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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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Iraqis Still Being Killed, Mistreated, and Detained Indiscriminately in Northern and Western Sunni Provinces

October 13, 2018

Editor's Note:

The following are just examples of news stories about the continuous Iraq war. Daily news stories can be accessed from the news sources listed below and others in the internet.


Iraqi government soldiers arresting and mistreating residents of northern Sunni Provinces, file, October 13, 2018 Iraqi government soldiers arresting residents of Mosul, file, October 13, 2018


The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( ):


Iraqi government forces intensify violations of human rights in northern and western Sunni Iraqi Provinces, including insults on checkpoints, indiscriminate arrests, assaulting homes at night, torture in prisons, and blackmailing arrestees for money in return for releasing them.

تزايد انتهاكات القوات الحكومية في المناطق المنكوبة

13 أكتوبر 2018  ، يقين

تزايدت حملات الاعتقالات العشوائية ، والإهانة على معابر وحواجز التفتيش، والدهم الليلي للمنازل والتعذيب بالسجون للمشتبه بهم، والألفاظ الطائفية من قبل القوات الحكومية وميليشيا الحشد الشعبي في مناطق عدة من البلاد ،وفقاً لما يؤكده مسؤولون وناشطون وسكان محليون في محافظات شمال وغرب العراق. تضاف إليها عمليات ابتزاز وتقاضي أموال من ذوي المعتقلين لقاء الإفراج عنهم، ما يثير مخاوف عدة.

وقال الناشطون والسكان المحليون في تصريح صحفي ، “تزايدت عمليات الإعتقالات العشوائية في محافظات مثل الأنبار (غرب)، وديالى (شرق)، والموصل وصلاح الدين وكركوك (شمال)، بالإضافة إلى مناطق تقع في أطراف بغداد الشمالية والغربية والجنوبية ، تحت ذريعة انتماء أشخاص لـ”داعش” موجودين بين السكان، على الرغم من إعلان القوات الحكومية القضاء على هذا التنظيم في وقت سابق ، وأن المعلومات المتوفرة تفيد بأن الذين يجري اعتقالهم يتعرضون لتعذيب وابتزاز يجبرهم على الاعتراف بضلوعهم في جرائم لم يرتكبوها”.

وأضافوا ، “يحدث ذلك على الرغم من أن العائدين إلى مناطقهم بعد استعادتها فضلوا العمل على إعادة الحياة لمدنهم، والابتعاد عن كل ما يثير “الفتنة ، بحسب تأكيدهم خصوصاً بعدما عاشوا تجربة التهجير والتشريد والقتل والاعتقالات”.

واعترف مسؤول في الشرطة بمحافظة نينوى في تصريح صحفي ، بأن “الانتهاكات عادت مجدداً ولا وجود لأي اتعاظ من تجربة سابقة. ويذكّر بأن ما حدث في صيف 2014، من اجتياح تنظيم “داعش” للعراق، كانت هناك ممهدات له، من بينها الظلم، ما أدى إلى نجاحه في السيطرة على مساحة تقدر بثلث البلاد في وقت قصير جداً، من دون أن تجد قوات الأمن أي مساعدة من السكان بعد اجتياح التنظيم لمدن عراقية عدة”.

وأوضح ، أن “تقارير سرّية رفعت إلى الحكومة عن قيادات وضباط فاسدين يبلغ مدخول بعضهم الشهري أكثر من 100 ألف دولار نتيجة تقاضيهم رشى وابتزاز لمعتقلين أو تجار ورجال أعمال”.

من جانبه أشار “محسن النداوي” وهو أحد وجهاء العشائر الذين يسكنون في مناطق حزام بغداد الشمالي ، في تصريح صحفي ، أن “عناصر في قوات الجيش يتعرضون للمواطنين من سكنة القرى الواقعة في حزام بغداد الشمالي والغربي بألفاظ وتصرفات تثيرهم، وقد حصلت مشادات عدة بسبب هذا الأمر”.


The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website (, which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing residential neighborhoods:


Senior Islamic State leader killed in explosion on borders between Diyala, Salahuddin

by Nehal Mostafa Oct 12, 2018, 11:23 pm

Diyala (

A senior Islamic State leader was killed in an explosion on borders with Salahuddin province, a security source said on Friday.

Speaking to Baghdad Today website, the source said “ Emir-ul Jund [leader of soldiers] in the so-called Diyala State, known as Abu Baraa, was killed in an explosion of a rest house in the outskirts of Mutaibija, on borders between Diyala, Salauddin.”

Abu Baraa, according to the source, who preferred anonymity, “is considered an important Islamic State leader.”

Thousands of Islamic State militants as well as Iraqi civilians were killed since the government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and the coalition was launched in October 2016.

Islamic State continues to launch sporadic attacks across Iraq against troops. Security reports indicate that the militant group still poses threat against stability in the country. The group still has dormant cells, through which it carries out attacks, across Iraq like it used to do before 2014.

A total of 75 Iraqi civilians were killed, while 179 others were injured due to acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in September 2018, according to casualty figures by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

In December, Iraq announced gaining control on all the territories that were captured by Islamic State, since 2014.

Nineteen Islamic State members arrested in operation, south of Mosul

by Nehal Mostafa Oct 11, 2018, 4:28 pm

Nineveh (

Nineteen Islamic State members have been arrested in a wide-scale operation, south of Mosul, Nineveh Police Command said on Thursday.

“Security troops of Nineveh Operations Command carried out a wide-scale operation after closing all exits of Qayyarah region in order to storm the region,” Col. Saleh al-Sherifi told BasNews. “The operation resulted in arresting 19 infiltrators of Islamic State members, possessing weapons and hand grenades.”

The operation, according to Sherifi, is ongoing. “The arrested ones were taken to the command headquarters for investigations ahead of standing judiciary.”

Earlier today, the Iraqi Interior Ministry announced arresting two Islamic State members in al-Zahraa district, west of Mosul.”

On Tuesday, three Iraqi policemen were found dead Tuesday in al-Ezba village in Mosul. The ministry announced on Saturday arresting nine militants in regions of Sumar, Adan, al-Zahraa and al-Arbjiya, west of the city.

Islamic State continues to launch sporadic attacks across Iraq against troops. Security reports indicate that the militant group still poses threat against stability in the country. The group still has dormant cells, through which it carries out attacks, across Iraq like it used to do before 2014.

In December, Iraq announced gaining control on all the territories that were captured by Islamic State, since 2014.

Three Iraqi soldiers (called police) found dead in Mosul city

by Mohammed Ebraheem Oct 9, 2018, 4:51 pm

Nineveh ( –

Three Iraqi soldiers (called policemen) were found dead Tuesday in Mosul city, where the Islamic State group established its self-proclaimed caliphate, a security official from Nineveh police said on Tuesday.

“Security forces found bodies of three policemen near an under-construction house in al-Ezba village in Mosul,” Captain Ali Hassan told the Iraqi Basnews website.

He added that the bodies bore signs of torture.

According to Hassan, the security forces carried the bodies of the three policemen to the forensic medicine department.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the murder of the three policemen, but the Islamic State (IS) militant group, in most cases, is responsible for attacks across Iraq.

Last year, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced liberation of the second largest Iraqi city of Mosul from IS militants, who had captured it in 2014. More than 25,000 militants were killed throughout the campaign, which started in October 2016.

IS militants seized control of much of Nineveh, including the provincial capital of Mosul, in June 2014. Victory was declared in the city in July, 2017.

Despite the group’s crushing defeat at its main havens across Iraq, Islamic State continues to launch sporadic attacks against troops with security reports warning that the militant group still poses a threat against stability in the country.

Two Iraqi soldiers (called police) killed in Islamic State attack on Mosul checkpoint

by Mohammed Ebraheem Oct 8, 2018, 7:03 pm

Nineveh ( –

Two Iraqi soldiers (called policemen) were killed Monday in an Islamic State attack on the group’s previously proclaimed capital Mosul.

Speaking to the Iraqi Basnews website, a security source said that a group of Islamic State militants opened fire at two policemen stationed at a security checkpoint in Badush city, 30 km west of Mosul, leaving them dead.

“The assailants fled the scene into an unknown location after the attack,” the source said.

He added that security forces opened a probe into the incident and moved the dead bodies to the forensic medicine department.

Violence in the country has surged further with the emergence of Islamic State extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

The surge in violence between armed groups and government forces has resulted in over five million internally displaced persons across Iraq and left more than 11 million in need of humanitarian assistance, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

A report by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said that a total of 75 Iraqi civilians were killed and another 179 injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in September.

Of the overall figures, 71 ordinary civilians were killed.

Baghdad came on top of the worst affected Governorate, with 101 civilian casualties (31 killed, 70 injured), followed by Anbar (15 killed and 37 injured) and Salahuddin (09 killed and 38 injured).


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