسبة للشارع لا يمكن محاربة فساد أشخاص باستمرار نفس منظومة الحكم التي شجعت ووفرت الحماية وحتى الريع لهم، ما يعني أنه مهما كانت الأحكام القضائية الصادرة ليس بمقدورها ردع هذا الفساد المتغول من دون التأسيس حقا لدولة الحق والقانون، وهي القضية الأم التي يرفعها الحراك الشعبي ويراد تجاهلها من ورثة السلطة بإجراءات ظرفية و"انتقائية" ليست سوى لذر الرماد في الأعين. الجمعة الـ10 من عمر الحراك الشعبي أعلنت بكل حناجرها أنها ترفض "أنصاف الحلول" التي تحول دون تحقيق التغيير المنشود ولم يعد أمام ورثة السلطة بموجب المادة 102، بعد فشل كل محاولاتهم، إلا أن يعيدوا الأمانة إلى صاحب التفويض والسيادة.الحراك-الشعبي-يرفض-أنصاف-الحلول/


Algeria: Tenth consecutive Friday of protest, pressure on regime maintained

North Africa Journal, April 26, 2019

Algiers, April 26, 2019  –

Algerian protesters vowed Friday to keep up the pressure on the regime left behind by Abdelaziz Bouteflika, staging a tenth consecutive weekly mass rally after a string of people close to the toppled president were sacked or arrested over alleged graft. “We want this system to leave and all the thieves to be judged,” said Zohra, a 55-year-old teacher who travelled some 350 kilometres (220 miles) to attend the Algiers demonstration site with her 25-year-old son, Mohamed.

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered Friday outside the capital’s emblematic post office headquarters, shouting: “You looted the country, thieves!”El Watan newspaper, echoing social media calls for further protests to topple the entire “system”, led with the headline: “No half-revolution!” The latest demonstrations followed the sackings of a string of senior regime officials and the detention of top businessmen including the country’s richest man, Issad Rebrab, over suspected corruption. Authorities apparently intent on clearing away two decades of cronyism following Bouteflika’s ouster also reopened an investigation into an ex-energy minister close to the former president, state media reported Wednesday. And earlier in the week, the head of the vast state oil firm Sonatrach, Abdelmoumen Ould Kaddour, was also fired and replaced on the orders of interim president Abdelkader Bensalah. Four brothers from the influential Kouninef family, close to Bouteflika’s brother Said, were also arrested Sunday over alleged non-compliance with state contracts, according to state media.

‘Mafia and fraudsters’

But protesters have yet to win one of their key demands: the departure of Bensalah himself, a member of Bouteflika’s inner circle throughout his 20 years in power. They are also demanding the ouster of another key ally of the toppled leader: Noureddine Bedoui, who remains prime minister in what protesters call “a government of shame”. The interim administration has pledged to hold presidential elections on July 4, but demonstrators reject any such vote overseen by Bouteflika-era officials. Protester Samir said he was against the poll. “How mafia and fraudsters can hold honest elections? We’ll march until they understand,” he said.

The arrests come after army chief Ahmed Gaid Salah called on prosecutors to “accelerate the pace” of corruption probes into those with ties to Bouteflika’s inner circle. The army has also insisted that the presidential vote take place within the timeframe set by the constitution. Some observers see the army’s pressure for prosecutions against allegedly corrupt individuals as an implicit offer of a deal to protesters: punishment of key figures or in exchange for a softening of demands, especially over the presidential poll.

International Crisis Group warned Friday that a stalemate was looming in Algeria as protesters and security forces “disagree on the pace and content of a political transition”. “Despite repressive counter-measures, protesters showed no sign of giving in… The protests are only growing,” the Brussels-based think tank said in a briefing Friday. The government “should embark immediately on a dialogue with civil society leaders accepted by the protesters” to lay out a “political transition that would serve to restore confidence and prevent an uncontrolled cycle of violence”.


Peaceful marches continue, demonstrators urge new departures

Published on : Friday, 26 April 2019 15:17   R


Peaceful marches took place simultaneously in Algiers and various provinces in the country for the tenth consecutive Friday, demanding the system’s figures to leave and individuals involved in corruption cases and public funds squandering to be judged, APS journalists noted.

On this spring day, the mobilization did not falter, like in Algiers, where tens of thousands of citizens stormed the main streets in the morning.

Coming alone, in groups or in families, the demonstrators, some draped in the national emblem, chanted slogans demanding a radical change in the system and expressing their rejection of any initiative against the will of the people, APS journalists noted.

Around 2 p.m., just after the Friday prayer, groups of citizens shook towards the centre of the capital, constituting a real human tide, while chanting the usual slogans like "Silmya Silmya" (peaceful, peaceful...) and "leave all.”

This Friday's demonstrations follow the opening of investigations against businessmen and former politicians involved in cases of corruption and the squandering of public funds.

"Opposing the will of the people is treason", "We want a real and democratic transition and an independent judiciary" are all slogans chanted by demonstrators from different parts of the capital.

Scenes of expression and improvised political debates

In addition to these slogans, the demonstrators insisted on the preservation of national unity through signs that read "The Army, all security forces and justice come from the people", while chanting "Djeich-chaab khaoua khaoua" (Army and people are brothers).

Scenes of expression were improvised by citizens at the Grande Poste esplanade, who wanted to demonstrate their commitment to the organization of free and transparent elections. Others initiated debates on the political situation in the country, offering participants the opportunity to make proposals to end the crisis.

The demonstrators, who proudly brandished the national emblem and sang patriotic songs in chorus, also insisted on the "departure of all the figures that represent the system,” referring particularly to Prime Minister, Noureddine Bedoui and the Head of State, Abdelkader Bensalah.           

The demonstrators dispersed before 6:00 p. m., a little earlier than usual, giving way to the young people who volunteered to clean up the area, showing a high sense of citizenship and civic-mindedness.


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