30 Iraqis were killed or injured in Baghdad
explosions, More Attacks and Mass Graves in Mosul
November 5, 2018
Editor's Note:
The following are just examples of news stories about the continuous
Iraq war. Daily news stories can be accessed from the news sources
listed below and others in the internet.
30 Iraqis were killed or injured in Baghdad explosions, on
November 4, 2018 |
The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi
Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( http://yaqein.net/
30 Iraqis were killed or injured
in Baghdad explosions, on November 4, 2018
نحو 30 قتيلا وجريحا بتفجيرات
متفرقة في بغداد
04 نوفمبر
، يقين
قتل واصيب نحو 30 شخصا ، بتفجيرات عدة بست
عبوات ناسفة ضربت مناطق (الصدر والحبيبية وحي التراث وساحة عدن
والمشتل ) في بغداد واخرى عرب العاصمة ، وأسفرت ايضا عن وقوع اضرار
مادية في الاماكن التي شهدت انفجار العبوات الناسفة بشكل متلاحق ،
مساء اليوم الاحد ، وسط عجز حكومي متواصل على توفير الامن
للمواطنين .
وقال مصدر في الشرطة بتصريح صحفي ، إن
“عبوة ناسفة انفجرت في مدينة الصدر على احد عربات الباعة المتجولين
ما اسفر عن مقتل ثلاثة اشخاص وجرح خمسة اخرين بجروح مختلفة” ،
مضيفا أن “عبوة ناسفة ثانية كانت موضوعة داخل عجلة نوع كيا ركاب
انفجرت، مساء اليوم، اثناء مرورها بمنطقة الحبيبية ما اسفر عن
اصابة امرأتين ورجلين بجروح مختلفة”.
وأضاف أن “عبوة ناسفة ثالثة كانت موضوعة
على جانب طريق بالقرب من محال تجارية بمنطقة حي التراث جنوبي بغداد
انفجرت مساء اليوم ايضا ، ما أسفرت عن اصابة ثلاثة مدنيين بجروح” ،
مبينة أن “عبوة ناسفة رابعة كانت موضوعة على جانب طريق قرب ساحة
عدن شمالي بغداد انفجرت، اليوم، ما ادى الى مقتل مدنيين اثنين
واصابة اربعة اخرين بجروح مختلفة”.
وبين المصدر أن “عبوة ناسفة خامسة انفجرت،
مساء اليوم، داخل عجلة نوع كيا ركاب غرب العاصمة بغداد ، ما اسفر
عن مقتل مدني واصابة اثنين اخرين بجروح مختلفة “، مضيفا أن “عبوة
ناسفة سادسة انفجرت على جانب طريق منطقة المشتل شرقي بغداد انفجرت،
مساء اليوم، ما اسفر الانفجار عن مقتل مدني واصابة اثنين بجروح”
بحسب المصدر .
The following are news stories from a
pro-Iraqi government website (http://www.iraqinews.com/),
which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks
as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing
residential neighborhoods:
38 Islamic State fighters found dead in mass grave in Mosul
Mohammed Ebraheem Oct 29, 2018,
Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) –
An Iraqi military force discovered on Monday a mass grave containing
bodies of Islamic State militants in western Mosul, security sources
told Al Ekhbariya TV channel.
“Not less that 34 Islamic State fighters were found dead inside a
mass grave in Al-Aiadiya district in western Mosul,” the sources said.
They are believed to be murdered by IS leaders after they rejected to
fight against security forces during a military operation for the
liberation of Tel Afar district in Nineveh, the sources noted.
Security troops ran into tens of mass graves at regions recaptured
from IS. More than 70 graves, including Yazidis killed by IS, were also
In August, 2017, former Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi
announced that Nineveh province has been “fully liberated” from Islamic
State, after the district of Tal Afar was re-captured.
The Iraqi government had launched an operation to retake Tal Afar,
involving some 50,000 personnel from the army, air force, federal
police, special forces and the Shia Muslim-led paramilitary Popular
Mobilisation Forces.
Thousands of IS militants as well as Iraqi civilians were killed
since the government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and the
coalition, was launched in October 2016 to fight the militant group.
Three Iraqi children killed, wounded in bomb blast in Mosul
Old City
Mohammed Ebraheem Oct 30, 2018,
Nineveh (IraqiNews.com) –
Three Iraqi children were killed and wounded Tuesday when a bomb
exploded in Mosul Old City, a local source was quoted as saying.
Speaking to the Baghdad Today website, the source said a bomb hidden
under the rubble went off while a bunch of children were playing at the
courtyard of Al Nuri Mosque in Mosul’s western side.
The explosion left a child dead and two others wounded, the source
He added that the injured were moved to hospital for treatment.
Violence in the country has surged further with the emergence of
Islamic State extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate”
in Iraq and Syria in 2014.
The surge in violence between armed groups and government forces has
resulted in over five million internally displaced persons across Iraq
and left more than 11 million in need of humanitarian assistance,
according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
A total of 75 Iraqi civilians were killed, while 179 others were
injured due to acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in
September 2018, according to casualty figures by the United Nations
Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).
Baghdad came on top of the worst affected Governorate, with 101
civilian casualties (31 killed, 70 injured), followed by Anbar (15
killed and 37 injured).
The following are news stories from the US Department of
Defense website (http://www.defense.gov/News)
CJTF-OIR and Turkish Military Begin Combined Joint Patrols
Release No: 18-104 Nov. 1, 2018
November 1, 2018
Release # 20181101-01
Coalition and Turkish military forces initiated combined joint
patrols northwest of Manbij this morning.
The combined joint
patrols allow Coalition and Turkish military forces to complement the
local security structure for security and stability in Manbij.
Maintaining security and stability in Manbij is imperative to sustaining
momentum during the ongoing defeat-ISIS operations in eastern Syria and
for the safe and voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced
"As professional NATO forces, the recent rehearsals
conducted by Turkish and Coalition forces provide an important
foundation. Our interoperability ensures our ability to work together to
continue to protect the civilians of Manbij in our common goal of the
enduring defeat of Da'esh,” said Maj. Gen (UK) Christopher Ghika, Deputy
Commander of Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve.
“We’re fully supportive of the road map and the combined joint patrols,
and I am confident they will be very effective.”
A designated
and bilaterally agreed upon ground force commander led the joint patrol.
The combined joint patrols follow rehearsals where the two
military forces addressed safety and familiarization with combined
tactical operations.
Turkish and Coalition military forces have
conducted more than 60 independent, coordinated patrols outside of
Manbij since June 2018.
Operation Roundup targets ISIS remnants
Release No: 18-103 Oct. 30, 2018
October 30, 2018
Release #
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its
partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated
parts of Iraq and Syria.
Operation Roundup, which began May 1
for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi-
Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists
from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision
Coalition strike support.
Combined Joint Task Force - Operation
Inherent Resolve and its partner forces' operations are exerting
pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading,
disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout
Iraq and Syria.
Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS
remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of
ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all
our homelands from ISIS's threat.
Weekly Strike Summary
Between Oct. 21 and Oct. 27, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces
conducted 188 strikes consisting of 293 engagements in Iraq and Syria.
On Oct. 27 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes
consisting of 32 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 24 strikes engaged 12 tactical units, and destroyed three
headquarters buildings, five command and control centers, four supply
routes, three weapons caches, two IED facilities, and one mortar.
On Oct. 27 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three
strikes consisting of five engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Kirkuk and Al Anbar, three strikes destroyed three bed down
locations, two caves and destroyed one bunker.
On Oct. 26
in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of
43 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 33 strikes engaged 22 tactical units, destroyed 23 fighting
positions, three firing positons, three vehicle-borne IEDs, two vehicle
borne IED facilities, one building, one command and control center, one
weapons cache, one vehicle, and three supply routes.
There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.26, 2018.
On Oct. 25 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes
consisting of 32 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 24 strikes engaged 32 tactical units, destroyed 23 fighting
positions, one vehicle, and three firing positions.
On Oct. 25
in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of
five engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Tel Afer, one strike destroyed two caves and damaged three tunnels.
On Oct. 24 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes
consisting of 59 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 27 strikes engaged five tactical units, destroyed 22
fighting positions, three firing positions, one weapons cache, two
staging areas, three mortars, five supply routes, one IED factory, one
vehicle borne IED, one bridge, one vehicle, one command and control
center, and one factory.
There were no reported strikes
conducted in Iraq on Oct. 24, 2018.
On Oct. 23 in Syria,
coalition military forces conducted 30 strikes consisting of 46
engagements against an ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 30 strikes engaged 16 tactical units, and destroyed 18
fighting positions, 10 supply routes, two bridges, three vehicles, two
firing positions, one compound, one vehicle borne IED, one command and
control center.
There were no reported strikes conducted
in Iraq on Oct. 23, 2018.
On Oct. 22 in Syria, coalition
military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 55 engagements
against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 33 strikes engaged 16 tactical units, and
destroyed 13 fighting positions, 10 supply routes, two firing positions,
two compounds, one piece of heavy equipment, one IED facility, and one
staging area.
There were no reported strikes
conducted in Iraq on Oct. 22, 2018.
On Oct 21, 2018 in Syria,
coalition military forces conducted 13 military strikes consisting of 16
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 13 strikes engaged 13 tactical units, and
destroyed three supply routes, two bridges, two vehicles, one command
and control center, one fighting position, one firing position, one
compound and two staging areas.
There were no reported strikes
conducted in Iraq on Oct. 21, 2018.
Operation Roundup targets ISIS remnants
Release No: 18-101 Oct. 23, 2018
October 23, 2018
Release #
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its
partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated
parts of Iraq and Syria.
Operation Roundup, which began May 1
for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi-
Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground through offensive
operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.
Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner
forces' operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and
associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS
organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.
Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains
committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability
in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS's terrorist
Weekly Strike Summary
Between Oct. 14 and Oct.
20, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 70 strikes consisting
of 109 engagements in Iraq and Syria.
On Oct. 20 in Syria,
coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of nine
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 10 strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed two
vehicles one vehicle-borne IED, one observation point, four supply
routes and one staging area.
There were no reported
strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 20, 2018.
On Oct. 19 in Syria,
coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 18
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 10 strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed one
vehicle-borne IED, one armored vehicle, three vehicles and five supply
There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq
on Oct.19, 2018.
On Oct. 18 in Syria, coalition military forces
conducted 10 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 10 strikes engaged 29 tactical units, and
destroyed two command and control centers, one IED facility, one
vehicle-borne IED facility, one mortar team headquarters, one building
and two staging areas.
On Oct. 18 in Iraq, coalition military
forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against ISIS
Near Tuz Khurmatu, one strikes destroyed three tunnels and one fighting
On Oct. 17 in Syria, coalition military forces
conducted 14 strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 14 strikes destroyed six fighting positions,
six firing positions, one observation point, one facility, one armored
vehicle, two staging areas, one supply route and damaged one fighting
On Oct. 17 in Iraq, coalition military forces
conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against an ISIS
Near Makmur Mountains, one strike destroyed one tunnel entrance.
On Oct. 16 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes
consisting of four engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed one fighting position and one
staging area.
On Oct. 16 in Iraq, coalition military forces
conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against an ISIS
Near Diyala desert, one strikes destroyed one tunnel.
On Oct. 15
in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of
16 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, nine strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and
destroyed two compounds, three fighting positions, four vehicles, two
observation points, two warehouses and one supply route.
There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 15, 2018.
On Oct 14, 2018 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12
military strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Abu Kamal, 12 strikes engaged five tactical units, and destroyed
two command and control centers, six weapons caches, one compound, three
staging areas and two supply routes.
There were no reported
strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 14, 2018.
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