Arabic الجزيرة
Price of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine
to the editor
and meaning of Al-Jazeerah
in News
Nidal, a Palestinian prisoner,
in an Israeli jail, writing a letter to his mother who is going to Makkah
for pilgrimage: "Please Mom, don't forget to pray to God for our
freedom, ..." (There are about 8,000 Palestinian prisoners in
Israeli jails and detention camps, without charges or trials). By Omayya
(Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/31/03). |
Israeli occupation army
officer reporting to his commanders: "We've finished our mission
successfully. We've destroyed all the terrorist cells in the Hebron
market place." (By Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/31/03). |
The state of the Union
after the address (By Emad Hajjaj, Alquds Alarabi, 1/31/03) |
Mandela to George Bush:
Don't play with fire (Alayyam, 1/31/03). |
is America, previously known as Kuwait (By Melhem Emad, Al-Kifah Alarabi,
1/31/03). |
The State of the Union
address (By Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej, 1/31/03). |
George Bush found the link between Alqaeda and Iraq. It's the letter Q
... (Al-Ra'i, 1/31/03). |
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News
Arab rulers disappointed
because of Israeli elections results, which brought the war lord Sharon
and his party back to power. (Hamed, Alittihad, 1/30/03). |
The US administration, as a democratic
government, gives people choices. Here, Arabs are given choices of how to
be destroyed. There are different kinds of missiles and bombs,
conventional and conventional, to choose from. (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad,
The new American
flag, unfolded in the State of the Union address. (By Haroon,
Alittihad, 1/30/03). |
Israeli elections injected new blood in the
arm of the Likud Party to commit more murders and more butchering
against the Ppalestinian people. (Yousuf
Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej, 1/30/03). |
US is pulling the world to World War III. (By Emad Hajjaj, Alquds Alarabi,
1/30/03). |
Israeli elections elevated Sharon and his
settlers to the highest positions in government, again. The absence of
Palestinian elections, because of the Israeli occupation, has elevated
stone throwers (resistance to the Israeli occupation) to the highest
status in the Palestinian society (Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/30/03).
The state of the world
after the state of the union address: I'm blindfolded, I can't see. Get
out of my way. (By Melhem Emad, Al-Kifah Al-Arabi, 1/30/03). |
occuapation forces stop Palestinian pilgrims from leaving to Makkah. (By Khalil Arafeh,
Alquds, 1/30/03). |


Incompetent puppet Arab rulers
(different bulls) announce that they are not related to the white bull
(Saddam), who is going to be eaten by the King of the forest, soon. They think, by this
announcement, that they will be spared. The Arab story says that
the lion will eat them all, one by one. (By Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds,
1/30/03). |
State of the Union address
by George W. Bush (As perceived by Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News (1/30/03)
Arab leaders are given a
choice between being hanged by accepting the US war on Iraq or by
inaction towards the Israeli war of subjugation of the Palestinian
people (Hamed, Alittihad, 1/29/03). |
For every blow the US receives from North
Korea, it retaliates by hitting Arabs. (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad,
Even his wheels
are made of OIL barrels. You can't hide it. (Alayyam,
1/29/03). |
Arab rulers still stick to their peace
option, even with seeing destruction coming to a fellow Arab country. (Yousuf
Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej,
1/29/03). |
Sharon has won Israeli
elections again. The peace pigeon is singing its most bluish
(saddest) song. (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Ad Dustour,
1/29/03). |
Inefficient and incompetent
Arab rulers trying to stop the (war) explosion by pulling the starter wire
instead of using the scissors to cut it. (By Amjed Rasmi, Ad Dustour,
1/29/03) |
Israeli election ballot box, the shining face of Israeli democracy,
which is promoted by the Zionist propaganda machine worldwide. In the
background is the true reality of Israel: An oppressive and occupying
power killing, injuring, and detaining Palestinians and systematically
destroying their society. (By Emad Hajjaj, Alquds Alarabi, 1/29/03). |
and his expected cabinet (settlers, religious extremists, and Zionists
thirsty for more Palestinian blood) after elections (By Khalil Arafeh,
Bush Kijut and his follower
Blair, set out to fix the world. (BKhaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/29/03). |
Is this a traffic jam or
just the wrong way? (By mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/29/03) |
Transformation of Colin Powell (right) into Colin Powell
Hawk (left). By Khalil Arafeh, Alquds
By the Ukranian cartoonist Oleg Luktiv
(Al-Ahram Alarabi, 1/28/03). |
Powell, after his Monday statement, is no longer the head of American
diplomacy. Rather, he was speaking on top of a tank (Emad Hajjaj, Alquds
Alarabi, 1/28/03). |
Palestinians, the winner in the Israeli elections is going to be either
the knife (Labor) or the ax (Likude). Both of them are Israeli weapons
that have been used in killing and injuring them (Khaldoun Gharaybeh,
1/28/03). |
The Israeli right-wing
extremist party candidate (Sharon) and his Labor Party opponent (Mitzna)
in his pocket (By Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/28/03). |
Voting for Sharon and his
party means more killing of Palestinians
(By Amjed Rasmi, Ad Dustour, 1/28/03) |


. Sharon the heart of the
Bush administration (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Ad Dustour, 1/28/03). |
Reports of Blix and Barade'i
will be used (no matter what they contain) to pass a US verdict to
execute Iraq (By Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/28/03). |
By Melhem Emad (Al-Kifah
Al-Arabi, 1/27/03). |
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab
News, 1/27/03). |


. Sharon giving Israeli
settlers and extremists a gift of more Palestinian blood, in return they
give him their votes (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, 1/27/03). |
The US telling Arab rulers,
who are digging Iraq's grave: "Make it big enough for two."
(By Amjed Rasmi, Ad Dustour, 1/27/03). |
By Emad Hajjaj (1/26/03).
A "Yes"
for Sharon. (By Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/27/03). |
US-protected puppet Arab
rulers singing for the US war on Iraq. (By Rasmi, Alquds, 1/27/03). |
One Palestinian telling
another, under Israeli fire: Their propagandists fill the world with
claims about Israeli democracy. Is this what democracy results in? (By Khalil Arafeh,
Alquds, 1/27/03).
. The choices before Israeli voters (By Hamed, Alittihad,
1/27/03). |
The inaction and even
complacency of Arab rulers towards the US plans to invade Iraq made them
the subject of scorn by Arab citizens. (By Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/27/03). |
When the invasion is
complete, this is where the flag is going to be flown ... In case you
don't know, this is an OIL rig. (By Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i,
1/26/03). |
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab
News, 1/26/03). |
Conference: a disgraceful inability to do anything to prevent
the war on Iraq: Aya Sofia Mosque (the symbol of Muslim power in
the past) is upside down. By Emad Hajjaj (1/26/03).
The yesterday
Israeli raid on Gaza Strip was met with fierce resistance (By
Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/26/03). |
The pro-US puppet Arab
rulers insist on sticking to their peace initiatives. They don't know
even where they stand!!! (By Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/26/03). |
The Israeli raid on Beit
Hanoon, yesterday, aimed at the destruction of bridges that link the town
with the rest of Gaza Strip. What else have Israelis brought to the Middle
East other than destruction? (By Khalil Arafeh,
Alquds, 1/26/03).
The US tells its puppet Arab rulers that it pressures
Israel for concessions towards the Palestinians. (By Hamed, Alittihad,
1/26/03). |
The world economy throws
flowers on those meeting in Davos but throws nails on those protesting
in Porto Alegri. (Yousuf Abedlaki, Alkhaleej, 1/26/03). |
No matter how much Israeli
occupation forces destroy of Palestinian buildings and homes, their
efforts cannot break the will of the Palestinian people (Omayya, Alhayat
Aljadeeda, 1/25/03).
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab
News, 1/25/03). |
Israeli elections are going to be held on time (1/28), Palestinian
elections have been prevented by the Israeli occupation (By Khalil Arafeh,
Alquds, 1/25/03). |
By Hamed (Alittihad,
1/25/03). |
An Arab ruler asking his
butler about the news. The butler says that it is the Venezuelan
opposition demnding the resignation of President Chavez. Then, the Arab
ruler says: God bless our opposition. They don't demand things like
that. (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/25/03). |
While the US is about to
invade Iraq, puppet Arab rulers are wondering whether really, really
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction! (By Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds,
1/25/03). |
The Istanbul Conference
included all countries neighboring to Iraq except Kuwait. The reason
cited by a Kuwaiti official was that Kuwait is not Iraq's neighbor.
Rather, it is America's neighbor. (By Emad Melhem, Alkifah Alarabi,

The oil curse will even
touch the super shark (Alayyam, 1/25/03).
Arab rulers made Arabs a
carpet for the impending US invasion of Iraq (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Ad Dustour,

and Baradei stunned as an Iraqi official pledging unlimited cooperation.
Baradei to Blix: This is going to cause us trouble with Washington
(Amjed Rasmi, Ad Dustour, 1/24/03). |
faster, we're already late (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Ad Dustour, 1/24/03). |
The Istanbul
conference is a march in a minefield (By
Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej, 1/24/03). |
Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, (1/24/03). |
A huge and dark cloud is
looming over the Arab homeland (By Haroon, Al-Khaleej, 1/24/03). |
The world opposition to
war on Iraq has held the Bush administration so far from launching it (By Emad Hajjaj,
Alquds Alarabi, 1/24/03).
Voting for
Sharon means more missiles and more bombs on the Palestinian people, who
are trapped and isolated under the Israeli occupation (By Mahmoud Kahil,
Arab News, 1/24/03). |
The conference of Middle Eastern states in
Istanbul calls for peace addressing the US with the Islamic greeting,
"Peace to you." The Bush administration answers: "War on
Iraq." (By Khalil Arafeh, Alquds, 1/24/03).
Chirac and Schroeder announce that France and
Germany will NOT support the US war on Iraq. (By Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News,
In his march towards Iraq, George Bush is
mounting puppet Arab rulers, who are suffocating their people, and
running away from world-wide anti-war demonstrations (By Emad Hajjaj,
Alquds Alarabi, 1/23/03). |
league officials are embarassed to answer a question about the state of
the Arab Nation now. The questioner is a resurrected Arab from the 9th
century. (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/23/03). |
Arabs who have the right to vote in Israeli elections (20% of voters) do
not influence Israeli policies because Zionist parties exclude them. (Hamed, Alittihad,
1/23/03). |
The UN Security
Council tailoring resolutions to suit the US. (By
Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej, 1/23/03). |
desperate UN inspectors found an Iraqi bean-boiling pot: Ah, Ha! The
Iraqi report has left this device out. (By Fayez Mubayidheen, 1/23/03). |
Bush cares about the well being of America's Arab allies (puppets). By
Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/23/03). |
Istanbul Middle East regional conference to stop the US war on Iraq
cannot achieve its goal, simply because it doesn't have the right means
to do so. (Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/23/03). |

second most important landing (on an Arab oil barrel), after landing on
the Moon. (By Emad Hajjaj, Ad-Dustour, 1/22/03). |
in the Middle East and the world is in real danger (By Khaldoun Garaybeh,
Al-Ra'i, 1/22/03) |
The US policy in the
Middle East: Hit first, then think about it later, if you have to. (By
Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej, 1/22/03). |
Bush screaming at Hans Blix: Where are the weapons of mass destruction
(that you're supposed to find? Hans Blix: On your back. (By Jalal Al-Rifa', Ad-Dustour,
1/22/03). |
pro-US Arab rulers hold a big sign of 'Yes to War" to please the US
and a very small sign of "No to War" for their local
consuption. (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/22/03). |
says: I have nuclear weapons. The US answers: Thank God that you don't
have weapons of mass destruction. (Hamed, Alittihad, 1/22/03). |
Come back quickly, the TV
news time has started (Haroon, Al-Khaleej, 1/22/03).
world watching the balance of power between Sharon (Israel) with Bush
(US) on his lap on one end and Arafat (the Palestinian people) on the
other (By Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/22/03). |
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab
News, 1/21/03). |
world watching the balance of power between Sharon (Israel) with
Bush (US) in his lap on one end and Arafat (the Palestinian
people) on the other (By Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/22/03). |
rulers don't want Arab citizen watch Israeli elections because democracy
is an infectious disease (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/21/03). |
Bush looking at the truly empty heads (those of Arab rulers). Al-Ayyam
cartoonist (1/21/03). |
The US, UK, Arab rulers,
and Iraq (By Amjed Rasmi, Ad-Dustour, 1/21/03). |
world demonstrating against war on Iraq while the war is victory for
pro-US Arab rulers (By Jalal Al-Rifa', Ad-Dustour, 1/21/03). |

between the UN hammer and the US anvel (By Emad Hajjaj, Ad-Dustour,
1/21/03). |
color-blind UN nuclear inspector, Al-Baradei, cannot see the Israeli
arsenal of nuclear weapons. His goal is Iraq only (By Khaldoun Garaybeh,
Al-Ra'i, 1/21/03) |
all these anti-war on Iraq demonstrations all over the world, including
Washington DC, George Bush doesn't hear anything simply because his ears
are blocked by a huge 2004 elections ballot box (Mahmoud Kahil,
1/20/03). |
Weapons of mass
destruction (inflating America's Arab allies to become larger than
their real size). By Amjed Rasmi, Ad-Dustour, 1/20/03). |
By Jalal
Al-Rifa'i (Ad-Dustour, 1/20/03). |

Middle Eastern countries are meeting in Turkey this weekend to prevent
war on Iraq peacefully. Geuss who's pulling the reins? (Yousuf Abedlaki,
Al-Khaleej, 1/20/03). |
one more little push from the finger of the invisible war monger, then
the world will be on fire (By Zaki Shaqfeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/20/03) |
with us for the Palestinian girl, Nouran Al-Karmi. Who kidnapped
her? Why? (By Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/19/03). |
I'm worried about the Iraqi empty missile heads. - And I'm
worried about your empty head. (By Melhem Emad, Al-Kifah Al-Arabi,
1/19/03). |
it comes to North Korea with its weapons of mass destruction, the US is
ignoring it like an ostrich putting its head in an underground hole. But
when it comes to Iraq with its date palm trees, the US is an eagle ready
to eat its prey. In either case, the US is led, commanded, and mounted by Zionist
Israel, which is armed to teeth by all kinds of weapons of mass
destruction. (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, 1/19/03). |
US build up in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf to invade and destroy Iraq is
met with deafening silence of Arabs rulers, who
see the US tanks in front of them but are silent like the dead (Emad
Hajjaj, Ad-Dustour, 1/19/03). |
The Saturday demonstrations all over the
world wrote "NO" (in Arabic) to war (By Khalil Arafeh, Alquds,
The disagreements between the Lebanese
President and his Prime Minister are threatening the foundations of the
Lebanese political system, as seen by Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News,
This is the food that
the First World is giving to the Third World: A painting of the
dollar. ( By Hamed, Alittihad, 1/19/03). |
started to lose his patience (for oil) By Amjed Rasmi (Ad-Dustour,
1/19/03). |
NO WAR (By Khalil
Arafeh, Alquds, 1/18/03).
US abuse of the UN (By Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/18/03). |
Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News, 1/18/03). |
rulers look at the mirror to see themselves as American chiefs,
who were eliminated by British setters in North America (Mustafa
Rahma, Alittihad, 1/18/03). |
inspectors looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (By
Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/17/03). |
is doing his best to reach Zionist Israeli voters (Jalal Al-Rifa'i,
Ad-Dustour, 1/17/03). |
Israeli occupation forces close down Palestinian universities
but open new prisons for Palestinian youngmen (Khalil Abu Arafeh,
1/17/03). |
efforts to stop the US war on Iraq (Al-Ayyam cartoonist,
1/17/03). |
ready to attack, Sir. What's the name of this operation? Hm, Hm
(I don't know). By Nabeel Tag (Al-Ahram Daily, 1/17/03). |
hunting excursion (By Emad Hajjaj,, 1/17/03). |
Jong Il, the North Korean President, is becoming popular in the
Middle East. "Long live North Korea." (Mustafa Rahma,
Alittihad, 1/17/03). |
NATO against Third World countries (By Mahmoud Kahil, 1/17/03). |
on hawkish and blood thirsty US media (particularly TV networks,
such as Fox, CNN, and CNBC), Jalal Al-Rifa'i (Ad-Dustour,
1/17/03) is showing them replacing their human heads with
missiles. |
did you get this (weapon of mass destruction)? By Fayez
Mubaydheen (Al-Ra'i, 1/17/03). |
Arab initiatives to avoid the war on Iraq cannot stand the first US
missile (Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej, 1/16/03). |
a UAE fishmarket, a native customer complains about the increasing
prices of fish these days.The Indian salesman answers him: "Don't
you see the news?" (The Gulf is crowded with fleets). By Haroon
(Al-Khaleej, 1/16/03). |
Satellite TV stations are playing in people's minds (By
Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/16/03). |
Sawalha's wife: The Israelis kept looking for him live or dead but they
couldn't catch him until his death in his exile in Croatia (Omayya,
Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/16/03). |
final statement of the London Conference: "Mere words." (By
Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/16/03). |
The British government couldn't do
anything to the Israeli government for preventing Palestinian officials from
attending the London Conference about Palestine: "Even Greenich is not working"
(Al-Ayyam, 1/15/03).
Bush lost his patience (sabr in Arabic, also meaning cactus). So he
needs more of it to calm down (By Khalil Arafeh, Alquds, 1/16/03).

Palestinians and the London
Conference (By Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/15/03).
The US-influenced UN inspectors
are looking for any excuse for the US to attack Iraq. Here's one: Date palm
fruits have seeds that have the meaning of "nuclear" in Arabic. See,
we told you so. They have weapons of mass destruction (Omayya, 1/15/03).
all this US military build up around them, embarassing Arab rulers are
still debating wthether there will be war or not (Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej,
1/15/03). |
trying to stop the Israeli rolling stone during this turbulant time of
elections and threat of war on Iraq (Emad Hajjaj, Alquds Alarabi,
1/15/03). |
Mustafa Rahma (
Alittihad, 1/15/03). |
impatient US (the military helmet) to the UN inspectors: Haven't you
found anything yet? (By Fayez
Mubayidheen, Al-Ra'i, 1/15/03). |
Turkish Prime Minister, Gul, looking in the mirror to see Arabs as his
moustache (honorable area) after beign rejected from the European Union
(Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/15/03). |
and helpless Arab rulers go to astrologers to tell them about future.
Astrologers tell them what they read about the US-Israeli plans for the Middle
East (By Hamed,
Alittihad, 1/15/03). |
demonstrations all over the world have expressed a world public opinion
that has shielded Baghdad so far from the US invasion (Khalil Abu Arafeh,
1/14/03). |
calling his war (defense) minister, Mofaz: "General, my popularity
is in decline. We need a massacre or two to bring it up. (By
Emad Melhem, Al Kifah Al Arabi, 1/14/03). |
reelection campaign (Emad Hajjaj, Alquds Alarabi, 1/14/03). |
US threat of war on Iraq is bringing the symbol of death to the Middle
East (By Mustafa Rahma,
Alittihad, 1/14/03). |
world cannot stand the smelling coming out of Sharon's
atrocities, which include but not limited to killing, injuring,
demolishing, destruction, raids, assassinations, corruption, and
bribes. However, the US is their for Sharon saying that this
smells good because it comes from somebody who is dear (Jalal
Al-Rifa'i, Al-Dustour, 1/13/03). |
Korea: Intifada of the Heavy Kind (By
Mahmoud Kahil Arab News, 1/13/03). |
promise of Israeli elections to the Palestinian people: A choice
between the Likude occupation or the Labor occupation (Hamed,
Alittihad, 1/13/03). |
new (US-Israeli imposed) world (globe) order (By Mustafa Rahma,
Alittihad, 1/13/03). |
all over the world are screaming against a US naked aggression
against Iraq. However, George W. Bush says: I don't hear
anything. My ears are blocked with two barrel of oil (Khalil Abu
Arafeh, Alquds, 1/12/03). |
Israeli war chief (called defense minister), Shaul Mofaz,
announced that getting rid of President Arafat is a matter of time (By
Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/12/03). |
election campaigns, an exchange of stinky dirt (By Mahmoud Kahil,
Arab News, 1/12/03). |
the weapons of mass destruction case against the Iraqi people
(who are the victims of war and sanctions), Israel is the judge
and the US is the prosecutor and the witness, US-influenced UN
inspectors (By Hamed, Alittihad,
1/12/03). |
it comes to non-Arabs and non-Muslims (North Korea in this
case), the US is very polite and very respectful. Uncle Sam: All
what I'm asking about is the number of ballistic missiles that
you have, and sorry for interruption (Mustafa Rahma, Alittiahd,
1/12/03). |
Jung Il: "Hey Bush: I challenge you, I have nuclear
weapons." George W. Bush: "But you don't have
oil, go play somewhere else." (By Emad Hajjaj, Al-Dustour,
1/12/03). |
Uncle Sam is milking the Arab cow, Israel is waiting for
its share of the milk (about $20 billion this year
alone) By Amjed Rasmi (Al-Dustour, 1/12/03). |
Israeli election campaigns:
Who is tougher on Palestinians? Who pledges to bleed them more? Who
pledges to confiscate more of their lands? Who promises to demolish more
of their houses and arrest more of their young men? (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i,
Al-Dustour, 1/12/03). |
George Bush busy these days
reading about Holago, the Mongol invader who conquered Baghdad in 1258,
killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims there, and throwing its libraries
in the Tigress River (Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/11/03). |
Open Sam Sam (instead of
Sesame): Sharon receiving billions of dollars from the US deep debt-sunk
treasury for his Palestinian land-grapping Zionist settlers ... He first
asked for $12 billion, then he increased to to $14 billion, and now the
snow ball is $20 billion (Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Al-Dustour, 1/11/03). |
"The Dollar Dance."
... Starring: Sharon and his settlers ... Featuring how Israel is
having easy access to tens of billions of dollars from the US treasury,
without objection from anybody in government or media (By Yousuf Abedlaki,
Al-Khaleej, 1/11/03). |
and Sons (By Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/11/03). |
Blix, angry at his UN
inspector as they have failed so far to find any excuse that would allow
the US to invade Iraq: You should find evidence, even if it is underground
(Khalil Abu Arafeh, Alquds, 1/11/03). |
Sharon burning the
Palestinian occupied territories and smoking out money for his two sons,
Gil'ad and Amri (By Zaki Shaqfeh, 1/11/03). |
Mustafa Rahma of Alittihad
(1/11/03) expressing his surprise about how Zionist Israelis were shocked to
discover that Sharon had received more than a million dollars of bribes.
He is surprised
because they had stolen an entire country from its owners, the Palestinian
people. How can they be shocked for this little bribe? !!! |

The Sharon government of
Israel prevented most members of the Palestinian Central Council from
meeting to start writing the permanent constitution. However, a number
of them met in defiance to the Israeli occupation showing their
determination to achieve that goal (Khalil Abu Arafeh, 1/10/03). |
The new Texan gun pointing to Iraq (Al-Ayyam,
could not be anything else but itself, an imperialist power, by joining
the US-British imminent invasion of Iraq: Soldier Chirac: This is the way
to the oil fields, Sir. (Mahmoud Kahil, 1/10/03). |
New Middle Eastern Civilization: The United States of Arabia (USA):
"In Oil, We Trust" (By Emad Hajjaj,, 1/10/03). |
We look for
peace (By Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/10/03). |
Bush to Kim Jung Il: You can't provoke me, you neither tried to kill my
Dad, nor you have oil. Why should I bother about your nuclear
capabilities? (By Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Al-Dustour, 1/9/03). |
Palestinians under the new
Sharon policies are not allowed to work, travel outside Palestine, travel
between cities and villages. In addition, most of them are under curfews.
What is this going to lead to? (Nasser Al-Ja'afari, Alquds, 1/8/03). |
The racist nature of Israeli
democracy is seen in these two published news items. First, an Israeli
soldier who killed a Palestinian elderly women is sentenced to 30 days in
prison, instead of the original sentence (60 days). Second, a number of
Palestinian youngmen were sentence to tens of years for killing an Israeli
young woman (Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/10/03). |
George Bush's special
binoculars: Two Iraqi oil barrels, capped by Saddam's pictures (Al-Ayyam's
cartoonist, 1/9/03). |
concepts: "Terrorism" (left), and "Self-defense"
(right). By Yousuf Abedlaki (Al-Khaleej, 1/9/03). |

Pro-US Arab
rulers announcing more freedom and democracy for their people (By
Rahma, Alittihad, 1/9/03). |
Despite its smaller size,
North Korea's nuclear capabilities forced the US to use diplomacy, not
confrontation like in the case of Iraq. What lesson does this give to
other countries? (By Amjed Rasmi, Al-Dustour, 1/9/03).
waiting for the unprovoked invasion (Emad Hajjaj, Alquds Alarabi,
1/8/03). |
US "Road Map" to Palestinian independence: Read if you can (By
Khaldoun Garaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/8/03). |
an earthquake in the Middle East (By Emad Hajjaj, Al-Dustour, 1/7/03). |
Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News, 1/8/03). |
The acrobat UN
Secretary-General, Koffi Annan, juggling (Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News,
1/6/03). |
The Israeli flag over Baghdad (By Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News, 1/7/03). |

Israeli continuous war on the Palestinian people backfires (Amjed Rasmi,
Al-Dustour, 1/7/03). |
The first sortie of the US air campaign on
Iraq: Bribes for collaborators in the region (Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Al-Dustour,
Israel prevents the Palestinian
delegation to attend the British peace conference (By Khalil Arafeh,
Alquds, 1/7/03). |
US "Road Map" for Palestinians to reach independence, as taught
by Sharon and his settlers (Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/7/03). |

to Bush: I need your money ($14 billion) and your support to win the
Israeli elections (Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Al-Dustour, 1/6/03). |
The war on Iraq is the
solution for American problems, the economy in particular (Khaldoun
Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/6/03). |

world according to George Bush is composed only of North Korea and Iraq
(Mustafa Rahma, Alittihad, 1/6/03). |
US is using Arab regimes in its war on Iraq (Emad Hajjag, Al-Dustour,
1/6/02). |
Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News, 1/4/02). |
Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News, 1/5/02). |
war monster over the heads of Arabs (Khalil Abu Arafeh, Alquds, 1/5/03). |
is screaming (By Sa'ad Eddin, Al-Ahram daily, 1/5/03). |
double-faced Arab rulers when it comes to the war on Iraq: A grim face
for the media while they are truly happy about it (Yousuf Abedlaki,
Al-Khaleej, 1/5/03). |
2003: War on Iraq (By
Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 1/5/03). |
US-dominated UN is used to punish Arabs for being armed with a gun while
leaving nuclear-armed Israel alone (By Hamed, Alittihad, 1/5/03). |
voters with Israeli citizenship don't see major differences between the
two Zionist Israeli political parties (Labor and Likude). By Mustafa
Rahma (Alittihad, 1/5/03). |
Emad Hajjaj (1/4/02). |
is what the war on Iraq all about: OIL (By Al-Ra'i cartoonist, 1/4/03). |
occupation soldiers fired gas bombs at striking Palestinian prisoners,
in Ofer Prison (Khalil Abu Arafeh, Alquds, 1/4/03). They have been in
prison (together with about 8,000 others) since April 2002 without
charges or trial. |
Palestinians (middle) betrayed by the US broken
promises to take them to the Palestinian state (Mitchel, Tenet, Zinni,
Saterfield, ... etc.). Sharon is jubilant for the double crossing (Jalal
Al-Rifa'i, 1/4/03).
Partnership." The average Arab considers Arab rulers who collaborate
with the US-UK military preparations to invade Iraq as guilty as the
invaders themselves (Amjed Rasmi, Alquds, 1/3/02).
are bleeding and crying silently as they hold the peace symbol. The blind
superpower doesn't see it because it puts on Israeli glasses (Unsigned
Al-Ra'i cartoon, 1/3/03). |

Is this all what the world can do
to the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine? (Mahmoud Kahil, Arab News,
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News, 1/1/03).
average Arab citizen is tortured by the continuous Israeli war on the
Palestinian people, the US-UK imminent war on Iraq, the one-party
system, poverty, and illiteracy (Yousuf Abedlaki, Al-Khaleej,
1/3/03). |
UN inspector to the impoverished Iraqi (because of 12 years of economic
sanctions): You have weapons of mass destruction. The impoverished Iraqi
looks at him disdainfully for his hypocracy: How can I have them in
these circumstances. Arabs know that UN inspectors are looking for
anything that may help the US-UK to invade Iraq. (Khalil Abu Arafeh,
Alquds, 1/3/03). |
Democracy: Just for Jews, Arabs are not allowed. Khalil Abu Arafeh
(Alquds, 1/2/03) reflecting on the Israeli Parliament resolution to bar
two Palestinian-Israelis of its members to run for reelection (Ahmed
Al-Tibi and Bishara). They also barred Bishara's political party from
elections. |
By Mahmoud Kahil (Arab News, 1/2/03).

Arab power elites (rulers) are being replaced by the US power elite to
rule over Arabs directly in the new year (Amjed Rasmi, Al-Dustour,
1/2/03). |
bouquet of suffering for the Palestinian people in the new year (2003),
under the Israeli brutal occupation: Assassination, military
checkpoints, shelling and bombing, expensive fuel, and expensive
transportation (Omayya, Alhayat Aljadeeda, 1/2/03). |
In a
government-controlled Arab TV (as opposed to independent TV stations):
The two guests who are supposed to represent two different perspectives
are in fact complementing each other (Hamed, Alittiahd, 1/2/03). |
official in the Arab League: Cheap talk and no action (Mustafa Rahmeh,
Alittihad, 1/2/03). |
In a
government-controlled Arab TV (as opposed to independent TV stations):
The two guests who are supposed to represent two different perspectives
are in fact complementing each other (Hamed, Alittiahd, 1/2/03). |
official in the Arab League: Cheap talk and no action (Mustafa Rahmeh,
Alittihad, 1/2/03). |
Third World in the 3rd millennium: devastated by the US-Israeli wars to
control its resources (Maher Dawoud, Al-Ahram daily, 1/2/03). |
Sharon, the ultimate ruler
of the world, who controls the US, which controls the Middle East, the
world power house. (Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Al-Dustour, 1/2/03). |


Evil is coming. (Al-Ayyam
cartoonist, 12/31/02). |
Arab rulers and the coming
war on Iraq. (Omayya, Al-Hayyat Al-Jadeda 12/31/02). |
By Amjad Rasmi (
Al-Dustur, 12/31/02). |
By Jalal Al-Rife'i (
Al-Dustur, 12/31/02). |
By Imad Hajaj ( Al-Dustur,
12/31/02). |
The real ugly one, 2003 (By Farag Hussain,
Al-Ahram daily, 1/1/03). |
North Korea and the US balloon. (By Hamid Atta,
Al-Khaleej, 1/1/03). |
By Yousuf Abed Laki, (Al-Khaleej, 1/1/03). |
By Haroon (Al-Khaleej, 1/1/03). |
By Mustafa Rahma
(Al-Ittihad, 1/1/03). |
Abu Arafeh (Alquds, 1/1/03) commenting on the Prdominantly right-wing
extremist Israeli Parliament resolution to bar two Palestinian-Israelis,
who are members of parliament, from running for elections (Azmi Bishara
and Ahmed Tibi). The signs says: "Israeli democracy but Arabs are
not allowed." |
Al-Ja'afari (Alquds, 1/1/02) contemplating on 2003, as the year of death
and destruction inflicted on Palestinians and Iraqis by Israel and the
US. |
Opinions expressed in
various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they
may not represent Al-Jazeerah's.