28 SEPTEMBER 2002 Demonstration on Iraq and Palestine in London |
Human Price of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine Mission and meaning of Al-Jazeerah
Demo in London on 28 SEPTEMBER 2002 Demonstration on Iraq
and Palestine in London Saturday, 28 September 2002, from 13:00: assemble
at Embankment, and march to Hyde Park Major national demonstration,
details to be announced. http://www.stopwar.org.uk
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign the National "Don't Attack Iraq" Petition, http://www.PetitionOnline.com/cndstwc/petition.html Images::: http://www.stopwar.org.uk/Resources/Art/startwars.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you know? ------------------------------- in Iraq, infant and child mortality has doubled in the past 12 years *1 in 5 children in south and central Iraq are chronically malnourished *Iraqi hospitals in areas heavily bombed by US and UK planes during the Gulf War are full of children dying from a cancer epidemic and many babies are born with congenital malformations. *The Iraqi national literacy rate has dropped 22% over the past 12 years *There continues to be regular bombing of Iraq by the US and UK - wounding and killing Iraqi citizens. *When asked whether the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the price of implementing sanctions, the US Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright, said “it was worth the price”.
It is time to stop punishing ordinary Iraqi people. **************************************************************
BUILD-UP TO 28 SEPTEMBER ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATION Advance Media Briefing In the run-up to the massive Don't Attack Iraq demonstration on Saturday 28 September there will be a flurry of activities all over the country. A few highlights among many others include: Large scale billboard advertisements in Birmingham, Leeds and other cities. Saturday, 21 September, 3pm - Bradford, public meeting with George Galloway, Liz Davies, Lindsey German, Carlisle Business Centre, Carlisle Road, Bradford 8 (for more information call John Rees 07951 535 798). Monday, 23 September, 7:30pm – Brixton Town Hall, Lambeth, public meeting with Asad Rehman and others (call Rob Ferguson 07989 573 785). Tuesday, 24 September - presence in Parliament Square from 10 AM throughout the Commons debate. Tuesday, 24 September, 7:30pm - Southwark public meeting, 131 Camberwell Road (call Rob Ferguson 07989 573 785). Tuesday, 24 September, 7:30pm – Public meeting, Hampstead Town Hall, Haverstock Hill, with Jeremy Corbyn MP, Bruce Kent, Dr Siddiqui (Muslim Parliament) – (call Liz Wheatley 07989 578 840). Wednesday, 11am STOP THE WAR COALITION/MAB PRESS CONFERENCE ROOM C, ONE PARLIAMENT STREET George Galloway MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, and officers of the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain will brief the media on the aims of and arrangements for the 28 September demonstration. The full list of speakers at the march will be announced. We will be happy to answer any and all questions pertaining to the march. Officers of the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain will be available for interview. Already, more than 300 coaches from around the country are booked to bring protesters to the march. We expect many more to be booked in the next week. Saturday, 28 September – DEMONSTRATION – ASSEMBLE AT EMBANKMENT 12:30PM. MARCH TO HYDE PARK FOR RALLY WITH SPEAKERS. THERE WILL BE DESIGNATED MEDIA ENCLOSURES AT BOTH ENDS OF THE MARCH WHERE WE WILL PROVIDE ACCREDITED MEDIA WITH INFORMATION AND INTERVIEWS PERTAINING TO THE MARCH (DETAILS TO BE ISSUED EARLY NEXT WEEK). The Don't Attack Iraq/Freedom for Palestine demonstration on 28 September promises to be one of the largest anti-war protests seen in Europe in recent times. Endorsements for the demonstration come from an unprecedented range of organisations, including eleven national trades union, numerous Muslim organisations, human rights and community campaigns, MPs and MEPs, the Mayor of London and many others (see www.stopwar.org.uk for a full list). We can provide assistance with preview coverage - access to public meetings, leafleting, placard-making, etc. as well as a wide range of interviewees - representing the extraordinary spectrum of British public opinion now opposing war against Iraq. Please contact us to ensure your organisation secures accurate and up-to-date coverage of this major political event. Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent Al-Jazeerah's. |