Israeli Brutal Siege of Gaza Protested World-Wide
on May 31,
Israeli Soldiers and Settlers Continue
Violations of Palestinian Human Rights
May 29, 2016
Editor's Note:
The following news stories are just few examples
of the Israeli occupation government's violation of Palestinian human
rights, which cannot continue without the full financial and military
support from the US-EU governments.
Mavi Marmara set to break the brutal Israeli siege of Gaza Strip
on May 31, 2010 but was attacked by Israeli occupation soldiers
who massacred the peace activists on board. |
Turkish activists commemorate 6th anniversary of the Mavi
Marmara massacre perpetrated by Israelis on May 29, 2010 |
Israeli occupation soldiers raid homes, arrests citizens in West
Bank dawn campaigns, May 30, 2016 |
Israeli police teach preschool children how to kill
Palestinians, May 28, 2016 pic |
May 31 declared as world solidarity day with Gaza
May 29, 2016, LONDON, (PIC)--
The world campaign for the support of women boats to Gaza declared
May 31 as the world solidarity day with Gaza in commemoration of the
sixth anniversary of the Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara solidarity ship.
In a press statement on Saturday, Dr. Issam Yousuf, head of
the world popular committee for the support of Gaza, called for massive
action to end the Israeli siege on Gaza Strip. He asked the
international community to protect the women boats heading to Gaza and
guarantee their arrival to the Strip with no objection or interception
by Israeli navy.
He also urged for adopting the Palestinian
demands of establishing a harbor in Gaza and providing the floating
power plant. He called on Egypt to open Rafah border crossing and to
establish a commercial zone with Gaza Strip.
Yousuf said, "The
siege is a massive punishment and a crime against humanity in
Palestine", and called for tabling the Israeli crimes at the
international courts in order to prosecute Israeli army and political
Turkish activists commemorate Marmara massacre
May 29, 2016, ISTANBUL, (PIC)--
Thousands of Turkish citizens and activists joined a march
commemorating the Mavi Marmara massacre perpetrated by the Israeli
occupation forces off the Mediterranean waters.
The march kicked
off from the Taqsim Square in Istanbul under the slogan “We shall keep
marching until Occupied Jerusalem is liberated.”
The Arab
community in Turkey lifted the Palestinian and Turkish flags and chanted
slogans calling for breaking the Israeli siege on Gaza.
Turkish activists were killed after the Israeli navy commandos attacked
the Marmara freedom flotilla with bullet fire and teargas canisters
while on its way to break the Israeli siege on Gaza on May 31, 2010.
Israeli occupation forces raid homes, arrests citizens in
West Bank dawn campaigns
May 29, 2016, RAMALLAH, (PIC)--
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Sunday raided several
homes and carried out arrests in different West Bank areas.
Eyewitnesses said that Israeli troops at dawn stormed and ransacked
al-Salah apartment building in Askar refugee camp, east of Nablus.
One of the residents, from al-Salah family, said that the IOF troops
stormed the building where he lives with his brother at four o'clock in
the morning and forced all families outdoors before embarking on
wreaking havoc on the furniture in the apartments during their search.
During the raid, a Shin Bet officer handed Amjad al-Salah two
interrogation summonses against his sons, Mohamed and Ahmed, ordering
them to go to Huwara military base and threatened him to ransack the
building every two days if they did not comply with the orders.
The soldiers also prevented the family's children from going to
bathrooms, according to an eyewitness.
The IOF also
arrested several Palestinian citizens in different areas of the West
Bank at dawn, including a young man named Mohamed Hamdan from Bireh city
and two teenagers identified as Mohamed Thawabteh and Ahmed Taqateqa
from Bethlehem.
During the IOF campaign in Bethlehem, violent
clashes broke out between young men and soldiers in Assaf street,
according to local sources.
An Israeli military force also
stormed al-Aroub refugee camp and the towns of Beit Ummar and Bani Naim
in al-Khalil and broke into a number of homes, with no reported arrests.
Israeli occupation government police teach preschool children
how to kill
Click to Enlarge NAZARETH, (PIC)--
Haaretz newspaper has revealed that the Israeli occupation government
police launched activities to teach kindergarten children how
to use weapons and suppress protestors.
According to the Hebrew
newspaper on Saturday, dozens of preschool children from Ramat Negev
settlement in the Negev participated recently in such activities
supervised by police and rescue officers.
The children were
provided with basic training on how to shoot using special plastic
rifles and information on some anti-riot and disguise methods used by
police and military personnel.
Police trainers also showed the
children special police equipment, such as bullet-proof vests, handcuffs
and guns, and how they are used against Palestinian protestors.
28-5-2016 5:11 PM.
Illegal Israeli Jewish Settlers damage Palestinian
agricultural products in Bethlehem
May 29, 2016, BETHLEHEM, (PIC)--
Illegal Israeli Jewish extremist settlers damaged agricultural
products of a Palestinian man in al-Khader town to the south of
Bethlehem on Friday.
The coordinator of the committee against
the Separation Wall and Settlement in the town, Ahmad Salah, said that a
group of settlers ruined the main gate of an agricultural field adjacent
to Eliezer settlement and spoiled large quantities of zucchini and snake
The settlers also spoiled grape trees which belong to
the Palestinian Rezeq Salah who revealed that Israeli occupation forces
had erected a caravan over Palestinians’ lands near Daniel settlement to
expand it.
Israeli occupation government police arrest Waqf (Islamic
Endowment) employee
Israeli occupation government police arrested Saturday en
employee at Waqf Department in al-Aqsa Mosque after being summoned for
Wael Abu Obeida, an employee at the Islamic Waqf
department, was arrested and taken in a military vehicle to a nearby
investigation center few hours after being summoned in a police station.
Employees and guards at al-Aqsa Mosque are usually and
systematically subjected to Israeli harassment and detention as part of
Israel’s status quo policy.
Report: 150 Palestinian attacks against Israeli occupation
targets last week
May 29, 2016, RAMALLAH, (PIC)--
150 Palestinian attacks against Israeli occupation targets took place
in different areas of the occupied Palestinian territories last week,
according to a report released by the Jewish Voice website.
During that week, the Palestinian resistance fired rockets from Gaza on
Israeli areas and carried out shooting attacks in the West Bank.
Anonymous person also attacked Israeli targets in the West Bank with
Molotov cocktails and homemade grenades.
Stabbing and stone
throwing attacks were also reported to have happened during the same
week in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
Four Israelis, including
two soldiers, suffered injuries during clashes with young men near
Ramallah and two settlers were also wounded after they were attacked
with stones in the West Bank during the reporting week.
Since the
outbreak of the third intifada (uprising) in October last year, about
213 Palestinians, mostly young people with no organizational
affiliation, have been killed and thousands were wounded during clashes
with or attacks against Israelis.
The Israeli occupation
authority imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers to
the Aqsa Mosque compound last August and facilitated its desecration by
Jewish settlers, thus provoking the feelings of Palestinians and setting
the stage for the intifada.
Turkish Red Crescent offers aid to affected Gazan families
May 29, 2016, GAZA, (PIC)--
Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) on Saturday distributed, in cooperation
with the Turkish Relief Foundation, humanitarian aid to 1,560
Palestinian families affected by the Israeli aggression on Gaza in
summer 2014.
Anadolu agency quoted Yigit Olcay, head of the TRC’s
delegation to Gaza Strip, as saying that 8,000 affected families in al-Shujaiya
district have benefited from the humanitarian relief which included
foodstuffs and cleaning materials.
This was the first batch of
the Turkish pledges in the donors’ conference which was held in Egypt in
October 2014. Turkey’s donation was estimated at 200 million dollars to
be distributed on four stages during the period between 2015 and 2017.
The second batch will be sent in the holy month of Ramadan, he pointed
14 high-school students killed in Jerusalem Intifada
May 29, 2016, GAZA, (PIC)--
Palestinian media reports documented the killing of 14
high-school students, including 3 girls, who were shot by Israeli
Occupation Forces (IOF) during Jerusalem Intifada which broke out on
October 01, 2015.
The 14 martyrs have been missed in the high
school final examinations which are taking place in the West Bank and
Occupied Jerusalem. They are Mustafa al-Khatib, Mohammad Halabiya, and
Sawsan Mansour from Occupied Jerusalem; Daniya Ershaid, Adnan al-Mashni,
Kulezar al-Ewaiwi, Mohammad Shalalde, Ahmad al-Kawazbe and Walid
Tarayreh from al-Khalil; Ahmad Abu al-Rub and Nouruddin Saba’neh from
Jenin; Mohammad Zaghlawan and Labib Azem from Nablus and Ahmad Amer from
78,523 Palestinian high-school students on Saturday
started sitting for the final examinations for 2016 locally known as “Tawjihi”
which last until June 15.
Hanna: Judaization conducted under cultural, artistic themes
in Jerusalem
Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia Atallah Hanna expressed his
refusal of the cultural and artistic events being conducted by Israeli
authorities in Occupied Jerusalem under the theme: "Lights of
He opined that these events aim at Judaizing the
occupied city of Jerusalem by changing its historic Arab and Islamic
In a statement on Saturday, Hanna said, "These
activities are dangerous since they are implemented under the veil of
civilization and culture while in reality they are political events
against the holy city and its people".
He pointed to the
suffering of the Jerusalemite people who complain about the Israeli
aggressive practices that restrict their movement and target their
existence in the city.
Archbishop Hanna also slammed the silence
of the world towards Israeli aggressive practices in Occupied
Israeli occupation government intelligence summons
Jerusalemite woman for investigation
Click to Enlarge OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)--
Israeli occupation government intelligence agents summoned the female
Jerusalemite sit-inner Muna Abu Esbaitan, 58, from al-Tour neighborhood
east of Occupied Jerusalem, to be questioned on Saturday in al-Maskobiya
investigation center.
Abu Esbaitan told Quds Press that she was
summoned over the phone and that she was arrested on four previous
occasions from the Aqsa Mosque.
The Jerusalmite sit-inner Abu
Esbaitan was deported away from the Aqsa Mosque for four times for
various periods. She had previously been arrested after charging her
with belonging to the sit-inners organization which is outlawed by the
Israeli occupation authorities.
She pointed out that Israeli
forces arrested her husband Ali Abu Esbaitan from their home and
summoned her last Sunday within the Israeli campaign against
Jerusalemite sit-inners that escalated with the beginning of this
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